
Gojo Has Lost to All Main Villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, Let Us Explain Why

Gojo Has Lost to All Main Villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, Let Us Explain Why

Not as strong as we think he is!

Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!


  • Gojo is one of the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters.
  • It may seem that he has defeated all of his opponents, sometimes without much effort.
  • Gojo's most famous and undeniable defeat is his battle with Sukuna.

Gojo is not only one of the most popular, but also one of the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters. The sorcerer's power is recognized by all characters in the anime — allies rely on his help, while villains seek to eliminate him from battle as quickly as possible.

It may seem that he has defeated all of his opponents, sometimes without much effort and turning it into a joking performance. However, this is not entirely true, and Gojo lost to almost all of the major villains of Jujutsu Kaisen. He was inferior not only in terms of cursed techniques, but also in emotional and physical aspects.

Of course, Gojo defeated strong opponents that other Jujutsu Kaisen characters might have had trouble with. He had no problem fighting back against Jogo, turning their battle into a lesson for Yuji, nearly killed Hanami with a single attack in the first season, and was effective against other sorcerers fighting for the evil side.

However, when we talk about his defeats, we are mainly referring to the main villains of the franchise, including Toji, Geto, Kenjaku, and Sukuna.

Weaker physically

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Although Gojo is considered the strongest sorcerer, he is physically weaker than the other heroes. The most telling defeat in this regard was his fight with Toji in the Hidden Inventory Arc.

Toji is a member of the Zenin family who does not possess any cursed techniques. Due to discrimination, he developed physical abilities and became the strongest in that aspect. Although he eventually lost to Gojo, he managed to almost kill him with his physical strength and a little calculation.

Tactical defeat

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Probably not many people paid attention, but Gojo's battle with the cursed spirits at the beginning of the Shibuya Incident is a very impressive spectacle. It is also an example of Gojo's tactical defeat.

Although the sorcerer defeated the Pseudo-Geto group (even killed Hanami), he was eventually captured and left out of the story for a long time. Kenjaku had a well-thought-out plan to wear down Gojo and use his weakness (attachment to Geto) to activate the prison.

Most painful defeat

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One of Gojo's greatest failures was his inability to stop his best friend from going over to the evil side. After a failed mission in the Hidden Inventory arc and the death of Riko Amanai, Geto completely reevaluated his views on the role of sorcerers in protecting ordinary people and became the bad guy.

Gojo was unable to prevent this and even had to kill Geto after his battle with Yuta, which hit him hard emotionally.

Actual death

Perhaps Gojo's most famous and undeniable defeat is his battle with Sukuna. Though the battle seemed evenly balanced, and at one point we even thought Gojo would defeat the King of Curses, he lost badly and died. He failed both physically and magically. It was a blow that all Jujutsu Kaisen fans will never forget.

Not as strong as we think he is!

Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!


  • Gojo is one of the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters.
  • It may seem that he has defeated all of his opponents, sometimes without much effort.
  • Gojo's most famous and undeniable defeat is his battle with Sukuna.

Gojo is not only one of the most popular, but also one of the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters. The sorcerer's power is recognized by all characters in the anime — allies rely on his help, while villains seek to eliminate him from battle as quickly as possible.

It may seem that he has defeated all of his opponents, sometimes without much effort and turning it into a joking performance. However, this is not entirely true, and Gojo lost to almost all of the major villains of Jujutsu Kaisen. He was inferior not only in terms of cursed techniques, but also in emotional and physical aspects.

Of course, Gojo defeated strong opponents that other Jujutsu Kaisen characters might have had trouble with. He had no problem fighting back against Jogo, turning their battle into a lesson for Yuji, nearly killed Hanami with a single attack in the first season, and was effective against other sorcerers fighting for the evil side.

However, when we talk about his defeats, we are mainly referring to the main villains of the franchise, including Toji, Geto, Kenjaku, and Sukuna.

Weaker physically

Gojo Has Lost to All Main Villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, Let Us Explain Why - image 1

Although Gojo is considered the strongest sorcerer, he is physically weaker than the other heroes. The most telling defeat in this regard was his fight with Toji in the Hidden Inventory Arc.

Toji is a member of the Zenin family who does not possess any cursed techniques. Due to discrimination, he developed physical abilities and became the strongest in that aspect. Although he eventually lost to Gojo, he managed to almost kill him with his physical strength and a little calculation.

Tactical defeat

Gojo Has Lost to All Main Villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, Let Us Explain Why - image 2

Probably not many people paid attention, but Gojo's battle with the cursed spirits at the beginning of the Shibuya Incident is a very impressive spectacle. It is also an example of Gojo's tactical defeat.

Although the sorcerer defeated the Pseudo-Geto group (even killed Hanami), he was eventually captured and left out of the story for a long time. Kenjaku had a well-thought-out plan to wear down Gojo and use his weakness (attachment to Geto) to activate the prison.

Most painful defeat

Gojo Has Lost to All Main Villains in Jujutsu Kaisen, Let Us Explain Why - image 3

One of Gojo's greatest failures was his inability to stop his best friend from going over to the evil side. After a failed mission in the Hidden Inventory arc and the death of Riko Amanai, Geto completely reevaluated his views on the role of sorcerers in protecting ordinary people and became the bad guy.

Gojo was unable to prevent this and even had to kill Geto after his battle with Yuta, which hit him hard emotionally.

Actual death

Perhaps Gojo's most famous and undeniable defeat is his battle with Sukuna. Though the battle seemed evenly balanced, and at one point we even thought Gojo would defeat the King of Curses, he lost badly and died. He failed both physically and magically. It was a blow that all Jujutsu Kaisen fans will never forget.