
5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto

5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto

Thinking about how some of these actually work will probably make you not sleep at night.

Naruto spoilers ahead!

Naruto has no shortage of different jutsu. Many of them are incredibly colorful and cool, allowing for hype fights. Others are sneakier yet practical, focusing less on flashiness and more on effectiveness. And some are just… weird, for the lack of a better word. While they still can be fun to look at, one can’t help but wonder how someone even comes up with that stuff.

Kakuzu’s Earth Grudge Fear

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Earth Grudge Fear, or Jiongu in the Japanese version, is the jutsu wielded by Kakuzu, who is one of the Akatsuki members. While the name is already weird, the actual technique is far weirder: it transforms its user’s body into many living threads, granting immense physical strength and durability. Oh, and Kakuzu can also steal people’s hearts and chakra natures using it. And spawn masked monsters from the stolen hearts. And live forever. It does everything, really.

Insects of the Aburame clan

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The Aburame clan is one of Konoha’s clans, and its most relevant character is Shino — a quiet boy of the same age as Naruto himself. Don’t let his apparent lack of flashiness fool you, though: his clan has giant colonies of chakra-absorbing bugs inside their bodies, which they can use in combat or for tracking purposes. While Shino never really got much screen time in anime, he is still remembered for his clan’s unusual fighting style — which many found very gross.

All the Rinnegan abilities

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Rinnegan is regarded as the strongest dojutsu (eye technique). It provides a whole set of powers, each weirder than the others. They include mind-reading, summoning absolutely anything, turning your body into a war machine, controlling puppets made out of dead bodies (and resurrecting them), and gravity manipulation, to name just a few. And this isn’t even all of them — plus, some users were able to show additional powers that others couldn’t reproduce.

Whatever Hidan is doing

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This one makes no sense at all. Hidan is completely immortal — apparently, praying to Jashin, his deity, made him literally unable to die even after sustaining mortal injuries. That includes complete decapitation. As if that wasn’t enough, he’s able to bind his body to his opponent’s, making them sustain the same injuries — except he has to stand inside his deity’s symbol and also ingest the victim’s blood. Very strong, but bizarrely overcomplicated — no wonder he was defeated by Shikamaru.


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Izanami is seen as a counterpart to Izanagi. While the latter allows the user to sacrifice a Sharingan eye to alter reality itself (potentially escaping imminent death), Izanami is even weirder. The person it’s used on is stuck motionless and is forced to relive a loop of events until they change their heart. In that sense, it’s basically a Character Development Technique.

Thinking about how some of these actually work will probably make you not sleep at night.

Naruto spoilers ahead!

Naruto has no shortage of different jutsu. Many of them are incredibly colorful and cool, allowing for hype fights. Others are sneakier yet practical, focusing less on flashiness and more on effectiveness. And some are just… weird, for the lack of a better word. While they still can be fun to look at, one can’t help but wonder how someone even comes up with that stuff.

Kakuzu’s Earth Grudge Fear

5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto - image 1

Earth Grudge Fear, or Jiongu in the Japanese version, is the jutsu wielded by Kakuzu, who is one of the Akatsuki members. While the name is already weird, the actual technique is far weirder: it transforms its user’s body into many living threads, granting immense physical strength and durability. Oh, and Kakuzu can also steal people’s hearts and chakra natures using it. And spawn masked monsters from the stolen hearts. And live forever. It does everything, really.

Insects of the Aburame clan

5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto - image 2

The Aburame clan is one of Konoha’s clans, and its most relevant character is Shino — a quiet boy of the same age as Naruto himself. Don’t let his apparent lack of flashiness fool you, though: his clan has giant colonies of chakra-absorbing bugs inside their bodies, which they can use in combat or for tracking purposes. While Shino never really got much screen time in anime, he is still remembered for his clan’s unusual fighting style — which many found very gross.

All the Rinnegan abilities

5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto - image 3

Rinnegan is regarded as the strongest dojutsu (eye technique). It provides a whole set of powers, each weirder than the others. They include mind-reading, summoning absolutely anything, turning your body into a war machine, controlling puppets made out of dead bodies (and resurrecting them), and gravity manipulation, to name just a few. And this isn’t even all of them — plus, some users were able to show additional powers that others couldn’t reproduce.

Whatever Hidan is doing

5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto - image 4

This one makes no sense at all. Hidan is completely immortal — apparently, praying to Jashin, his deity, made him literally unable to die even after sustaining mortal injuries. That includes complete decapitation. As if that wasn’t enough, he’s able to bind his body to his opponent’s, making them sustain the same injuries — except he has to stand inside his deity’s symbol and also ingest the victim’s blood. Very strong, but bizarrely overcomplicated — no wonder he was defeated by Shikamaru.


5 Incredibly Bizarre Jutsu in Naruto - image 5

Izanami is seen as a counterpart to Izanagi. While the latter allows the user to sacrifice a Sharingan eye to alter reality itself (potentially escaping imminent death), Izanami is even weirder. The person it’s used on is stuck motionless and is forced to relive a loop of events until they change their heart. In that sense, it’s basically a Character Development Technique.