
Fans’ Worst Fears Are Confirmed: We Learn Who the Energy Thief in Ancient Magus' Bride is

Fans’ Worst Fears Are Confirmed: We Learn Who the Energy Thief in Ancient Magus' Bride is

Episode 6 shows without a shadow of a doubt that Philomela is the thief. She is a fan favorite, though, and she still looks too much like a victim for us to want anything other than to save her.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahou Tsukai no Yome) spoilers ahead!


  • Ep. 6 features the stolen book prominently, which solves at least one mystery of the season.
  • Most fans assume that Philomela is now merged with the book or cursed by it.
  • Fans still feel for Philomela and hope that whatever the book has done to her can be reversed.

Episode 6 of Season 2 Part 2 of The Ancient Magus’ Bride has a major mystery solved by showing that Philomela is the one who has the book, even though Alcyone stored it inside her body. What happens next is a little difficult to be certain about, but fans have their theories!

Merging with the Book

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Some fans believe that Philomela merged with the book. That would explain all the wooden tentacles that she sprouts; she definitely doesn't look like her old self anymore. However, she still retains memories. All the worst ones, it seems.

That said, this theory doesn't explain the fact that the book remains separate from Philomela. She holds it, so she might not be one with it.

Warped and Cursed by the Book

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Some fans think that the book cursed or warped Philomela and her mind. That accounts for the book being separate. It would also explain why Philomela swallowed the charm Chise had given her; possibly, it implies that Philomela is no longer human but something else that requires magical energy to function.

However, this theory doesn't account for Philomela seemingly talking about herself in third person when she attacks Liam.

Possessed by the Book

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In Episode 6, Philomela is not very consistent in using first and third person pronouns for herself. However, since she seems to talk in third person when she attacks Liam, it is possible that something else is now in her mind controlling her actions.

However, by the end of the episode, Philomela clearly talks about herself and her parents. That doesn't fall neatly in the possessed theory.

All and Any of the Above

Regardless of the specifics of the relationship between the book and Philomela, the book is clearly dangerous to others, but also to Philomela herself. She has been warped beyond recognition, and fans feel for her. Nobody wants her dead; so let’s just hope that there is a way for her to go back and get rid of whatever the book did to her.

Episode 6 shows without a shadow of a doubt that Philomela is the thief. She is a fan favorite, though, and she still looks too much like a victim for us to want anything other than to save her.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahou Tsukai no Yome) spoilers ahead!


  • Ep. 6 features the stolen book prominently, which solves at least one mystery of the season.
  • Most fans assume that Philomela is now merged with the book or cursed by it.
  • Fans still feel for Philomela and hope that whatever the book has done to her can be reversed.

Episode 6 of Season 2 Part 2 of The Ancient Magus’ Bride has a major mystery solved by showing that Philomela is the one who has the book, even though Alcyone stored it inside her body. What happens next is a little difficult to be certain about, but fans have their theories!

Merging with the Book

Fans’ Worst Fears Are Confirmed: We Learn Who the Energy Thief in Ancient Magus' Bride is - image 1

Some fans believe that Philomela merged with the book. That would explain all the wooden tentacles that she sprouts; she definitely doesn't look like her old self anymore. However, she still retains memories. All the worst ones, it seems.

That said, this theory doesn't explain the fact that the book remains separate from Philomela. She holds it, so she might not be one with it.

Warped and Cursed by the Book

Fans’ Worst Fears Are Confirmed: We Learn Who the Energy Thief in Ancient Magus' Bride is - image 2

Some fans think that the book cursed or warped Philomela and her mind. That accounts for the book being separate. It would also explain why Philomela swallowed the charm Chise had given her; possibly, it implies that Philomela is no longer human but something else that requires magical energy to function.

However, this theory doesn't account for Philomela seemingly talking about herself in third person when she attacks Liam.

Possessed by the Book

Fans’ Worst Fears Are Confirmed: We Learn Who the Energy Thief in Ancient Magus' Bride is - image 3

In Episode 6, Philomela is not very consistent in using first and third person pronouns for herself. However, since she seems to talk in third person when she attacks Liam, it is possible that something else is now in her mind controlling her actions.

However, by the end of the episode, Philomela clearly talks about herself and her parents. That doesn't fall neatly in the possessed theory.

All and Any of the Above

Regardless of the specifics of the relationship between the book and Philomela, the book is clearly dangerous to others, but also to Philomela herself. She has been warped beyond recognition, and fans feel for her. Nobody wants her dead; so let’s just hope that there is a way for her to go back and get rid of whatever the book did to her.