
If You're Arguing About Powerscaling in Frieren, You're Missing the Point

If You're Arguing About Powerscaling in Frieren, You're Missing the Point

Powerscaling in general makes no sense.


  • Frieren is not about action and powerscaling.
  • We don’t know the abilities of many characters.
  • Comparing different universes is even more pointless.

There are many powerful characters in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Sousou no Frieren). The most notable, of course, is Frieren herself — Episode 26 has finally shown us more of her actual power. That, of course, prompted fans to wonder which characters — and how — could defeat her.

This doesn’t even stop at comparisons to Frieren — other characters in the series also get compared in power level to each other. Moreover, Frieren herself is compared to characters from other universes. However, if Frieren is appealing to you because of powerscaling, you’re completely missing the point.

The anime is not about that

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Frieren is not an anime about action. Yes, there’s a lot of it in the First-Class Mage Exam arc, but that arc is mostly an exception. Frieren actually tells a story of the characters and how Frieren learns to perceive the world — the action is just icing on the cake.

It is clear that the series is not about action and powerscaling because it doesn’t go into great detail about its own magic system. The magic is supposed to be just that — magic — and defining it properly makes it less awe-inspiring. As such, we don’t see the full extent of many characters’ powers and spells.

We don’t know the true strength of most characters

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Besides, theoretical fights between Frieren characters don’t really make sense. Many of these characters won’t go against each other, and if they will, there will be other factors at play.

We also don’t get much focus on many characters — trying to deduce what they can do in battle can practically be futile. Dumbing everything down to theoretical fight setups is something battle shounen fans should really stop doing.

Powerscaling different universes is even dumber

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Comparing characters to characters from other universes is even more pointless. Asking which character is stronger when they come from two worlds with completely different power systems makes no sense, especially when we can only speculate on the true strength of one of the characters.

As such, questions like “Can Frieren beat Satoru Gojo?” should not even be asked. There’s nothing to be gained by answering those, anyway.

If you’re only reading manga and watching anime to prove that the characters from your fandom are stronger, you should really rethink your mentality. After all, we’re here for wonderful stories, not to argue about whose fictional character is stronger

Powerscaling in general makes no sense.


  • Frieren is not about action and powerscaling.
  • We don’t know the abilities of many characters.
  • Comparing different universes is even more pointless.

There are many powerful characters in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Sousou no Frieren). The most notable, of course, is Frieren herself — Episode 26 has finally shown us more of her actual power. That, of course, prompted fans to wonder which characters — and how — could defeat her.

This doesn’t even stop at comparisons to Frieren — other characters in the series also get compared in power level to each other. Moreover, Frieren herself is compared to characters from other universes. However, if Frieren is appealing to you because of powerscaling, you’re completely missing the point.

The anime is not about that

If You're Arguing About Powerscaling in Frieren, You're Missing the Point - image 1

Frieren is not an anime about action. Yes, there’s a lot of it in the First-Class Mage Exam arc, but that arc is mostly an exception. Frieren actually tells a story of the characters and how Frieren learns to perceive the world — the action is just icing on the cake.

It is clear that the series is not about action and powerscaling because it doesn’t go into great detail about its own magic system. The magic is supposed to be just that — magic — and defining it properly makes it less awe-inspiring. As such, we don’t see the full extent of many characters’ powers and spells.

We don’t know the true strength of most characters

If You're Arguing About Powerscaling in Frieren, You're Missing the Point - image 2

Besides, theoretical fights between Frieren characters don’t really make sense. Many of these characters won’t go against each other, and if they will, there will be other factors at play.

We also don’t get much focus on many characters — trying to deduce what they can do in battle can practically be futile. Dumbing everything down to theoretical fight setups is something battle shounen fans should really stop doing.

Powerscaling different universes is even dumber

If You're Arguing About Powerscaling in Frieren, You're Missing the Point - image 3

Comparing characters to characters from other universes is even more pointless. Asking which character is stronger when they come from two worlds with completely different power systems makes no sense, especially when we can only speculate on the true strength of one of the characters.

As such, questions like “Can Frieren beat Satoru Gojo?” should not even be asked. There’s nothing to be gained by answering those, anyway.

If you’re only reading manga and watching anime to prove that the characters from your fandom are stronger, you should really rethink your mentality. After all, we’re here for wonderful stories, not to argue about whose fictional character is stronger