
Daigo’s Shoulder Dislocation Trick: Could It Work? (the Answer is Maybe)

Daigo’s Shoulder Dislocation Trick: Could It Work? (the Answer is Maybe)

In episode 4, Daigo dislocates his shoulder to fit under a pile of rubble and get a man out of it. We wonder if this trick could work.

Firefighter Daigo spoilers ahead!


  • Firefighter Daigo volunteers to get into a hole in the rubble that is too small for all of their team.
  • To make himself smaller, Daigo dislocates his shoulder, which, indeed, should make it easier for him to fit inside.
  • A dislocated shoulder also means working with only one arm while in great pain. We do not approve of this decision, especially since it was made without consulting Daigo’s teammates.

Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange (Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange) is about the daily struggles of a firefighter group. The main character, Daigo, seems to be able to help people in the most unlikely of scenarios.

What Happened

In the end of the episode 4, it becomes clear that the debris covering a man after a fire cannot be lifted, and he cannot be moved out from under them because of a metal beam. Even the smallest member of the rescue team cannot fit under it.

Daigo’s Solution

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Daigo’s solution to the situation is to dislocate his shoulder without even trying to communicate it beforehand. With one arm now limp, he asks if he can try getting under the rubble to the shock of everyone, including the viewers.

The solution is not ridiculously bad; with a dislocated shoulder, Daigo might be able to get under the debris. The problem, however, is that dislocations are extremely painful. It is even visible in the episode that Daigo is paler than usual, and rather than walk forward, he stumbles. Furthermore, the dislocated arm will not be working.

The Solution is Bad

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In other words, without asking anyone if it was a good decision to make or if they would support him in his solution, Daigo caused himself an injury. A dislocated shoulder might help to some extent, but it is a very unorthodox solution for a rescuer. In earlier episodes, the instructor did tell Daigo and his team that success means no questions asked. But now Daigo will have no use of one arm at all and experience pain that people are known to faint from. He might still succeed, but it does not seem very probable. It is a good cliffhanger, of course, and fans will be anxious to see the results, but a lot of them have already expressed that it is not the best idea for a firefighter.

Given that the anime is named after Daigo, we can expect him to succeed. But honestly, in this situation, fans would rather he did not. They do not believe that it is realistic, and comments about Daigo being some kind of cyborg have already been made. For a show that seems rooted in realism, this shoulder dislocation trick does not look right.

In episode 4, Daigo dislocates his shoulder to fit under a pile of rubble and get a man out of it. We wonder if this trick could work.

Firefighter Daigo spoilers ahead!


  • Firefighter Daigo volunteers to get into a hole in the rubble that is too small for all of their team.
  • To make himself smaller, Daigo dislocates his shoulder, which, indeed, should make it easier for him to fit inside.
  • A dislocated shoulder also means working with only one arm while in great pain. We do not approve of this decision, especially since it was made without consulting Daigo’s teammates.

Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange (Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange) is about the daily struggles of a firefighter group. The main character, Daigo, seems to be able to help people in the most unlikely of scenarios.

What Happened

In the end of the episode 4, it becomes clear that the debris covering a man after a fire cannot be lifted, and he cannot be moved out from under them because of a metal beam. Even the smallest member of the rescue team cannot fit under it.

Daigo’s Solution

Daigo’s Shoulder Dislocation Trick: Could It Work? (the Answer is Maybe) - image 1

Daigo’s solution to the situation is to dislocate his shoulder without even trying to communicate it beforehand. With one arm now limp, he asks if he can try getting under the rubble to the shock of everyone, including the viewers.

The solution is not ridiculously bad; with a dislocated shoulder, Daigo might be able to get under the debris. The problem, however, is that dislocations are extremely painful. It is even visible in the episode that Daigo is paler than usual, and rather than walk forward, he stumbles. Furthermore, the dislocated arm will not be working.

The Solution is Bad

Daigo’s Shoulder Dislocation Trick: Could It Work? (the Answer is Maybe) - image 2

In other words, without asking anyone if it was a good decision to make or if they would support him in his solution, Daigo caused himself an injury. A dislocated shoulder might help to some extent, but it is a very unorthodox solution for a rescuer. In earlier episodes, the instructor did tell Daigo and his team that success means no questions asked. But now Daigo will have no use of one arm at all and experience pain that people are known to faint from. He might still succeed, but it does not seem very probable. It is a good cliffhanger, of course, and fans will be anxious to see the results, but a lot of them have already expressed that it is not the best idea for a firefighter.

Given that the anime is named after Daigo, we can expect him to succeed. But honestly, in this situation, fans would rather he did not. They do not believe that it is realistic, and comments about Daigo being some kind of cyborg have already been made. For a show that seems rooted in realism, this shoulder dislocation trick does not look right.