
Firefighter Daigo's Yuki Just Might Be Stuck in the Office Forever

Firefighter Daigo's Yuki Just Might Be Stuck in the Office Forever

Yuki wants to be a firefighter, but is it realistic for her to expect to be accepted?

Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange (Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange) has one main female character, Yuki. She seems to be the only woman in the special corps training, too. It is a very realistic ratio; few women have been accepted into firefighting positions all over the world, and Japan is not an exception.

According to Wikipedia, in 2003, about 4% of Japanese firefighters were female, and in 2015, the figure increased to 6.4%. In other words, Yuki's opportunities seem to be improving, seeing how the anime seems to be set vaguely in the present day (and everyone has smartphones). But it is not improving by much; her chances at becoming a firefighter are still slim.

To some extent, this is understandable. An average woman is physically weaker than an average man, and firefighting requires a lot of strength. Yuki works on that every day, but her physical limits are more likely to cause her trouble than a man's.

That said, strength is not the only thing a firefighter needs. There is also theoretical knowledge, as well as quick thinking. Firefighters end up in situations where strength is not that important, and they also need to communicate well and be a good team. If one person in that team is weaker than the rest, it should not be that much of a problem, right?

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Yuki is very quick-thinking. She was the one who found a way out of the practice fire while also sending out a part of the group outside to help with the mock victim. In this situation, despite not being physically superior, she ensured that the team would all stay alive. Yuki has a good knowledge of theory, and she does her best in physical training as well. But in the end, she does not receive the orange uniform very quickly.

One thing Yuki comments on is that she is small. Both her gender and her smaller stature seem to keep her stuck in the office, even though that office belongs to a firefighting department. She is shown to be extremely disappointed by that, which makes sense; after all, she knew since school that she wanted to be a firefighter, and being held back by things she has no control over is unfair.

However, given the Wikipedia statistics, not everything is lost yet. She may end up with her own orange uniform because more and more women are becoming firefighters. Yuki definitely deserves that for her hard work and dedication.

Yuki wants to be a firefighter, but is it realistic for her to expect to be accepted?

Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange (Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange) has one main female character, Yuki. She seems to be the only woman in the special corps training, too. It is a very realistic ratio; few women have been accepted into firefighting positions all over the world, and Japan is not an exception.

According to Wikipedia, in 2003, about 4% of Japanese firefighters were female, and in 2015, the figure increased to 6.4%. In other words, Yuki's opportunities seem to be improving, seeing how the anime seems to be set vaguely in the present day (and everyone has smartphones). But it is not improving by much; her chances at becoming a firefighter are still slim.

To some extent, this is understandable. An average woman is physically weaker than an average man, and firefighting requires a lot of strength. Yuki works on that every day, but her physical limits are more likely to cause her trouble than a man's.

That said, strength is not the only thing a firefighter needs. There is also theoretical knowledge, as well as quick thinking. Firefighters end up in situations where strength is not that important, and they also need to communicate well and be a good team. If one person in that team is weaker than the rest, it should not be that much of a problem, right?

Firefighter Daigo's Yuki Just Might Be Stuck in the Office Forever - image 1

Yuki is very quick-thinking. She was the one who found a way out of the practice fire while also sending out a part of the group outside to help with the mock victim. In this situation, despite not being physically superior, she ensured that the team would all stay alive. Yuki has a good knowledge of theory, and she does her best in physical training as well. But in the end, she does not receive the orange uniform very quickly.

One thing Yuki comments on is that she is small. Both her gender and her smaller stature seem to keep her stuck in the office, even though that office belongs to a firefighting department. She is shown to be extremely disappointed by that, which makes sense; after all, she knew since school that she wanted to be a firefighter, and being held back by things she has no control over is unfair.

However, given the Wikipedia statistics, not everything is lost yet. She may end up with her own orange uniform because more and more women are becoming firefighters. Yuki definitely deserves that for her hard work and dedication.