
Does Ragna Even Need Crimson? The Brain of the Operation

Does Ragna Even Need Crimson? The Brain of the Operation

With Ragna seemingly doing well in battle with Ultimatia, fans question if Crimson is needed at all.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Ragna is doing well in the Ultimatia battle, which causes fans to doubt if Crimson is helpful.
  • Crimson was useful in previous episodes, especially when Ragna was incapacitated, as they fought Disas.
  • Crimson and Ragna both failed in the future, which means that Ragna alone would likely fail as well.
  • Some fans just love Crimson, but he is useful and will probably prove it very soon.

Episode 6, by the end of which Ragna starts a fight with Ultimatia, has fans questioning the importance of Crimson in the Ragna-Crimson duo. After all, Ragna is doing everything Crimson has theorized about without needing to talk to him. Ragna has more power not only as a warrior, but also as the one who carries the memories of the future that they are trying to prevent. So fans ask, is Crimson really necessary for Ragna?

Does Ragna need Crimson?

Did you forget about Disas? It would break his heart. Disas was the dragon that, together with some fighters, Crimson destroyed in episode 4. Back then, Ragna was too hurt to move, so Crimson had to do most of the work. Of course, Ragna was still integral to the plan, using his silver aura to make special bullets for killing Disas. As fans point out, this example shows Crimson’s ability to plan and prepare, but it also demonstrates that Ragna has a human body that will occasionally fails him. As a result, Crimson is useful when Ragna is unable to fight.

The Future

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In defense of Crimson, fans point out that both Crimson and Ragna worked together to end the dragon race in the future, and they failed. They do not seem to blame it on their union; rather, they are sure that should they unite earlier, the Dragon God would be dead. In other words, Ragna from the future is certain that he needs Crimson, and he is probably right.

Fan Perspectives

While some fans seem to find Crimson rather useless, most appear to be in his favor. Admittedly, some simply want to watch him on screen because he is truly entertaining. But others suggest that he is the brain of the operation while Ragna is, for the most part, the brawn. In any case, claiming that Crimson is useless is too early, as the fight with Ultimatia is not over yet. Ragna might need Crimson’s help very soon if, as fans theorize, other dragons choose to join the fight.

With Ragna seemingly doing well in battle with Ultimatia, fans question if Crimson is needed at all.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Ragna is doing well in the Ultimatia battle, which causes fans to doubt if Crimson is helpful.
  • Crimson was useful in previous episodes, especially when Ragna was incapacitated, as they fought Disas.
  • Crimson and Ragna both failed in the future, which means that Ragna alone would likely fail as well.
  • Some fans just love Crimson, but he is useful and will probably prove it very soon.

Episode 6, by the end of which Ragna starts a fight with Ultimatia, has fans questioning the importance of Crimson in the Ragna-Crimson duo. After all, Ragna is doing everything Crimson has theorized about without needing to talk to him. Ragna has more power not only as a warrior, but also as the one who carries the memories of the future that they are trying to prevent. So fans ask, is Crimson really necessary for Ragna?

Does Ragna need Crimson?

Did you forget about Disas? It would break his heart. Disas was the dragon that, together with some fighters, Crimson destroyed in episode 4. Back then, Ragna was too hurt to move, so Crimson had to do most of the work. Of course, Ragna was still integral to the plan, using his silver aura to make special bullets for killing Disas. As fans point out, this example shows Crimson’s ability to plan and prepare, but it also demonstrates that Ragna has a human body that will occasionally fails him. As a result, Crimson is useful when Ragna is unable to fight.

The Future

Does Ragna Even Need Crimson? The Brain of the Operation - image 1

In defense of Crimson, fans point out that both Crimson and Ragna worked together to end the dragon race in the future, and they failed. They do not seem to blame it on their union; rather, they are sure that should they unite earlier, the Dragon God would be dead. In other words, Ragna from the future is certain that he needs Crimson, and he is probably right.

Fan Perspectives

While some fans seem to find Crimson rather useless, most appear to be in his favor. Admittedly, some simply want to watch him on screen because he is truly entertaining. But others suggest that he is the brain of the operation while Ragna is, for the most part, the brawn. In any case, claiming that Crimson is useless is too early, as the fight with Ultimatia is not over yet. Ragna might need Crimson’s help very soon if, as fans theorize, other dragons choose to join the fight.