
Is Mashle Just a Harry Potter Copy? (No, It's Not Even Close)

Is Mashle Just a Harry Potter Copy? (No, It's Not Even Close)

Seriously, it’s time for these comparisons to stop.


  • Mashle is often described as an “anime Harry Potter.”
  • There are some similarities, but they are common tropes in the magical academy setting.
  • The two series are completely different, and it’s time to stop comparing them.

Mashle: Magic & Muscles is often described as an “anime Harry Potter.” To be fair, it’s understandable where the comparison comes from: a boy suddenly gets involved with the magical world — and is the center of attention in the magical academy he goes into.

As such, fans are wondering if the anime is essentially a copy of the Harry Potter series. However, that notion is completely wrong — they actually have virtually nothing in common.

There are some aesthetics similarities

Not every series that involves a magical academy is influenced by Harry Potter in any way. In fact, Harry Potter is far from being the first series to utilize the setting. Mashle using it is nothing more than a coincidence, as the two series are significantly different in their execution.

There’s a couple of other similarities, but they’re mostly visual. Yes, the sport they play in Mashle resembles quidditch from Harry Potter in multiple ways, but flying broomsticks are commonly associated with magic anyway.

Tropes like students wearing robes, or an old mentor headmaster, are also common in the magical academy settings — hardly a reason for a direct comparison.

They are completely different genres

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Besides, Mashle is mostly a parody of the battle shounen genre. The anime relies on comedy and crazy fights more than the Harry Potter books ever did, and it’s not even close in flavor or style.

Also, the protagonist himself doesn’t even possess any magical power — literally everything he does is a physical feat. In fact, that’s the entire premise of Mashle, and it would be wrong to dismiss it and compare the series to Harry Potter based on the aesthetic similarities a lot.

Mashle is hardly a story about a Chosen One, and the protagonist is rarely — if ever — in actual danger. That doesn’t make it any less interesting, but the tone of the series is also significantly different, which makes it even less comparable to Harry Potter.

Comparison is understandable, but it’s pointless

It’s somewhat understandable that anime fans, especially newer ones, might not be familiar with many other works set in magical academies — especially because these days, the setting isn’t that common in anime.

That said, Mashle is definitely its own work which appeals to a completely different fanbase. In fact, more experienced fans are actively annoyed by these types of comparisons, feeling like newer otaku are too quick to call something a copy or a ripoff.

Seriously, it’s time for these comparisons to stop.


  • Mashle is often described as an “anime Harry Potter.”
  • There are some similarities, but they are common tropes in the magical academy setting.
  • The two series are completely different, and it’s time to stop comparing them.

Mashle: Magic & Muscles is often described as an “anime Harry Potter.” To be fair, it’s understandable where the comparison comes from: a boy suddenly gets involved with the magical world — and is the center of attention in the magical academy he goes into.

As such, fans are wondering if the anime is essentially a copy of the Harry Potter series. However, that notion is completely wrong — they actually have virtually nothing in common.

There are some aesthetics similarities

Not every series that involves a magical academy is influenced by Harry Potter in any way. In fact, Harry Potter is far from being the first series to utilize the setting. Mashle using it is nothing more than a coincidence, as the two series are significantly different in their execution.

There’s a couple of other similarities, but they’re mostly visual. Yes, the sport they play in Mashle resembles quidditch from Harry Potter in multiple ways, but flying broomsticks are commonly associated with magic anyway.

Tropes like students wearing robes, or an old mentor headmaster, are also common in the magical academy settings — hardly a reason for a direct comparison.

They are completely different genres

Is Mashle Just a Harry Potter Copy? (No, It's Not Even Close) - image 1

Besides, Mashle is mostly a parody of the battle shounen genre. The anime relies on comedy and crazy fights more than the Harry Potter books ever did, and it’s not even close in flavor or style.

Also, the protagonist himself doesn’t even possess any magical power — literally everything he does is a physical feat. In fact, that’s the entire premise of Mashle, and it would be wrong to dismiss it and compare the series to Harry Potter based on the aesthetic similarities a lot.

Mashle is hardly a story about a Chosen One, and the protagonist is rarely — if ever — in actual danger. That doesn’t make it any less interesting, but the tone of the series is also significantly different, which makes it even less comparable to Harry Potter.

Comparison is understandable, but it’s pointless

It’s somewhat understandable that anime fans, especially newer ones, might not be familiar with many other works set in magical academies — especially because these days, the setting isn’t that common in anime.

That said, Mashle is definitely its own work which appeals to a completely different fanbase. In fact, more experienced fans are actively annoyed by these types of comparisons, feeling like newer otaku are too quick to call something a copy or a ripoff.