
Hideaki Anno Isn't Opposed to the Idea of More Evangelion Anime

Hideaki Anno Isn't Opposed to the Idea of More Evangelion Anime

Fans’ opinions are divided, though.


  • In a recent interview, Hideaki Anno stated that there might be more Evangelion content coming soon.
  • He’s always been saying that he is fine with Evangelion becoming a massive franchise.
  • Fans are unsure what to think.

According to a recent interview with Hideaki Anno, there might be plans for more content in the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean more anime, a lot of fans believe that we indeed will get some kind of Evangelion anime spin-off one day. Their opinions on the matter are split — this can be both a good and a bad thing.

Anno Is Fine with Other Creators Making Evangelion-Related Content

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Shinji Ikari’s story is over. In fact, it’s over twice — with the original series & End of Evangelion movie, and with the Rebuild movie series. Realistically, there’s nothing more to be told about him, and the anime definitely doesn’t need a sequel of any kind.

However, Anno really didn’t say anything about a sequel or a remake. He mentioned that he probably won’t be involved in the new Evangelion project(s). Normally, this would be concerning — but this isn’t really even any new information.

Anno has always expressed that he doesn’t mind other creators making spin-offs or alternative takes for Evangelion. This seems to be a reaffirmation of a similar sentiment — but fans can’t really agree what to think about it.

Pros and Cons

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On the one hand, fans would love to see more Evangelion. The worldbuilding is rich, and, even though there are unexplained things regarding the universe, there’s a lot of potential for spin-offs and other stories. And, since the main story is actually over, they won’t be making it worse — they are just a bonus for the fans.

Others, however, are not so optimistic. They feel like nowadays, there are too many unneeded spin-offs, alternate universes, remakes and other derivative works that lack originality. These feel like an attempt to cash in on a popular franchise, and people argue there’s no need for anything else Evangelion-related.

While poor quality spin-offs and other related content may be a problem, Evangelion already had many spin-off manga and other content over the years. This won’t be anything new, and if you don’t like Evangelion getting more anime, you can just not watch it.

Will a New Evangelion Anime Be Released Soon?

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So, what and when can we expect — assuming Anno’s statement about “potentially more new content in the future” is correct? The truth is — we don’t know.

It’s hardly an official announcement, and he might mean anything, from an actual new anime to a game or an artbook or anything else. As there is no detailed confirmation, it’s safe to assume there won’t be a new Evangelion anime anytime soon.


Fans’ opinions are divided, though.


  • In a recent interview, Hideaki Anno stated that there might be more Evangelion content coming soon.
  • He’s always been saying that he is fine with Evangelion becoming a massive franchise.
  • Fans are unsure what to think.

According to a recent interview with Hideaki Anno, there might be plans for more content in the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean more anime, a lot of fans believe that we indeed will get some kind of Evangelion anime spin-off one day. Their opinions on the matter are split — this can be both a good and a bad thing.

Anno Is Fine with Other Creators Making Evangelion-Related Content

Hideaki Anno Isn't Opposed to the Idea of More Evangelion Anime - image 1

Shinji Ikari’s story is over. In fact, it’s over twice — with the original series & End of Evangelion movie, and with the Rebuild movie series. Realistically, there’s nothing more to be told about him, and the anime definitely doesn’t need a sequel of any kind.

However, Anno really didn’t say anything about a sequel or a remake. He mentioned that he probably won’t be involved in the new Evangelion project(s). Normally, this would be concerning — but this isn’t really even any new information.

Anno has always expressed that he doesn’t mind other creators making spin-offs or alternative takes for Evangelion. This seems to be a reaffirmation of a similar sentiment — but fans can’t really agree what to think about it.

Pros and Cons

Hideaki Anno Isn't Opposed to the Idea of More Evangelion Anime - image 2

On the one hand, fans would love to see more Evangelion. The worldbuilding is rich, and, even though there are unexplained things regarding the universe, there’s a lot of potential for spin-offs and other stories. And, since the main story is actually over, they won’t be making it worse — they are just a bonus for the fans.

Others, however, are not so optimistic. They feel like nowadays, there are too many unneeded spin-offs, alternate universes, remakes and other derivative works that lack originality. These feel like an attempt to cash in on a popular franchise, and people argue there’s no need for anything else Evangelion-related.

While poor quality spin-offs and other related content may be a problem, Evangelion already had many spin-off manga and other content over the years. This won’t be anything new, and if you don’t like Evangelion getting more anime, you can just not watch it.

Will a New Evangelion Anime Be Released Soon?

Hideaki Anno Isn't Opposed to the Idea of More Evangelion Anime - image 3

So, what and when can we expect — assuming Anno’s statement about “potentially more new content in the future” is correct? The truth is — we don’t know.

It’s hardly an official announcement, and he might mean anything, from an actual new anime to a game or an artbook or anything else. As there is no detailed confirmation, it’s safe to assume there won’t be a new Evangelion anime anytime soon.
