
Fan Opinions: Did The Promised Neverland Get Worse by the End?

Fan Opinions: Did The Promised Neverland Get Worse by the End?

The Promised Neverland has one very hasty season, but it is not a reason to avoid all of the Neverland’s media!

The Promised Neverland is a popular manga, one loved anime season, and one season that is remarkably disliked, along with some other media. They are all horror-themed, and would work best for those who enjoy horror and dark fantasy.

It is difficult to describe the premise without spoilers, so feel free to skip the next paragraph if you are just considering the possibility of getting into The Promised Neverland.

In the world of The Promised Neverland, humans and demons maintain a fragile peace by allowing demons to breed and cultivate humans in their demonic world to be eaten like cattle. The story takes place in one of those human farms, which at first glance appears to be an orphanage. The children there are brought up believing that they will be adopted one day. Instead, when their intelligence is high enough, they are given to the demons, who have to eat people if they do not want to degenerate into mindless monsters.

This premise is amazing, especially since the story does not show all its cards at once. Yet even after the grand reveal, the manga remains captivating. The children who learn about their prescribed fate and manage to escape it have to undergo trials and tribulations and search for ways to help their peers, all of which is very interesting to watch.

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So what could have gone wrong with the anime?

Well, the first season is generally loved by most watchers, but there is a second season, and that one does not seem to have struck a chord in the same way. The reason for that is simple: it is an abridged version of the manga, and as a result, it is rushed. Too much was squeezed into the second season, and those who were hyped up by the first season were very, very disappointed.

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Why did it happen? We will probably never know why they could not have made a third season or otherwise avoided abridging events to the point where they felt rushed. Some people blame the studio and their assumed greed. Others suggest that rather than greed, the decision to launch both the live-action movie and the second season close together left the studio with too little time. One can also assume that there were difficulties posed by COVID for an anime released in 2021. In any case, the disappointment of fans is prevalent enough that those who have not watched either season begin to ask if The Promised Neverland is worth watching at all.

The answer, of course, is that watching an anime that seems to have a fun premise is always worth it. For The Promised Neverland, it is especially true since the first season is generally considered to be great. In the end, you can skip the second season or watch it and share with others about the sadness of a great thing being ruined by its extension. We might not have gotten two good seasons, but at least we have one amazing season, right?

Source: Reddit

The Promised Neverland has one very hasty season, but it is not a reason to avoid all of the Neverland’s media!

The Promised Neverland is a popular manga, one loved anime season, and one season that is remarkably disliked, along with some other media. They are all horror-themed, and would work best for those who enjoy horror and dark fantasy.

It is difficult to describe the premise without spoilers, so feel free to skip the next paragraph if you are just considering the possibility of getting into The Promised Neverland.

In the world of The Promised Neverland, humans and demons maintain a fragile peace by allowing demons to breed and cultivate humans in their demonic world to be eaten like cattle. The story takes place in one of those human farms, which at first glance appears to be an orphanage. The children there are brought up believing that they will be adopted one day. Instead, when their intelligence is high enough, they are given to the demons, who have to eat people if they do not want to degenerate into mindless monsters.

This premise is amazing, especially since the story does not show all its cards at once. Yet even after the grand reveal, the manga remains captivating. The children who learn about their prescribed fate and manage to escape it have to undergo trials and tribulations and search for ways to help their peers, all of which is very interesting to watch.

Fan Opinions: Did The Promised Neverland Get Worse by the End? - image 1

So what could have gone wrong with the anime?

Well, the first season is generally loved by most watchers, but there is a second season, and that one does not seem to have struck a chord in the same way. The reason for that is simple: it is an abridged version of the manga, and as a result, it is rushed. Too much was squeezed into the second season, and those who were hyped up by the first season were very, very disappointed.

Fan Opinions: Did The Promised Neverland Get Worse by the End? - image 2

Why did it happen? We will probably never know why they could not have made a third season or otherwise avoided abridging events to the point where they felt rushed. Some people blame the studio and their assumed greed. Others suggest that rather than greed, the decision to launch both the live-action movie and the second season close together left the studio with too little time. One can also assume that there were difficulties posed by COVID for an anime released in 2021. In any case, the disappointment of fans is prevalent enough that those who have not watched either season begin to ask if The Promised Neverland is worth watching at all.

The answer, of course, is that watching an anime that seems to have a fun premise is always worth it. For The Promised Neverland, it is especially true since the first season is generally considered to be great. In the end, you can skip the second season or watch it and share with others about the sadness of a great thing being ruined by its extension. We might not have gotten two good seasons, but at least we have one amazing season, right?

Source: Reddit