
Mob Psycho 100 is a Perfect Example of How Overpowered Protagonists Should Be Written, and Here's Why

Mob Psycho 100 is a Perfect Example of How Overpowered Protagonists Should Be Written, and Here's Why

The writing in Mob Psycho 100 is actually brilliant — the fights are just a cherry on top.


  • Many otaku have issues with overpowered protagonists, complaining that there’s no tension when they are just better than everyone else.
  • In Mob Psycho 100, a lot of issues aren’t resolved through fights — it’s more focused on the mundane problems of real people.
  • Mob is a humble person who doesn’t rely on his powers, making him an excellent example of an overpowered main character written well.

Many anime, for one reason or another, have protagonists that may be considered overpowered. For some, such protagonists might be fun to watch, but for others, they may be annoying.

The criticism that overpowered protagonists get is understandable: it makes the anime very predictable and tensions virtually non-existent. One protagonist who is notably exempt from this criticism, however, is Mob — and here’s why.

The anime is somewhat similar to the author’s other work, One Punch Man

Mob Psycho 100 is a fairly unique anime. Combining crazy action with mundane lives and problems of ordinary people, it manages to do both very well. Its author, ONE, is also known for One Punch Man — which is similar in a way.

One Punch Man also plays with the contrast of ordinary human problems in a world where insane battles and heroes exist — however, unlike Mob Psycho, it’s mostly a comedy.

Mob defies the conventional issues with OP protagonists

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How do you make an overpowered protagonist actually interesting? In a non-comedy anime, the protagonist still has to be human and struggle with something. That’s where Shigeo Kageyama, better known as Mob, excels. Yes, he has incredibly strong psychic powers. Yet despite the anime having a lot of visually stunning fights, it’s not really about them.

Mob Psycho 100 spends a lot of time on Mob’s self-reflection and self-improvement. The focus of the anime isn’t just fights and superpowers, even though it seems that way at first. In the end, it’s mostly about Mob overcoming his social awkwardness and growing as a person.

Many things in Mob Psycho 100 aren’t really decided by fights, either. The conflicts between the characters are often resolved by talking, which only emphasizes that the anime is about real humans. Their struggles can’t always be overcome with psychic powers alone.

A brilliantly written protagonist

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Mob’s powers come from his emotions, which is another reason why he works so well as a protagonist. Despite being, technically, the strongest, Mob doesn’t really show much of his power. He only unleashes it when he feels incredibly strong emotions, and his personal “boiling point” is reflected in numbers in the anime — that’s where “100” comes from.

And of course, you shouldn’t forget Mob’s opinion on his own powers either. He stated multiple times that he doesn’t really need them in everyday life — he could live his life without them. Mob doesn’t think of himself as someone better than the others, which makes him a great person and an excellent protagonist.

The writing in Mob Psycho 100 is actually brilliant — the fights are just a cherry on top.


  • Many otaku have issues with overpowered protagonists, complaining that there’s no tension when they are just better than everyone else.
  • In Mob Psycho 100, a lot of issues aren’t resolved through fights — it’s more focused on the mundane problems of real people.
  • Mob is a humble person who doesn’t rely on his powers, making him an excellent example of an overpowered main character written well.

Many anime, for one reason or another, have protagonists that may be considered overpowered. For some, such protagonists might be fun to watch, but for others, they may be annoying.

The criticism that overpowered protagonists get is understandable: it makes the anime very predictable and tensions virtually non-existent. One protagonist who is notably exempt from this criticism, however, is Mob — and here’s why.

The anime is somewhat similar to the author’s other work, One Punch Man

Mob Psycho 100 is a fairly unique anime. Combining crazy action with mundane lives and problems of ordinary people, it manages to do both very well. Its author, ONE, is also known for One Punch Man — which is similar in a way.

One Punch Man also plays with the contrast of ordinary human problems in a world where insane battles and heroes exist — however, unlike Mob Psycho, it’s mostly a comedy.

Mob defies the conventional issues with OP protagonists

Mob Psycho 100 is a Perfect Example of How Overpowered Protagonists Should Be Written, and Here's Why - image 1

How do you make an overpowered protagonist actually interesting? In a non-comedy anime, the protagonist still has to be human and struggle with something. That’s where Shigeo Kageyama, better known as Mob, excels. Yes, he has incredibly strong psychic powers. Yet despite the anime having a lot of visually stunning fights, it’s not really about them.

Mob Psycho 100 spends a lot of time on Mob’s self-reflection and self-improvement. The focus of the anime isn’t just fights and superpowers, even though it seems that way at first. In the end, it’s mostly about Mob overcoming his social awkwardness and growing as a person.

Many things in Mob Psycho 100 aren’t really decided by fights, either. The conflicts between the characters are often resolved by talking, which only emphasizes that the anime is about real humans. Their struggles can’t always be overcome with psychic powers alone.

A brilliantly written protagonist

Mob Psycho 100 is a Perfect Example of How Overpowered Protagonists Should Be Written, and Here's Why - image 2

Mob’s powers come from his emotions, which is another reason why he works so well as a protagonist. Despite being, technically, the strongest, Mob doesn’t really show much of his power. He only unleashes it when he feels incredibly strong emotions, and his personal “boiling point” is reflected in numbers in the anime — that’s where “100” comes from.

And of course, you shouldn’t forget Mob’s opinion on his own powers either. He stated multiple times that he doesn’t really need them in everyday life — he could live his life without them. Mob doesn’t think of himself as someone better than the others, which makes him a great person and an excellent protagonist.