
Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why

Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why

And that’s not just because it's a very good story.


  • Dr. Stone is a very good anime, but there are more reasons for that than just a good story.
  • It offers a positive outlook on humanity and life.
  • It does so without saying we should forget all the problems.

Dr. Stone is extremely popular, and for all the good reasons. Striking the balance between hype and entertainment, easy to watch, and occasionally educational, but not preachy, it was always destined for success. However, there might be just one more reason for why it is so good — and that one is something we don’t see in anime very often.

It is just a great anime

The second part of Season 3 of Dr. Stone, New World, is ongoing right now. The show retained most of its fanbase through its entire run, and it makes sense: the adaptation has retained consistent quality the entire time, and the story itself is as fun as ever. Fun is not the only thing Dr. Stone provides, however, as it often reveals interesting facts about real-life science behind things we consider mundane — facts that are probably unknown to an average viewer. However, there’s even more to it than that.

Positive message

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We live in a world that often feels stressful and troubled. Sometimes, one might simply look at the news, see terrible things happening around the world and think that we, humans, have no redeeming qualities as a species. Dr. Stone challenges that mindset, showcasing the brilliance of humanity, our ability to adapt to anything, and wonders of science. It offers a positive outlook on humans, while still retaining tensions within the plot. It is truly important to sometimes have a series that reminds you that indeed, humans are amazing, after all. The mangaka’s passion and love for scientific progress can be felt through the entire show, and that’s a great thing as well.

It doesn’t distract you from anything important

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I’m not saying we should immediately forget all the real-life issues and just believe in the innate goodness of humans, but that’s not Dr. Stone is saying, either. The anime and manga simply provide you with a positive mindset, as well as offer knowledge — which, who knows, you may apply in real life to solve some of your problems! It does its thing perfectly, and this kind of message is very uncommon in anime. On the contrary, it seems that a lot of anime focus on the dark sides of human nature, on environmental issues and other problems we don’t have solutions for right now. Which yes, are something that should be considered, but being reminded of them too much might make one lose hope in humanity. Sometimes you just need a reminder that hey, the world isn’t that bad.

And that’s not just because it's a very good story.


  • Dr. Stone is a very good anime, but there are more reasons for that than just a good story.
  • It offers a positive outlook on humanity and life.
  • It does so without saying we should forget all the problems.

Dr. Stone is extremely popular, and for all the good reasons. Striking the balance between hype and entertainment, easy to watch, and occasionally educational, but not preachy, it was always destined for success. However, there might be just one more reason for why it is so good — and that one is something we don’t see in anime very often.

It is just a great anime

The second part of Season 3 of Dr. Stone, New World, is ongoing right now. The show retained most of its fanbase through its entire run, and it makes sense: the adaptation has retained consistent quality the entire time, and the story itself is as fun as ever. Fun is not the only thing Dr. Stone provides, however, as it often reveals interesting facts about real-life science behind things we consider mundane — facts that are probably unknown to an average viewer. However, there’s even more to it than that.

Positive message

Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why - image 1

We live in a world that often feels stressful and troubled. Sometimes, one might simply look at the news, see terrible things happening around the world and think that we, humans, have no redeeming qualities as a species. Dr. Stone challenges that mindset, showcasing the brilliance of humanity, our ability to adapt to anything, and wonders of science. It offers a positive outlook on humans, while still retaining tensions within the plot. It is truly important to sometimes have a series that reminds you that indeed, humans are amazing, after all. The mangaka’s passion and love for scientific progress can be felt through the entire show, and that’s a great thing as well.

It doesn’t distract you from anything important

Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why - image 2

I’m not saying we should immediately forget all the real-life issues and just believe in the innate goodness of humans, but that’s not Dr. Stone is saying, either. The anime and manga simply provide you with a positive mindset, as well as offer knowledge — which, who knows, you may apply in real life to solve some of your problems! It does its thing perfectly, and this kind of message is very uncommon in anime. On the contrary, it seems that a lot of anime focus on the dark sides of human nature, on environmental issues and other problems we don’t have solutions for right now. Which yes, are something that should be considered, but being reminded of them too much might make one lose hope in humanity. Sometimes you just need a reminder that hey, the world isn’t that bad.