
Shaman King: Flowers' New Main Character May Be the Reason for Poor Views, Here's Why

Shaman King: Flowers' New Main Character May Be the Reason for Poor Views, Here's Why

Fans think Yoh's son is not that good as a main character.

Shaman King spoilers ahead!


  • Nobody is talking about Shaman King: Flowers and the title has comparatively low ratings.
  • Shaman King: Flowers is a sequel to the main story in which the main character is Yoh’s son Hana.
  • Hana is not like his father, but more like Anna.

Viewers have mixed opinions about the 2021 remake of Shaman King. Some were happy to see the return of an extremely popular title, while others never accepted the new adaptation and preferred not to spoil their childhood memories.

From the beginning, the sequel had no chance to please all fans, but the release turned out to be even more disappointing than expected. Almost no one is talking about Shaman King: Flowers and the title has comparatively low ratings.

Some have suggested that the problem is the new protagonist, but is Hana that bad?

So Different

Asakura Yoh is an extremely well-known character, familiar even to those who aren't particularly interested in anime. Yoh's unusual personality and purpose attracted the attention of viewers, and they enjoyed watching Yoh's journey to become the Shaman King.

Shaman King: Flowers is a sequel to the main story in which the main character is no longer Yoh, but his son Hana. For viewers unfamiliar with the manga, this may come as a surprise, but the sequel is quite logical, and preparations have already been made in the main anime.

In the last episode of Shaman King, we were shown the events that took place 7 years after the tournament — all the main characters have grown up, some even have children. We saw Hana for the first time at that moment, and despite the external resemblance, he already had a very different personality from his father.

New main character

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Yes, there is no Yoh in Shaman King: Flowers, but he is actively referenced as Hana resents his father. By the way, Yoh and Hana are hard to tell apart — Hana wears a similar shirt, twisted pants, and headphones.

However, everything becomes clear when we get to know the new character a little better. Hana is not like his father, but more like Anna — he is easily angered, has a temper, and can be a bit violent at times.

Unlike Yoh, Hana is not as friendly, and it takes away a unique trait that many viewers loved about the previous protagonist — Yoh looked mature and showed respect even to his rivals.

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However, that's not the only thing that makes Hana an unattractive protagonist. Unlike his father, he is very strong from the start and easily defeats challenging opponents. Overly strong characters often seem boring and hardly change during the course of the story.

On the other hand, it's more interesting to look at titles that break the usual clichés, and heroes who are strong from the start and don't go through a long process of self-improvement are just such a case.

Fans think Yoh's son is not that good as a main character.

Shaman King spoilers ahead!


  • Nobody is talking about Shaman King: Flowers and the title has comparatively low ratings.
  • Shaman King: Flowers is a sequel to the main story in which the main character is Yoh’s son Hana.
  • Hana is not like his father, but more like Anna.

Viewers have mixed opinions about the 2021 remake of Shaman King. Some were happy to see the return of an extremely popular title, while others never accepted the new adaptation and preferred not to spoil their childhood memories.

From the beginning, the sequel had no chance to please all fans, but the release turned out to be even more disappointing than expected. Almost no one is talking about Shaman King: Flowers and the title has comparatively low ratings.

Some have suggested that the problem is the new protagonist, but is Hana that bad?

So Different

Asakura Yoh is an extremely well-known character, familiar even to those who aren't particularly interested in anime. Yoh's unusual personality and purpose attracted the attention of viewers, and they enjoyed watching Yoh's journey to become the Shaman King.

Shaman King: Flowers is a sequel to the main story in which the main character is no longer Yoh, but his son Hana. For viewers unfamiliar with the manga, this may come as a surprise, but the sequel is quite logical, and preparations have already been made in the main anime.

In the last episode of Shaman King, we were shown the events that took place 7 years after the tournament — all the main characters have grown up, some even have children. We saw Hana for the first time at that moment, and despite the external resemblance, he already had a very different personality from his father.

New main character

Shaman King: Flowers' New Main Character May Be the Reason for Poor Views, Here's Why - image 1

Yes, there is no Yoh in Shaman King: Flowers, but he is actively referenced as Hana resents his father. By the way, Yoh and Hana are hard to tell apart — Hana wears a similar shirt, twisted pants, and headphones.

However, everything becomes clear when we get to know the new character a little better. Hana is not like his father, but more like Anna — he is easily angered, has a temper, and can be a bit violent at times.

Unlike Yoh, Hana is not as friendly, and it takes away a unique trait that many viewers loved about the previous protagonist — Yoh looked mature and showed respect even to his rivals.

Shaman King: Flowers' New Main Character May Be the Reason for Poor Views, Here's Why - image 2

However, that's not the only thing that makes Hana an unattractive protagonist. Unlike his father, he is very strong from the start and easily defeats challenging opponents. Overly strong characters often seem boring and hardly change during the course of the story.

On the other hand, it's more interesting to look at titles that break the usual clichés, and heroes who are strong from the start and don't go through a long process of self-improvement are just such a case.