
Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer

Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer

Let’s talk about one of the most famous anime characters ever.

Spoilers ahead!

Death Note is probably one of the most distinguished anime in the world, even people who have never liked or watched anime have heard of it. Hundreds of fans suggest this series to their non-anime friends because Death Note has become a classic, and this anime is actually very easy to get into, no matter what types of media you usually like. And we believe that the reason for it is the main character of the story, Light.

Light is a teen school student, but definitely not an ordinary one. His grades are always brilliant, his mind is sharp, and he looks like the type of person who’s always got everything under control. It feels like his life lacks challenges and excitement, he’s bored to death. Life is too simple for him, and he is too smart for people. Light’s quote “Day in and day out, the same news on permanent repeat. This world is…Rotten” shows his state perfectly. And he probably would’ve lived his entire life like that, but everything changes when one day he finds the death note.

Light was brought up in a healthy family. His mom is very caring, his dad brings home enough money for his loved ones so that they’ll never lack anything. Light doesn’t realize that not everyone has had the same conditions, and he blames other people for making the wrong choices and for not being able to be as brilliant as him.

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It’s fair to say that Light has also got some psychopathic tendencies: he lacks sympathy and most emotions, never feels any guilt, stays cold no matter what and is extremely narcissistic. So when the death note comes into the possession of such a person, it becomes an even more dangerous thing than it would be in the hands of a regular human being. Light’s level of arrogance is only elevated after he finds the death note, and now we have extreme power added to all of his qualities.

The main protagonist has an idea of a perfect world: a world where everyone adheres to his rules and doesn’t do anything evil, a world of people whom he judges to be just, kind and worthy of living. And Light intends to become the god of this new world. First he writes the names of the worst criminals in the death note, he calls it “cleaning up” and that already says a lot about his feelings towards other people. He doesn’t see the ones who have lower than his intelligence as people, they are just trash to him, a thing that the world must be cleaned up from.

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It’s impossible to call Light a coward. He doesn’t know that using the death note will not put him into hell, but he still decides to use it because even giving his soul away is better than being bored in a world full of people who are not worthy of him.

Light is fully aware that his actions are against the law but he denies being a bad person, he tells Ryuk that straight away. Which drives us to the conclusion that there is only one set of morals that Light can respect and adhere to: his own.

Other people’s lives are just toys for Light, he uses them as a means to get what he wants. The teenager experiments with criminals’ lives just to understand the rules of the death note more clearly, which once again shows us how little people whom he deems not worthy actually mean to him.

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The character’s narcissism is one of his weaknesses. It’s crucial for Light to be special and he doesn’t take it well when Ryuk tells him he’s not. The cat and mouse chase that Light has got going on between him and L brings him great satisfaction every time he’s able to win or prove that he’s always one step ahead, because L is the only person Light thinks to be close to his own level of intelligence. He is eager to beat him not only so that he can finally become the god of the new world, but also because it’s important to him to be superior to his opponent.

Such a powerful thing as a death note can’t leave anyone uninfluenced and despite Light being profoundly intelligent, he can’t help but change. As the time goes by, he becomes more and more ruthless and cold, and there comes a moment when he becomes void even of the little emotion he had before. At some point he actually thinks of killing his own sister just to save the death note.

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These changes and the death of L lead to Light becoming more vain and completely losing fear and the last bits of his sanity. His journey started with twisted morals, but still morals, that turned to absolute vanity and arrogance closer to the end of the series and led to his loss and demise.

You can detest or admire Light for everything he’s done, and both opinions have a fair right to exist but it’s impossible to deny the fact that he is an extraordinary character. Having a protagonist with such a contorted view of the world is not a common thing for the media. Watching him think and design his plans and schemes can fascinate anyone, and there have been many moments when we were left in complete awe after hearing Light’s conclusions. So it doesn’t matter if you were upset by the ending of the show or looking forward to seeing Light lose, you can’t deny that the story that led to this is still a phenomenal experience in the world of anime and manga, and it’s mostly because of its main character.

Let’s talk about one of the most famous anime characters ever.

