
The Third Hokage Could Have Been a Better Role Model to Naruto, and Here's Why

The Third Hokage Could Have Been a Better Role Model to Naruto, and Here's Why

Wonder how the series would have gone if that actually happened.


  • Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Third Hokage, could have provided Naruto with a better childhood.
  • He also could have been a perfect mentor and role model for the protagonist.
  • Overall, he’s definitely a flawed character, but that makes him more interesting.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is liked by most Naruto fans. He plays the role of an old and wise mentor, whose experience makes him a formidable opponent — however, we don’t see him fight that much. Most of the time, the Third Hokage’s role is to teach the characters about the value of friendship and the village’s traditions.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the old man doesn’t have his shortcomings. From not preventing the Uchiha massacre to not dealing with Danzo and Orochimaru when he could have done so, Hiruzen Sarutobi is definitely not infallible.

One of his biggest mistakes, though, is failing to provide adequate education for Naruto, despite having a perfect opportunity to do so.

Hokage not helping Naruto makes no sense

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Yes, we understand it: Naruto’s parentage was supposed to be a secret. With his father amassing a huge amount of enemies during the war, that’s just understandable.

That doesn’t, however, explain why Naruto’s status as a jinchuuriki was something citizens weren’t supposed to talk about — despite virtually everyone except Naruto himself being aware of it.

It also doesn’t explain why the Hokage didn’t try to influence public opinion. Naruto might have been a host for the Nine-Tails, but it doesn’t seem that Hiruzen even tried to prevent his poor treatment by other Konoha residents.

Hiruzen could have been a perfect role model for Naruto

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Even outside of that, Naruto was a very unusual child — and required education which he was obviously not getting in the academy. While he seemed to be on good terms with the Hokage, he never received any formal training from him, and the Hokage has never tried to correct his behavior.

Hiruzen Sarutobi would have been the perfect role model for Naruto. He was both a strong fighter and a paragon of wisdom, something that every leader should strive to be. These values could have helped Naruto to go through childhood and make him more prepared for the outside world.

It’s frankly inexcusable how neglectful the Third Hokage was toward the child of his successor.

The Third Hokage is still an interesting character

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Does this make Hiruzen Sarutobi a bad person? Hardly so; if anything, he had made grave mistakes more catastrophic than this one. He is definitely a flawed character, and he’s deliberately written in such a way to make him more realistic.

That said, we still wish his influence on Naruto’s life were greater — perhaps that would have made him stronger in the long run.

Wonder how the series would have gone if that actually happened.


  • Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Third Hokage, could have provided Naruto with a better childhood.
  • He also could have been a perfect mentor and role model for the protagonist.
  • Overall, he’s definitely a flawed character, but that makes him more interesting.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is liked by most Naruto fans. He plays the role of an old and wise mentor, whose experience makes him a formidable opponent — however, we don’t see him fight that much. Most of the time, the Third Hokage’s role is to teach the characters about the value of friendship and the village’s traditions.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the old man doesn’t have his shortcomings. From not preventing the Uchiha massacre to not dealing with Danzo and Orochimaru when he could have done so, Hiruzen Sarutobi is definitely not infallible.

One of his biggest mistakes, though, is failing to provide adequate education for Naruto, despite having a perfect opportunity to do so.

Hokage not helping Naruto makes no sense

The Third Hokage Could Have Been a Better Role Model to Naruto, and Here's Why - image 1

Yes, we understand it: Naruto’s parentage was supposed to be a secret. With his father amassing a huge amount of enemies during the war, that’s just understandable.

That doesn’t, however, explain why Naruto’s status as a jinchuuriki was something citizens weren’t supposed to talk about — despite virtually everyone except Naruto himself being aware of it.

It also doesn’t explain why the Hokage didn’t try to influence public opinion. Naruto might have been a host for the Nine-Tails, but it doesn’t seem that Hiruzen even tried to prevent his poor treatment by other Konoha residents.

Hiruzen could have been a perfect role model for Naruto

The Third Hokage Could Have Been a Better Role Model to Naruto, and Here's Why - image 2

Even outside of that, Naruto was a very unusual child — and required education which he was obviously not getting in the academy. While he seemed to be on good terms with the Hokage, he never received any formal training from him, and the Hokage has never tried to correct his behavior.

Hiruzen Sarutobi would have been the perfect role model for Naruto. He was both a strong fighter and a paragon of wisdom, something that every leader should strive to be. These values could have helped Naruto to go through childhood and make him more prepared for the outside world.

It’s frankly inexcusable how neglectful the Third Hokage was toward the child of his successor.

The Third Hokage is still an interesting character

The Third Hokage Could Have Been a Better Role Model to Naruto, and Here's Why - image 3

Does this make Hiruzen Sarutobi a bad person? Hardly so; if anything, he had made grave mistakes more catastrophic than this one. He is definitely a flawed character, and he’s deliberately written in such a way to make him more realistic.

That said, we still wish his influence on Naruto’s life were greater — perhaps that would have made him stronger in the long run.