
The Bittersweet Reality Behind Himmel's Gift in Frieren

The Bittersweet Reality Behind Himmel's Gift in Frieren

In Frieren’s flashback, Himmel explains why he insists on creating the party’s statues, and it is for Frieren. Might he have made a mistake, though?

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Furīren) spoilers ahead!


  • Himmel’s hope is that the statues he has made will keep Frieren from feeling lonely. They would remind Frieren of her friends, even though she will lose them all to old age.
  • Himmel means well, but the statues cannot keep Frieren company and only remind her of what she had lost.
  • Frieren does not express any distress, however, which means that Himmel might have been right.

Himmel’s Plan

Himmel, who had killed the Demon King with Frieren, would often have statues of the party made. He would honestly say that he finds his looks beautiful enough to be recreated over and over again. However, he would also be open about hoping that the statues will keep Frieren from feeling lonely.

There is some logic to that: Frieren is an elf, and she is bound to outlive any of her companions who is not an elf. If there are many statues of her friends around the world, she can reminisce about them, and it should make her feel less alone.

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This most recent flashback has viewers swooning. According to them, Himmel gets better with every flashback; he seems to have truly cared about Frieren.

Could the Plan Backfire?

However, it is also clear that the cold stone of the statues is not the same as having your friends next to you. The statues are good at reminding Frieren of her former companions, but they cannot cure loneliness. If anything, one could argue that they would highlight Frieren’s loneliness, making her yearn for something that cannot be brought back. From this perspective, Himmel might have made a mistake, although fans do not seem to think that he did.

It Probably Works Anyway

Indeed, Frieren seems to rarely have strong outbursts of emotion. Save for that one time when they were burying Himmel, Frieren does not seem to cry often. Even when Einsam, the illusion demon, tried to fool her with an illusion of Himmel, she did not cry and did not hesitate to shoot at the illusion. Frieren is strong-willed, and she is also an elf, which means that her emotions differ from those of a human. She can handle the pain of being alone, and who knows, maybe she appreciates Himmel’s forethought.

In Frieren’s flashback, Himmel explains why he insists on creating the party’s statues, and it is for Frieren. Might he have made a mistake, though?

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Furīren) spoilers ahead!


  • Himmel’s hope is that the statues he has made will keep Frieren from feeling lonely. They would remind Frieren of her friends, even though she will lose them all to old age.
  • Himmel means well, but the statues cannot keep Frieren company and only remind her of what she had lost.
  • Frieren does not express any distress, however, which means that Himmel might have been right.

Himmel’s Plan

Himmel, who had killed the Demon King with Frieren, would often have statues of the party made. He would honestly say that he finds his looks beautiful enough to be recreated over and over again. However, he would also be open about hoping that the statues will keep Frieren from feeling lonely.

There is some logic to that: Frieren is an elf, and she is bound to outlive any of her companions who is not an elf. If there are many statues of her friends around the world, she can reminisce about them, and it should make her feel less alone.

The Bittersweet Reality Behind Himmel's Gift in Frieren - image 1

This most recent flashback has viewers swooning. According to them, Himmel gets better with every flashback; he seems to have truly cared about Frieren.

Could the Plan Backfire?

However, it is also clear that the cold stone of the statues is not the same as having your friends next to you. The statues are good at reminding Frieren of her former companions, but they cannot cure loneliness. If anything, one could argue that they would highlight Frieren’s loneliness, making her yearn for something that cannot be brought back. From this perspective, Himmel might have made a mistake, although fans do not seem to think that he did.

It Probably Works Anyway

Indeed, Frieren seems to rarely have strong outbursts of emotion. Save for that one time when they were burying Himmel, Frieren does not seem to cry often. Even when Einsam, the illusion demon, tried to fool her with an illusion of Himmel, she did not cry and did not hesitate to shoot at the illusion. Frieren is strong-willed, and she is also an elf, which means that her emotions differ from those of a human. She can handle the pain of being alone, and who knows, maybe she appreciates Himmel’s forethought.