
Magic in Ragna Crimson, Explained

Magic in Ragna Crimson, Explained

It looks like dragons have magic in their blood. Literally.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Episode 11 features a crash course in magic.
  • While humans need to use special words or gestures, dragons can make magic just by thinking about it.
  • That’s because dragon bodies are literally magical circles. The circulation of blood in their veins is what human-created magical circles try to emulate.
  • Different dragons can have different affinities, which can grow depending on what the dragon goes through.

Episode 11 of Ragna Crimson features some explanations of the magic system of the world. It is not particularly unusual, but it does account for dragons as creatures that are pure magic. We have long known that dragons freeze from silverine because of the magic in their veins. What else can we learn from the latest episode?

Magic for Me not for Thee

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Magic in the universe of Ragna Crimson is rare and usually associated with dragons. Whenever humans try to do magic, they usually repeat after dragons, and the bodies of mages often get draconic features.

Dragons’ bodies are essentially magical circles; that is, the veins, arteries, and other blood vessels in dragons carry magic. As a result, dragons can perform magic without incantations or special gestures.

Humans, on the other hand, require both magical energy and special gestures or words, as well as magical circles. In Episode 11, humans have trouble creating a magical circle, and an entire team of mages has to struggle until Crimson comes along with his superior dragon knowledge and abilities.

Special Powers

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While the anime does not directly explain it, it is worth noting that each dragon has a special power. For example, Disas was especially tuned to air and wind — and was unbearably smug about it. Kamui’s area of expertise is lightning, and Ultimatia has power over time itself.

While we do not know much about how an area is chosen for each dragon, we saw that dragons can be fully grown or not. In particular, Nebulim had an awakening in Episode 8, which gave him more powers and abilities. Each dragon is special, it seems from what we see on the screen. That definitely makes watching them more entertaining.

Fan Approval

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Even though the magic system is explained in some detail in the anime, there are still questions, especially related to dragon areas of expertise. But the explanation that we have is very useful and helps us make sense of the world of Ragna Crimson. Fans appreciate both the fact that the anime took the time to explain magic and that the explanation makes sense while not being very restrictive. We’ll be looking out for more details about this world’s magic in future episodes.

It looks like dragons have magic in their blood. Literally.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Episode 11 features a crash course in magic.
  • While humans need to use special words or gestures, dragons can make magic just by thinking about it.
  • That’s because dragon bodies are literally magical circles. The circulation of blood in their veins is what human-created magical circles try to emulate.
  • Different dragons can have different affinities, which can grow depending on what the dragon goes through.

Episode 11 of Ragna Crimson features some explanations of the magic system of the world. It is not particularly unusual, but it does account for dragons as creatures that are pure magic. We have long known that dragons freeze from silverine because of the magic in their veins. What else can we learn from the latest episode?

Magic for Me not for Thee

Magic in Ragna Crimson, Explained - image 1

Magic in the universe of Ragna Crimson is rare and usually associated with dragons. Whenever humans try to do magic, they usually repeat after dragons, and the bodies of mages often get draconic features.

Dragons’ bodies are essentially magical circles; that is, the veins, arteries, and other blood vessels in dragons carry magic. As a result, dragons can perform magic without incantations or special gestures.

Humans, on the other hand, require both magical energy and special gestures or words, as well as magical circles. In Episode 11, humans have trouble creating a magical circle, and an entire team of mages has to struggle until Crimson comes along with his superior dragon knowledge and abilities.

Special Powers

Magic in Ragna Crimson, Explained - image 2

While the anime does not directly explain it, it is worth noting that each dragon has a special power. For example, Disas was especially tuned to air and wind — and was unbearably smug about it. Kamui’s area of expertise is lightning, and Ultimatia has power over time itself.

While we do not know much about how an area is chosen for each dragon, we saw that dragons can be fully grown or not. In particular, Nebulim had an awakening in Episode 8, which gave him more powers and abilities. Each dragon is special, it seems from what we see on the screen. That definitely makes watching them more entertaining.

Fan Approval

Magic in Ragna Crimson, Explained - image 3

Even though the magic system is explained in some detail in the anime, there are still questions, especially related to dragon areas of expertise. But the explanation that we have is very useful and helps us make sense of the world of Ragna Crimson. Fans appreciate both the fact that the anime took the time to explain magic and that the explanation makes sense while not being very restrictive. We’ll be looking out for more details about this world’s magic in future episodes.