
Why Was Orochimaru Left Unpunished by the End of Naruto Shippuden?

Why Was Orochimaru Left Unpunished by the End of Naruto Shippuden?

No, people didn’t just forget about him.

Spoilers ahead!


  • Orochimaru is one of the most dangerous criminals in Konoha and a recurring villain in Naruto — and for some reason, he was spared at the end of the series.
  • Some fans argue that him dying once means he was already punished.
  • In reality, however, he was probably left alive simply because he’s useful to the village.

Orochimaru is one of the most iconic villains in Naruto. Being the first major antagonist to appear in the series, he is remembered by many for his ruthlessness and obsession with Sharingan.

He has been a threat to Konoha for hundreds of episodes, leading an invasion on it and being responsible for the death of the Third Hokage.

However, by the end of the series, Orochimaru was largely forgotten by many. Yes, he did get his death at the hands of Sasuke (before being revived by him during the Fourth Shinobi War). And in the end, when Kaguya was defeated, Konoha just left Orochimaru be — despite him being one of its greatest criminals and a consistent threat.

There were many reasons for Konoha to go after him when the war ended

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A lot of fans seem to think Orochimaru did not get the punishment he deserved. From the standpoint of the village, he performed many unethical human experiments, tried to destroy the village and steal its secrets multiple times, and was the cause of death of the Third Hokage and many other ninjas.

No matter how you look at it, he’s a criminal.

From the viewers’ standpoint, Orochimaru was also a constant thorn in the side of the main characters. Even when Sasuke left Konoha, he was still a deuteragonist of the series who many fans were rooting for — and Orochimaru was openly talking about taking over his body.

In fact, that is one of the main conflicts of the first part of the series. It makes sense some fans felt dissatisfied that he wasn’t punished for that behavior.

Does Orochimaru dying once mean he already received his punishment?

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To others, however, Orochimaru being spared makes perfect sense. He has already paid for his crimes with his life — and the fact that he was resurrected doesn’t change that.

It even makes sense thematically: Orochimaru was seeking immortality, and was met with his greatest nemesis — death, which is the worst punishment for him. Besides, he almost ceased his immoral and unethical activities, so what’s the point in punishing him further?

A useful asset to the village

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The reality is that Orochimaru was probably spared out of pragmatism rather than anything else. He proved himself to be loyal to Konoha when needed — during the war — and after that, was constantly observed by the village.

During that time, he never made a move against it, and stayed out of most illegal activities. It makes sense for Konoha to not punish someone with his knowledge — he’s simply more useful alive than dead.

No, people didn’t just forget about him.

Spoilers ahead!


  • Orochimaru is one of the most dangerous criminals in Konoha and a recurring villain in Naruto — and for some reason, he was spared at the end of the series.
  • Some fans argue that him dying once means he was already punished.
  • In reality, however, he was probably left alive simply because he’s useful to the village.

Orochimaru is one of the most iconic villains in Naruto. Being the first major antagonist to appear in the series, he is remembered by many for his ruthlessness and obsession with Sharingan.

He has been a threat to Konoha for hundreds of episodes, leading an invasion on it and being responsible for the death of the Third Hokage.

However, by the end of the series, Orochimaru was largely forgotten by many. Yes, he did get his death at the hands of Sasuke (before being revived by him during the Fourth Shinobi War). And in the end, when Kaguya was defeated, Konoha just left Orochimaru be — despite him being one of its greatest criminals and a consistent threat.

There were many reasons for Konoha to go after him when the war ended

Why Was Orochimaru Left Unpunished by the End of Naruto Shippuden? - image 1

A lot of fans seem to think Orochimaru did not get the punishment he deserved. From the standpoint of the village, he performed many unethical human experiments, tried to destroy the village and steal its secrets multiple times, and was the cause of death of the Third Hokage and many other ninjas.

No matter how you look at it, he’s a criminal.

From the viewers’ standpoint, Orochimaru was also a constant thorn in the side of the main characters. Even when Sasuke left Konoha, he was still a deuteragonist of the series who many fans were rooting for — and Orochimaru was openly talking about taking over his body.

In fact, that is one of the main conflicts of the first part of the series. It makes sense some fans felt dissatisfied that he wasn’t punished for that behavior.

Does Orochimaru dying once mean he already received his punishment?

Why Was Orochimaru Left Unpunished by the End of Naruto Shippuden? - image 2

To others, however, Orochimaru being spared makes perfect sense. He has already paid for his crimes with his life — and the fact that he was resurrected doesn’t change that.

It even makes sense thematically: Orochimaru was seeking immortality, and was met with his greatest nemesis — death, which is the worst punishment for him. Besides, he almost ceased his immoral and unethical activities, so what’s the point in punishing him further?

A useful asset to the village

Why Was Orochimaru Left Unpunished by the End of Naruto Shippuden? - image 3

The reality is that Orochimaru was probably spared out of pragmatism rather than anything else. He proved himself to be loyal to Konoha when needed — during the war — and after that, was constantly observed by the village.

During that time, he never made a move against it, and stayed out of most illegal activities. It makes sense for Konoha to not punish someone with his knowledge — he’s simply more useful alive than dead.