
Anime is a Valid Way to Expand Your Knowledge and That's Not Debatable

Anime is a Valid Way to Expand Your Knowledge and That's Not Debatable

Anime is useful!


  • If someone ever told you that anime is for dummies, please tell them they are wrong.
  • Anime can be used to teach you some basics of aesthetics. It has some useful tips that can be applied to art, photography, and cinema.
  • Anime has a story, and these stories can help you craft stories.
  • Anime can nurture your sense of style and expand your worldview.

If you have ever been ridiculed for having such a hobby as watching anime, then don't worry: we know, we've been there. But fear not, as there's no basis for these accusations. Anime can actually be pretty insightful and teach you many things.

Anime is art

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After all, it's a media format. It's animation, a story told to you through the combination of individual drawings with sounds and voices over them. And you can learn so much from it — even unconsciously.

You can train your eye in composition, human proportions, color combinations, and other things that make the frame look good. You can see what the angles, framing, and effects do to heighten the mood of the show. Although animation and filmmaking are two different things, some of the tips that you can pick from anime may help you appreciate some stylistic choices made in movies better. And it can help you make better pictures and photographs.

But most importantly, never forget that anime tells you a story. And it's a constant source of inspiration for your own mind. One person on Reddit said that anime made them a better storyteller for their daughter. They tell her bedtime stories, and now they use plots of anime as a basis for their own tales. It boosted their creativity, this person said, because, well, it's not very easy to retell Attack on Titans in a kid-friendly way to a 4-year-old.

And stories can be different. By watching things, you realize what you like and don't like, why you feel that way, and what irks you or makes your heart beat faster. You get interested in things and maybe start researching them, and then get another hobby. Maybe not just a hobby, but a career.

Anime is a source of inspiration

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Inspiration can also affect your personal style preferences. You can find your fashion sense by watching some shows (trust us, Orihara Izaya's coat will be great in some near-zero temperatures). You can learn some Marie Kondo-style techniques to make your home interior nicer. You can even find some tips that will make the cleaning easier.

Anime expands your knowledge of things. It connects you to the culture that is foreign to you. It allows you to take a peek into the minds of people who were raised in completely different circumstances. It makes you more tolerable, more open, more ready for the new things that come your way. It helps you feel connected.

Anime is a type of media, and there's always a story behind it, one that you process and that stays with you. Even if you don't actively study it, there's still a part of it that will stay in your soul and affect it. It will affect your perception of the world around you, for better or for worse. But usually, it's for the better.

If you're not focusing only on hentai, that is.

Anime is useful!


  • If someone ever told you that anime is for dummies, please tell them they are wrong.
  • Anime can be used to teach you some basics of aesthetics. It has some useful tips that can be applied to art, photography, and cinema.
  • Anime has a story, and these stories can help you craft stories.
  • Anime can nurture your sense of style and expand your worldview.

If you have ever been ridiculed for having such a hobby as watching anime, then don't worry: we know, we've been there. But fear not, as there's no basis for these accusations. Anime can actually be pretty insightful and teach you many things.

Anime is art

Anime is a Valid Way to Expand Your Knowledge and That's Not Debatable - image 1

After all, it's a media format. It's animation, a story told to you through the combination of individual drawings with sounds and voices over them. And you can learn so much from it — even unconsciously.

You can train your eye in composition, human proportions, color combinations, and other things that make the frame look good. You can see what the angles, framing, and effects do to heighten the mood of the show. Although animation and filmmaking are two different things, some of the tips that you can pick from anime may help you appreciate some stylistic choices made in movies better. And it can help you make better pictures and photographs.

But most importantly, never forget that anime tells you a story. And it's a constant source of inspiration for your own mind. One person on Reddit said that anime made them a better storyteller for their daughter. They tell her bedtime stories, and now they use plots of anime as a basis for their own tales. It boosted their creativity, this person said, because, well, it's not very easy to retell Attack on Titans in a kid-friendly way to a 4-year-old.

And stories can be different. By watching things, you realize what you like and don't like, why you feel that way, and what irks you or makes your heart beat faster. You get interested in things and maybe start researching them, and then get another hobby. Maybe not just a hobby, but a career.

Anime is a source of inspiration

Anime is a Valid Way to Expand Your Knowledge and That's Not Debatable - image 2

Inspiration can also affect your personal style preferences. You can find your fashion sense by watching some shows (trust us, Orihara Izaya's coat will be great in some near-zero temperatures). You can learn some Marie Kondo-style techniques to make your home interior nicer. You can even find some tips that will make the cleaning easier.

Anime expands your knowledge of things. It connects you to the culture that is foreign to you. It allows you to take a peek into the minds of people who were raised in completely different circumstances. It makes you more tolerable, more open, more ready for the new things that come your way. It helps you feel connected.

Anime is a type of media, and there's always a story behind it, one that you process and that stays with you. Even if you don't actively study it, there's still a part of it that will stay in your soul and affect it. It will affect your perception of the world around you, for better or for worse. But usually, it's for the better.

If you're not focusing only on hentai, that is.