
Ragna Crimson Episode 6 is Out, and All Fans Talk About is Ultimatia

Ragna Crimson Episode 6 is Out, and All Fans Talk About is Ultimatia

Ultimatia seems to be the opposite of a fan favorite; fans want her gone and cheer on Ragna as he fights her.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Ultimatia seems to be universally hated by the fandom.
  • Ultimatia’s powers are not helpful in the battle that Ragna started.
  • Fans worry that other dragons might appear, giving Ultimatia the time she needs to restore herself.

Fan Least Favorite: Ultimatia

Ultimatia is almost universally hated by the fans of Ragna Crimson. Despite her innocent look and great potential for fanservice, Ultimatia is considered terrifying because she is willing to commit genocide the way she believes her god told her to do. She tries to make it a quiet, calm genocide, and she believes herself to be merciful for ending lives without pain. Still, it does not seem to make fans warm up to her at all.

Some fans also believe that she is a hypocrite and that she understands full well that what she is doing is despicable. Others think that she is too brainwashed (either by her god or by herself) and genuinely feels for the people she orders to be killed. In episode 6, Ultimatia is shown to personally know which families are going to be killed. As a result, it does appear that she cares on some level, but her care is hardly soothing.

With that common dislike for Ultimatia, fans were very happy to see Ragna tear her to shreds.

The Battle of Ultimatia and Ragna

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The end of episode 6 features a cool fight between Ultimatia and Ragna. Fans were very happy both to see some action and watch Ultimatia be torn to shreds. Unfortunately, as fans know due to Crimson, Ultimatia is tough to fight against because she controls time. She can freeze it or make it go back, but she cannot do both at the same time.

It is not clear if Ragna knew that; fans theorize that he might have, since he had already killed Ultimatia in the other timeline. Regardless, Ragna doesn’t give her a chance to stop time as he constantly attacks her, which makes her struggle to turn time back so that she can restore herself.

If Ultimatia remains alone against Ragna, he will likely win. However, fans feel like there is a strong possibility that other dragons learn about the battle and join in. Then, Ultimatia will be able to heal herself, making her and other dragons more or less invincible.

Do you like Ultimatia?

Ultimatia seems to be the opposite of a fan favorite; fans want her gone and cheer on Ragna as he fights her.

Ragna Crimson spoilers ahead!


  • Ultimatia seems to be universally hated by the fandom.
  • Ultimatia’s powers are not helpful in the battle that Ragna started.
  • Fans worry that other dragons might appear, giving Ultimatia the time she needs to restore herself.

Fan Least Favorite: Ultimatia

Ultimatia is almost universally hated by the fans of Ragna Crimson. Despite her innocent look and great potential for fanservice, Ultimatia is considered terrifying because she is willing to commit genocide the way she believes her god told her to do. She tries to make it a quiet, calm genocide, and she believes herself to be merciful for ending lives without pain. Still, it does not seem to make fans warm up to her at all.

Some fans also believe that she is a hypocrite and that she understands full well that what she is doing is despicable. Others think that she is too brainwashed (either by her god or by herself) and genuinely feels for the people she orders to be killed. In episode 6, Ultimatia is shown to personally know which families are going to be killed. As a result, it does appear that she cares on some level, but her care is hardly soothing.

With that common dislike for Ultimatia, fans were very happy to see Ragna tear her to shreds.

The Battle of Ultimatia and Ragna

Ragna Crimson Episode 6 is Out, and All Fans Talk About is Ultimatia - image 1

The end of episode 6 features a cool fight between Ultimatia and Ragna. Fans were very happy both to see some action and watch Ultimatia be torn to shreds. Unfortunately, as fans know due to Crimson, Ultimatia is tough to fight against because she controls time. She can freeze it or make it go back, but she cannot do both at the same time.

It is not clear if Ragna knew that; fans theorize that he might have, since he had already killed Ultimatia in the other timeline. Regardless, Ragna doesn’t give her a chance to stop time as he constantly attacks her, which makes her struggle to turn time back so that she can restore herself.

If Ultimatia remains alone against Ragna, he will likely win. However, fans feel like there is a strong possibility that other dragons learn about the battle and join in. Then, Ultimatia will be able to heal herself, making her and other dragons more or less invincible.

Do you like Ultimatia?