
Frieren's New Companion Speeds Up the Plot, and We're Here For It

Frieren's New Companion Speeds Up the Plot, and We're Here For It

Stark is a new party member, traveling now together with Frieren and Fern. Let's see how Fern feels about him.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Furīren) is an ongoing anime that takes place after elf Frieren along with other heroes defeated the Demon King. During the funeral of one of her friends from that quest, almost immortal Frieren realizes that she wants to know more about short-lived humans, and soon, she is traveling with new friends.

We will spoil some of the story, mostly from Episode 6, so check if you want to see the anime first!

Frieren started her journey toward the place where, she believes, souls of the dead must live with Fern already on her team. The journey takes ten years, and Frieren still thinks of it as a short trip. Fern, on the other hand, realizes that it will take a sizable chunk of her life, so she tries to hurry Frieren.

Soon enough, another human, Stark, who is also an apprentice of one of Frieren's friends, joins the party, and Fern is now not alone in trying to figure out a way to make the trip shorter. After all, Stark needs to hurry, too, if he wants to meet his teacher, dwarf Eisen, before Eisen dies.

Dragon-Slaying and Life Lessons

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Fern talks a lot with Stark the night before he joins the party, mostly to give him courage to do what Frieren wants him to do, which is to distract the dragon. They talk about the confidence needed to attack enemies, and Fern shares a story of how she herself feared monsters at first and how Frieren taught her to overcome the fear – mostly by exposing her to monsters.

Stark takes the words to heart, and even though he is afraid, he manages to basically one-shot the dragon and then follows Frieren on her ten-year trip.

Fern seems to be happy about that. Even though the first thing she did when Stark joined the party was insult him with the help of a spell that allowed them to see through clothes, Fern and Stark are clearly going along well. It is especially evident as they search for a way to leave the city that had threatened to make them stay for a couple years. They talk and learn about each other, and Fern does seem to appreciate Stark.

Fern and Stark are having heart-to-heart conversations and finding ways not to prolong the ten-year-long trip, which only promises good things for their future. We hope that those two find what they need in their travels with Frieren.

Stark is a new party member, traveling now together with Frieren and Fern. Let's see how Fern feels about him.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Furīren) is an ongoing anime that takes place after elf Frieren along with other heroes defeated the Demon King. During the funeral of one of her friends from that quest, almost immortal Frieren realizes that she wants to know more about short-lived humans, and soon, she is traveling with new friends.

We will spoil some of the story, mostly from Episode 6, so check if you want to see the anime first!

Frieren started her journey toward the place where, she believes, souls of the dead must live with Fern already on her team. The journey takes ten years, and Frieren still thinks of it as a short trip. Fern, on the other hand, realizes that it will take a sizable chunk of her life, so she tries to hurry Frieren.

Soon enough, another human, Stark, who is also an apprentice of one of Frieren's friends, joins the party, and Fern is now not alone in trying to figure out a way to make the trip shorter. After all, Stark needs to hurry, too, if he wants to meet his teacher, dwarf Eisen, before Eisen dies.

Dragon-Slaying and Life Lessons

Frieren's New Companion Speeds Up the Plot, and We're Here For It - image 1

Fern talks a lot with Stark the night before he joins the party, mostly to give him courage to do what Frieren wants him to do, which is to distract the dragon. They talk about the confidence needed to attack enemies, and Fern shares a story of how she herself feared monsters at first and how Frieren taught her to overcome the fear – mostly by exposing her to monsters.

Stark takes the words to heart, and even though he is afraid, he manages to basically one-shot the dragon and then follows Frieren on her ten-year trip.

Fern seems to be happy about that. Even though the first thing she did when Stark joined the party was insult him with the help of a spell that allowed them to see through clothes, Fern and Stark are clearly going along well. It is especially evident as they search for a way to leave the city that had threatened to make them stay for a couple years. They talk and learn about each other, and Fern does seem to appreciate Stark.

Fern and Stark are having heart-to-heart conversations and finding ways not to prolong the ten-year-long trip, which only promises good things for their future. We hope that those two find what they need in their travels with Frieren.