
The 25 Best Isekai Manga of All Time, Ranked

The 25 Best Isekai Manga of All Time, Ranked

With the abundance of isekai stories out there it became popular to mock them, and for a reason: the majority of the releases follow a simple formula that's based on a power fantasy.

But what if we told you that not all stories with an isekai premise are like that, huh?

Like any trope that gained explosive popularity, isekai has suffered from an overabundance of mediocre works that reached the spotlight and clouded it, thus making the overall perception of this premise quite prejudiced.

But even in this overclouded pool of poorly written isekai, there are gems that don't follow the regular formula of a power fantasy or execute it so well that it works without making you roll your eyes. Others even drop the fantasy setting and bring their protagonists to space!

Or send people from the fantasy worlds to ours! And while the latter has been done before, and multiple times, it's still quite rare, and the way it's done in Goodbye, Dragon Life is especially exciting. So if for you 'isekai' in the list of genres has become a red flag, we hope that our list helped you reconsider that and you'll give it a try again.

With the abundance of isekai stories out there it became popular to mock them, and for a reason: the majority of the releases follow a simple formula that's based on a power fantasy.

But what if we told you that not all stories with an isekai premise are like that, huh?

Like any trope that gained explosive popularity, isekai has suffered from an overabundance of mediocre works that reached the spotlight and clouded it, thus making the overall perception of this premise quite prejudiced.

But even in this overclouded pool of poorly written isekai, there are gems that don't follow the regular formula of a power fantasy or execute it so well that it works without making you roll your eyes. Others even drop the fantasy setting and bring their protagonists to space!

Or send people from the fantasy worlds to ours! And while the latter has been done before, and multiple times, it's still quite rare, and the way it's done in Goodbye, Dragon Life is especially exciting. So if for you 'isekai' in the list of genres has become a red flag, we hope that our list helped you reconsider that and you'll give it a try again.