
Of All Blue Exorcist Characters, Yukio Definitely Deserves More

Of All Blue Exorcist Characters, Yukio Definitely Deserves More

Behind the rough exterior is a childhood trauma.

Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist) spoilers ahead!


  • Many fans dislike the main characters of Blue Exorcist, especially Okumura Yukio.
  • There are two protagonists in Blue Exorcist, but because Rin has more screen time, Yukio is often left out.
  • Yukio is one of the most complex characters in the franchise.

Despite many problems, Blue Exorcist has a relatively large fanbase. It is not surprising, as the story is based on an intriguing and memorable concept. However, there are many critics of this title, as the anime was not successful enough due to several mistakes during the production.

But it is not only the adaptation that is considered a weakness of this title — many fans dislike the main characters of Blue Exorcist, especially Okumura Yukio.

Lots of hate

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Blue Exorcist, as already mentioned, has a very interesting core idea. Two brothers with very different personalities have to face their evil father. He is not evil because he scolds or hurts them, but because he is Satan and killed their stepfather.

There are two protagonists here, but because Rin has more screen time, Yukio is often left out. They are very different and complement each other well — Rin has an explosive temperament, while Yukio is calm and mature beyond his years.

The main characters of Blue Exorcist are one of the most appealing, yet criticized aspects. While Rin is accepted for his abilities, Yukio is hated by most viewers. They find him too crude and one-dimensional. Yukio has comparatively less screen time and all the fans see is that he treats his brother badly.

Great potential

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Still, Yukio is not a bad character and deserves better treatment. Season 2 Episode 3 showed how strong his fears and worries are, and how kind and helpful he can be (at least to his students).

He fears that he will develop demonic powers like Rin (hinted at in Season 2), so he is afraid to see a doctor. Yukio also suffers from responsibility — he has to do his job as an exorcist in addition to protecting his brother and his students.

In fact, Yukio is one of the most complex characters in the franchise, if not the most. Unlike Rin, he's known about the existence of demons since childhood and has been involved in their destruction for years. Yukio has to protect his brother, as he promised his stepfather.

At the same time, he worries about fate and struggles with his worst sides, including Satan's possible power. Yukio seems to develop even more than Rin throughout the manga and is shown from different sides.

Behind the rough exterior is a childhood trauma.

Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist) spoilers ahead!


  • Many fans dislike the main characters of Blue Exorcist, especially Okumura Yukio.
  • There are two protagonists in Blue Exorcist, but because Rin has more screen time, Yukio is often left out.
  • Yukio is one of the most complex characters in the franchise.

Despite many problems, Blue Exorcist has a relatively large fanbase. It is not surprising, as the story is based on an intriguing and memorable concept. However, there are many critics of this title, as the anime was not successful enough due to several mistakes during the production.

But it is not only the adaptation that is considered a weakness of this title — many fans dislike the main characters of Blue Exorcist, especially Okumura Yukio.

Lots of hate

Of All Blue Exorcist Characters, Yukio Definitely Deserves More - image 1

Blue Exorcist, as already mentioned, has a very interesting core idea. Two brothers with very different personalities have to face their evil father. He is not evil because he scolds or hurts them, but because he is Satan and killed their stepfather.

There are two protagonists here, but because Rin has more screen time, Yukio is often left out. They are very different and complement each other well — Rin has an explosive temperament, while Yukio is calm and mature beyond his years.

The main characters of Blue Exorcist are one of the most appealing, yet criticized aspects. While Rin is accepted for his abilities, Yukio is hated by most viewers. They find him too crude and one-dimensional. Yukio has comparatively less screen time and all the fans see is that he treats his brother badly.

Great potential

Of All Blue Exorcist Characters, Yukio Definitely Deserves More - image 2

Still, Yukio is not a bad character and deserves better treatment. Season 2 Episode 3 showed how strong his fears and worries are, and how kind and helpful he can be (at least to his students).

He fears that he will develop demonic powers like Rin (hinted at in Season 2), so he is afraid to see a doctor. Yukio also suffers from responsibility — he has to do his job as an exorcist in addition to protecting his brother and his students.

In fact, Yukio is one of the most complex characters in the franchise, if not the most. Unlike Rin, he's known about the existence of demons since childhood and has been involved in their destruction for years. Yukio has to protect his brother, as he promised his stepfather.

At the same time, he worries about fate and struggles with his worst sides, including Satan's possible power. Yukio seems to develop even more than Rin throughout the manga and is shown from different sides.