
3 Demon Slayer Characters Who Could Easily Replace Tanjiro as Lead

3 Demon Slayer Characters Who Could Easily Replace Tanjiro as Lead

No offense, Tanjiro, we still love you.

We all know about Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), of course, and are well aware of who the main protagonist of the story is. Tanjiro is an incredible character, indeed, and it's been an entertaining journey to watch him fight threatening demons and try to bring his sister back.

But let's fantasize a bit and pretend that he is not the main protagonist for a second. Who could take his place and how would it affect the story?

Nezuko Altering the Story

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The first logical choice would be Nezuko. If Tanjiro's sister was the main protagonist, it wouldn't really alter the story a lot, since it's already about the girl almost as much as about her brother. This change might affect the importance of Tanjiro's training and his journey of becoming a skilled demon slayer, though.

Without him being the focus of the series, it would make less sense to let the viewer fully experience his struggling, and that would lead to questions of how he turned from a regular boy to what we see him as today.

On the other hand, gaining more perspective on Nezuko would be a lot of fun.

We don't know much about her mental state as of now, and since the girl definitely shows signs of her human self due to her protectiveness of Tanjiro, we have an idea that she's not void of thoughts and feelings. If the viewers were given a chance to hear what's happening in her head, it would be a fascinating change.

Imagine having her thinking about how strong and painful her blood thirst is and how she is trying to keep it under control for the sake of her brother without being able to actually express it. It might add another level of drama to the series.

Zenitsu and Inosuke Lessening the Impact

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Some fans also suggest Zenitsu and Inosuke for the position of the main protagonist.

Both choices wouldn't probably alter the story a lot and let us learn more about these characters, but they would definitely decrease the impact of some events, such as Tanjiro and Nezuko's tragedy.

Muzan Flipping the Story on Its Head

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If you're a fan of villain leading anime, you'd love our next choice: Muzan. There's just something about the stories that are told from the point of view of the bad guy, and we're sure Demon Slayer would be just as interesting with a twist like that. Fans have been asking questions about this powerful demon forever, so there's no doubt that his story fascinates them.

What if we're given a story of Muzan just trying to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming truly eternal, and all the demon slayers are portrayed like an annoying obstacle on his way? Do you think you'd root for Tanjiro and Nezuko just the same?

No offense, Tanjiro, we still love you.

We all know about Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), of course, and are well aware of who the main protagonist of the story is. Tanjiro is an incredible character, indeed, and it's been an entertaining journey to watch him fight threatening demons and try to bring his sister back.

But let's fantasize a bit and pretend that he is not the main protagonist for a second. Who could take his place and how would it affect the story?

Nezuko Altering the Story

3 Demon Slayer Characters Who Could Easily Replace Tanjiro as Lead - image 1

The first logical choice would be Nezuko. If Tanjiro's sister was the main protagonist, it wouldn't really alter the story a lot, since it's already about the girl almost as much as about her brother. This change might affect the importance of Tanjiro's training and his journey of becoming a skilled demon slayer, though.

Without him being the focus of the series, it would make less sense to let the viewer fully experience his struggling, and that would lead to questions of how he turned from a regular boy to what we see him as today.

On the other hand, gaining more perspective on Nezuko would be a lot of fun.

We don't know much about her mental state as of now, and since the girl definitely shows signs of her human self due to her protectiveness of Tanjiro, we have an idea that she's not void of thoughts and feelings. If the viewers were given a chance to hear what's happening in her head, it would be a fascinating change.

Imagine having her thinking about how strong and painful her blood thirst is and how she is trying to keep it under control for the sake of her brother without being able to actually express it. It might add another level of drama to the series.

Zenitsu and Inosuke Lessening the Impact

3 Demon Slayer Characters Who Could Easily Replace Tanjiro as Lead - image 2

Some fans also suggest Zenitsu and Inosuke for the position of the main protagonist.

Both choices wouldn't probably alter the story a lot and let us learn more about these characters, but they would definitely decrease the impact of some events, such as Tanjiro and Nezuko's tragedy.

Muzan Flipping the Story on Its Head

3 Demon Slayer Characters Who Could Easily Replace Tanjiro as Lead - image 3

If you're a fan of villain leading anime, you'd love our next choice: Muzan. There's just something about the stories that are told from the point of view of the bad guy, and we're sure Demon Slayer would be just as interesting with a twist like that. Fans have been asking questions about this powerful demon forever, so there's no doubt that his story fascinates them.

What if we're given a story of Muzan just trying to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming truly eternal, and all the demon slayers are portrayed like an annoying obstacle on his way? Do you think you'd root for Tanjiro and Nezuko just the same?