
Shy’s Character Guide: Stigma’s Powers, Motivation and Plans, Explained

Shy’s Character Guide: Stigma’s Powers, Motivation and Plans, Explained

Why does he hate the heroes so much?

Shy spoilers ahead!


  • According to Tzveta in Episode 11, Stigma wants a world without adults.
  • While Stigma can make dreams come true, he cannot do it for himself.
  • He hates heroes for some reason and seems to create Amarariruku members to fight them.

Before Episode 11, Stigma’s goal was very vague. He would talk about hearts being controlled and feelings being suppressed, and he claimed to want to set them all free with the help of his rings. However, he did not explicitly state his intent or desires. He did make it clear that he did not like heroes and considered them to be an obstacle.

However, in Episode 11, Tzveta switched sides due to Pepesha’s words, and she gives us some more insight into what Stigma is and what he wants. Even though we still do not know his real name — or if he has one — we know his end goal.

Stigma’s Powers and His Perfect World

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Stigma seems to have immense powers: he can make dreams come true if a person really dreams. However, he cannot make his own dream come true. That is why he created Amarariruku to help him and fight heroes.

To Stigma, the ideal world has no adults, only children. He does not explain how he would achieve that, and Tzveta clearly does not know enough about his intentions, but in Stigma’s perfect world there would be no adults. We feel like he had not thought that one through. Perhaps, it is for the best that he cannot make his own dreams come true.

A world of only children would probably be achieved either through magic or less peaceful means. We hope that Stigma intends to somehow prevent people from growing up and does not intend to lower life expectancy in the world. In any case, he seems to be more focused on heroes for now, which is good. At the very least, he keeps himself busy while heroes and the Unilord try to figure out how to stop him.

Stigma’s Plan

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Stigma’s plan so far consists of creating Amarariruku members and fighting heroes. For example, he created Tzveta, and he did it by using Pepesha’s intense wish to meet her mother again. That was an extremely invasive thing to do; after all, Stigma did not just create Tzveta from Pepesha’s dreams but also convinced her to fight Pepesha. Fans theorize that Stigma creates all Amarariruku members by using something dear to heroes. It would not be surprising if Amarariruku was entirely made of heroes’ wishes twisted enough to cause chaos like Tzveta did. After all, Stigma would put his rings on the people who were close to heroes, too.

To be fair, Stigma is still an enigma, but due to Tzveta, we understand him a little better. And we can tell that he needs to be stopped.

Why does he hate the heroes so much?

Shy spoilers ahead!


  • According to Tzveta in Episode 11, Stigma wants a world without adults.
  • While Stigma can make dreams come true, he cannot do it for himself.
  • He hates heroes for some reason and seems to create Amarariruku members to fight them.

Before Episode 11, Stigma’s goal was very vague. He would talk about hearts being controlled and feelings being suppressed, and he claimed to want to set them all free with the help of his rings. However, he did not explicitly state his intent or desires. He did make it clear that he did not like heroes and considered them to be an obstacle.

However, in Episode 11, Tzveta switched sides due to Pepesha’s words, and she gives us some more insight into what Stigma is and what he wants. Even though we still do not know his real name — or if he has one — we know his end goal.

Stigma’s Powers and His Perfect World

Shy’s Character Guide: Stigma’s Powers, Motivation and Plans, Explained - image 1

Stigma seems to have immense powers: he can make dreams come true if a person really dreams. However, he cannot make his own dream come true. That is why he created Amarariruku to help him and fight heroes.

To Stigma, the ideal world has no adults, only children. He does not explain how he would achieve that, and Tzveta clearly does not know enough about his intentions, but in Stigma’s perfect world there would be no adults. We feel like he had not thought that one through. Perhaps, it is for the best that he cannot make his own dreams come true.

A world of only children would probably be achieved either through magic or less peaceful means. We hope that Stigma intends to somehow prevent people from growing up and does not intend to lower life expectancy in the world. In any case, he seems to be more focused on heroes for now, which is good. At the very least, he keeps himself busy while heroes and the Unilord try to figure out how to stop him.

Stigma’s Plan

Shy’s Character Guide: Stigma’s Powers, Motivation and Plans, Explained - image 2

Stigma’s plan so far consists of creating Amarariruku members and fighting heroes. For example, he created Tzveta, and he did it by using Pepesha’s intense wish to meet her mother again. That was an extremely invasive thing to do; after all, Stigma did not just create Tzveta from Pepesha’s dreams but also convinced her to fight Pepesha. Fans theorize that Stigma creates all Amarariruku members by using something dear to heroes. It would not be surprising if Amarariruku was entirely made of heroes’ wishes twisted enough to cause chaos like Tzveta did. After all, Stigma would put his rings on the people who were close to heroes, too.

To be fair, Stigma is still an enigma, but due to Tzveta, we understand him a little better. And we can tell that he needs to be stopped.