
Is Anime Still a Niche Interest? And Will People Hate You for It?

Is Anime Still a Niche Interest? And Will People Hate You for It?

Unfair negativity towards people who like anime may still plague a lot of anime watchers.

Let us be honest, attitudes towards people who love anime have not always been good. In fact, even Wikipedia highlights the derogatory nature of the words used to describe us, such as weeb.

A common idea among the detractors is that anime is childish. Apparently all animation is meant for kids, which is obviously wrong. One even fears for the children of people who believe that; what if they let those children watch The Promised Neverland or something with an even more mature rating and just walk away?

Another common view is that anime is weird, which it definitely can be on purpose or by accident. Kakegurui, for example, is extremely weird on purpose, and that is what people like about it. If an anime seems weird, that weirdness is probably the selling point. It’s not like other media don’t do weird on purpose. Think of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is a beloved classic! This is just another bad argument.

There are more ideas people have that could be charitably referred to as “arguments.” You can find them on reddit, one stranger than the other. Apparently, anime can make you gay, especially if you like to collect figurines, and some say it is strange to read during a show, especially when you listen to a different language you do not understand.

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In fact, if you are a man, your attractiveness score will apparently plummet if you watch anime. It is not clear if the same applies to women, but let’s just assume that it does, even though the reasons might be different. If you are a man, watching “cartoons” takes away from your manliness; if you are a woman, it clearly takes away from the time you could have spent doing laundry or giving birth to children.

Overall, the answer to the question of whether people might hate you if you watch anime is still yes. The “arguments” against anime are completely unfounded and, in fact, wrong or silly, but it does not mean that people will not believe them.

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The solutions differ. You can stay closeted, but that might lead you to make friends who actually hate anime and start liking them before you learn that you two are incompatible on that level. You can be proudly open and wear anime T-shirts and collect your figurines, ignoring the silly comments leveled at you. And if someone you really like is against anime, you can try to convert them.

Indeed, times change, and maybe people change too. Those who called you a weeb might themselves have watched a series or two. Whether to forgive them or not is up to you, but let us hope for their sake that they stop letting their closed-mindedness ruin their chances of experiencing interesting stories in the form of anime.

Source: Reddit

Unfair negativity towards people who like anime may still plague a lot of anime watchers.

Let us be honest, attitudes towards people who love anime have not always been good. In fact, even Wikipedia highlights the derogatory nature of the words used to describe us, such as weeb.

A common idea among the detractors is that anime is childish. Apparently all animation is meant for kids, which is obviously wrong. One even fears for the children of people who believe that; what if they let those children watch The Promised Neverland or something with an even more mature rating and just walk away?

Another common view is that anime is weird, which it definitely can be on purpose or by accident. Kakegurui, for example, is extremely weird on purpose, and that is what people like about it. If an anime seems weird, that weirdness is probably the selling point. It’s not like other media don’t do weird on purpose. Think of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is a beloved classic! This is just another bad argument.

There are more ideas people have that could be charitably referred to as “arguments.” You can find them on reddit, one stranger than the other. Apparently, anime can make you gay, especially if you like to collect figurines, and some say it is strange to read during a show, especially when you listen to a different language you do not understand.

Is Anime Still a Niche Interest? And Will People Hate You for It? - image 1

In fact, if you are a man, your attractiveness score will apparently plummet if you watch anime. It is not clear if the same applies to women, but let’s just assume that it does, even though the reasons might be different. If you are a man, watching “cartoons” takes away from your manliness; if you are a woman, it clearly takes away from the time you could have spent doing laundry or giving birth to children.

Overall, the answer to the question of whether people might hate you if you watch anime is still yes. The “arguments” against anime are completely unfounded and, in fact, wrong or silly, but it does not mean that people will not believe them.

Is Anime Still a Niche Interest? And Will People Hate You for It? - image 2

The solutions differ. You can stay closeted, but that might lead you to make friends who actually hate anime and start liking them before you learn that you two are incompatible on that level. You can be proudly open and wear anime T-shirts and collect your figurines, ignoring the silly comments leveled at you. And if someone you really like is against anime, you can try to convert them.

Indeed, times change, and maybe people change too. Those who called you a weeb might themselves have watched a series or two. Whether to forgive them or not is up to you, but let us hope for their sake that they stop letting their closed-mindedness ruin their chances of experiencing interesting stories in the form of anime.

Source: Reddit