Spoilers ahead!

Death Note is probably one of the most distinguished anime in the world, even people who have never liked or watched anime have heard of it. Hundreds of fans suggest this series to their non-anime friends because Death Note has become a classic, and this anime is actually very easy to get into, no matter what types of media you usually like. And we believe that the reason for it is the main character of the story, Light.

Light is a teen school student, but definitely not an ordinary one. His grades are always brilliant, his mind is sharp, and he looks like the type of person who’s always got everything under control. It feels like his life lacks challenges and excitement, he’s bored to death. Life is too simple for him, and he is too smart for people. Light’s quote “Day in and day out, the same news on permanent repeat. This world is…Rotten” shows his state perfectly. And he probably would’ve lived his entire life like that, but everything changes when one day he finds the death note.

Light was brought up in a healthy family. His mom is very caring, his dad brings home enough money for his loved ones so that they’ll never lack anything. Light doesn’t realize that not everyone has had the same conditions, and he blames other people for making the wrong choices and for not being able to be as brilliant as him.

Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer - image 1

It’s fair to say that Light has also got some psychopathic tendencies: he lacks sympathy and most emotions, never feels any guilt, stays cold no matter what and is extremely narcissistic. So when the death note comes into the possession of such a person, it becomes an even more dangerous thing than it would be in the hands of a regular human being. Light’s level of arrogance is only elevated after he finds the death note, and now we have extreme power added to all of his qualities.

The main protagonist has an idea of a perfect world: a world where everyone adheres to his rules and doesn’t do anything evil, a world of people whom he judges to be just, kind and worthy of living. And Light intends to become the god of this new world. First he writes the names of the worst criminals in the death note, he calls it “cleaning up” and that already says a lot about his feelings towards other people. He doesn’t see the ones who have lower than his intelligence as people, they are just trash to him, a thing that the world must be cleaned up from.

Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer - image 2

It’s impossible to call Light a coward. He doesn’t know that using the death note will not put him into hell, but he still decides to use it because even giving his soul away is better than being bored in a world full of people who are not worthy of him.

Light is fully aware that his actions are against the law but he denies being a bad person, he tells Ryuk that straight away. Which drives us to the conclusion that there is only one set of morals that Light can respect and adhere to: his own.

Other people’s lives are just toys for Light, he uses them as a means to get what he wants. The teenager experiments with criminals’ lives just to understand the rules of the death note more clearly, which once again shows us how little people whom he deems not worthy actually mean to him.

Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer - image 3

The character’s narcissism is one of his weaknesses. It’s crucial for Light to be special and he doesn’t take it well when Ryuk tells him he’s not. The cat and mouse chase that Light has got going on between him and L brings him great satisfaction every time he’s able to win or prove that he’s always one step ahead, because L is the only person Light thinks to be close to his own level of intelligence. He is eager to beat him not only so that he can finally become the god of the new world, but also because it’s important to him to be superior to his opponent.

Such a powerful thing as a death note can’t leave anyone uninfluenced and despite Light being profoundly intelligent, he can’t help but change. As the time goes by, he becomes more and more ruthless and cold, and there comes a moment when he becomes void even of the little emotion he had before. At some point he actually thinks of killing his own sister just to save the death note.

Philosophy Of Yagami Light: From A Bright Student To A Cold Murderer - image 4

These changes and the death of L lead to Light becoming more vain and completely losing fear and the last bits of his sanity. His journey started with twisted morals, but still morals, that turned to absolute vanity and arrogance closer to the end of the series and led to his loss and demise.

You can detest or admire Light for everything he’s done, and both opinions have a fair right to exist but it’s impossible to deny the fact that he is an extraordinary character. Having a protagonist with such a contorted view of the world is not a common thing for the media. Watching him think and design his plans and schemes can fascinate anyone, and there have been many moments when we were left in complete awe after hearing Light’s conclusions. So it doesn’t matter if you were upset by the ending of the show or looking forward to seeing Light lose, you can’t deny that the story that led to this is still a phenomenal experience in the world of anime and manga, and it’s mostly because of its main character.