
Wano Arc Is Better if You Binge It Instead of Watching It Weekly, Here’s Why

Wano Arc Is Better if You Binge It Instead of Watching It Weekly, Here’s Why

Sometimes, it’s better to wait until more episodes are released.


  • Wano arc is way more rewarding to watch when binged.
  • This argument can actually be applied to most One Piece arcs.
  • Wano is a top 3 arc in One Piece.

With the Wano arc of One Piece being recently finished, it drew some criticism from the fans. The criticism often stems from the arc’s length and scope, sometimes being hard to follow due to the sheer amount of characters involved. Some fans just waited for it to end already — and perhaps they should have waited to watch it instead. The Wano arc is way better if you binge it instead of watching it weekly, and here’s why.

Why Not Watch It Weekly?

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Generally, people can be hesitant to wait until more episodes are released, and understandably so. They want to stay on top of the hype, discuss the newest episodes with their friends, and are afraid of catching spoilers accidentally. Sometimes, however, watching an anime weekly makes it less enjoyable.

The Wano arc is a prime example of this — countless subplots and characters to follow, it can easily get tiring to watch weekly. When binged, however, it is insanely rewatchable. Seeing how the arc works together as a whole story is far more entertaining than watching it weekly, and with an arc as complicated as Wano, this argument only stands stronger.

What About Other Arcs?

Some fans argue that this applies to most One Piece arcs in general. It seems like the general public can get tired of an arc running for multiple years, with no culmination in sight. One Piece is often criticized for its slow pacing, and indeed, it can feel slow when watched weekly — you’re basically watching the same arc for years!

However, when binged, the show suddenly becomes even more entertaining than it was before. One Piece is a show which you’re supposed to immerse into, and not watch weekly as some kind of chore.

Wano Arc Is Actually One of the Best One Piece arcs

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While it is unclear when One Piece is going to end, the Wano arc definitely brought it closer to its finale. Upping the stakes and answering some of the viewers’ questions, it was an incredibly important arc of the series. The arc is mostly praised for its stellar animation and direction, however, it often gets unfairly judged for being too dragged out and hard to follow.

These criticisms are mostly based on the experience of the weekly viewers, however, and don’t take into account the fact that you can just watch it in a couple of sittings. If you do that, however, it quickly becomes apparent that these complaints are unsound: Wano is easily among the best 3 arcs we’ve had in One Piece.

Sometimes, it’s better to wait until more episodes are released.


  • Wano arc is way more rewarding to watch when binged.
  • This argument can actually be applied to most One Piece arcs.
  • Wano is a top 3 arc in One Piece.

With the Wano arc of One Piece being recently finished, it drew some criticism from the fans. The criticism often stems from the arc’s length and scope, sometimes being hard to follow due to the sheer amount of characters involved. Some fans just waited for it to end already — and perhaps they should have waited to watch it instead. The Wano arc is way better if you binge it instead of watching it weekly, and here’s why.

Why Not Watch It Weekly?

Wano Arc Is Better if You Binge It Instead of Watching It Weekly, Here’s Why - image 1

Generally, people can be hesitant to wait until more episodes are released, and understandably so. They want to stay on top of the hype, discuss the newest episodes with their friends, and are afraid of catching spoilers accidentally. Sometimes, however, watching an anime weekly makes it less enjoyable.

The Wano arc is a prime example of this — countless subplots and characters to follow, it can easily get tiring to watch weekly. When binged, however, it is insanely rewatchable. Seeing how the arc works together as a whole story is far more entertaining than watching it weekly, and with an arc as complicated as Wano, this argument only stands stronger.

What About Other Arcs?

Some fans argue that this applies to most One Piece arcs in general. It seems like the general public can get tired of an arc running for multiple years, with no culmination in sight. One Piece is often criticized for its slow pacing, and indeed, it can feel slow when watched weekly — you’re basically watching the same arc for years!

However, when binged, the show suddenly becomes even more entertaining than it was before. One Piece is a show which you’re supposed to immerse into, and not watch weekly as some kind of chore.

Wano Arc Is Actually One of the Best One Piece arcs

Wano Arc Is Better if You Binge It Instead of Watching It Weekly, Here’s Why - image 2

While it is unclear when One Piece is going to end, the Wano arc definitely brought it closer to its finale. Upping the stakes and answering some of the viewers’ questions, it was an incredibly important arc of the series. The arc is mostly praised for its stellar animation and direction, however, it often gets unfairly judged for being too dragged out and hard to follow.

These criticisms are mostly based on the experience of the weekly viewers, however, and don’t take into account the fact that you can just watch it in a couple of sittings. If you do that, however, it quickly becomes apparent that these complaints are unsound: Wano is easily among the best 3 arcs we’ve had in One Piece.