
Netflix Brings Back This Iconic Franchise as Anime, but Fans Are Skeptical

Netflix Brings Back This Iconic Franchise as Anime, but Fans Are Skeptical

Newer Terminator movies haven’t been very good.


  • Terminator Zero will premiere on Netflix on August 29.
  • It’s a completely new story with a new cast of characters.
  • Fans don’t think it’ll be very good.

Over the years, there have been many Western franchises turned into anime. Star Wars: Visions comes to mind, as well as the upcoming Isekai Suicide Squad — but it’s way more than just these two. Even Supernatural — one of the most popular live-action TV series of all time — had an anime series based on it.

However, what absolutely no one expected was an announcement of an anime based on the Terminator movie series. Terminator Zero, an eight-episode series, will premiere on Netflix on August 29 — fans are curious, but not very optimistic.

A Completely New Story with New Characters

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Technically, there’s nothing that prevents Terminator from being an anime. In fact, these “humans versus machines” setups have been quite popular in the past. Terminator is an iconic franchise, and fans want to see how an anime based on it will work. However, there are also reasons for concern.

While the series will be taking place in the world of Terminator, it’s going to be a completely original story with a new character cast. Presumably, it’s impossible to get the rights for the characters of the original — and besides that, exploring other parts of the universe seems like a decent idea.

Fans Don’t Have Much Hope for It

However, fans aren’t very optimistic about this project. While they will still probably watch it just because of the name alone, they also believe it won’t really be good. That has nothing to do with it being a completely original story, though.

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The franchise is iconic, yes — but to many, the only really good parts were the first two movies. Everything that was released after them was met with mixed reviews at best — viewers believe Hollywood has been milking the franchise. It’s hard to not think the same about the upcoming Terminator anime, as there’s no real reason for it to exist.

It’s Probably at Least Worth Trying

Still, some believe that fans should at least give the series a try. After all, the creators actually care about the franchise — the release date, August 29, is the date of the Judgement Day in the Terminator universe.

Interestingly enough, an anime based on Terminator has been planned for a while. Back in 2008, a collection of animated shorts was planned, but it was never released. The new anime, Terminator Zero, has been in production since 2021, and it’s finally coming out soon.


Newer Terminator movies haven’t been very good.


  • Terminator Zero will premiere on Netflix on August 29.
  • It’s a completely new story with a new cast of characters.
  • Fans don’t think it’ll be very good.

Over the years, there have been many Western franchises turned into anime. Star Wars: Visions comes to mind, as well as the upcoming Isekai Suicide Squad — but it’s way more than just these two. Even Supernatural — one of the most popular live-action TV series of all time — had an anime series based on it.

However, what absolutely no one expected was an announcement of an anime based on the Terminator movie series. Terminator Zero, an eight-episode series, will premiere on Netflix on August 29 — fans are curious, but not very optimistic.

A Completely New Story with New Characters

Netflix Brings Back This Iconic Franchise as Anime, but Fans Are Skeptical - image 1

Technically, there’s nothing that prevents Terminator from being an anime. In fact, these “humans versus machines” setups have been quite popular in the past. Terminator is an iconic franchise, and fans want to see how an anime based on it will work. However, there are also reasons for concern.

While the series will be taking place in the world of Terminator, it’s going to be a completely original story with a new character cast. Presumably, it’s impossible to get the rights for the characters of the original — and besides that, exploring other parts of the universe seems like a decent idea.

Fans Don’t Have Much Hope for It

However, fans aren’t very optimistic about this project. While they will still probably watch it just because of the name alone, they also believe it won’t really be good. That has nothing to do with it being a completely original story, though.

Netflix Brings Back This Iconic Franchise as Anime, but Fans Are Skeptical - image 2

The franchise is iconic, yes — but to many, the only really good parts were the first two movies. Everything that was released after them was met with mixed reviews at best — viewers believe Hollywood has been milking the franchise. It’s hard to not think the same about the upcoming Terminator anime, as there’s no real reason for it to exist.

It’s Probably at Least Worth Trying

Still, some believe that fans should at least give the series a try. After all, the creators actually care about the franchise — the release date, August 29, is the date of the Judgement Day in the Terminator universe.

Interestingly enough, an anime based on Terminator has been planned for a while. Back in 2008, a collection of animated shorts was planned, but it was never released. The new anime, Terminator Zero, has been in production since 2021, and it’s finally coming out soon.
