
A Sign of Affection: Current Manga Events Make You Like Itsuomi Less

A Sign of Affection: Current Manga Events Make You Like Itsuomi Less

Was it the right choice for him to start a relationship with Yuki?


  • Yuki and Itsuomi are still together in the manga.
  • Itsuomi has to leave for a couple of years.
  • He’s treating Yuki unfairly.

Now that A Sign of Affection (Yubisaki to Renren) adaptation finished airing, and anime-onlys resolved their issues with Itsuomi, it’s time for the manga readers to talk about him and the current events of the series.

Itsuomi has to leave

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Right now Yuki and Itsuomi are still a couple, but it wouldn’t be fun if they didn’t have any problems, would it? Itsuomi has to leave the country for a couple of years, and Yuki cannot come with him. It’s a big deal for their relationship, and fans aren’t even sure that the two can overcome this.

The readers are angry with Itsuomi for that. Why would he even start a relationship with someone if he knew he had to move for this much time later?

It’s unfair and even cruel to Yuki, and it makes her choose between staying home and having her normal life, but losing her love, or risking anything and attempting to follow Itsuomi.

What’s even worse is that the two moved in together, which gave Yuki even more confidence that Itsuomi really loves her and wants to be with her. This is the worst possible time for him to go away for this long. It will absolutely destroy Yuki.

Yuki needs to exist outside of the relationship, too

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Many fans don’t really want Yuki to follow Itsuomi. Going away to help people is his dream and it’s nice that he’s ready to do anything to fulfill it. However, Yuki needs to have a dream, too. And if she goes with him, she’ll just disappear into his life and his goals.

And Itsuomi should have thought about it, too. Of course, there’s no proof that he wanted her to come with him and share his journey, but he’s probably thinking about it. It was selfish of him to start the relationship with Yuki now because it would lead to either heartbreak and Yuki’s unhappiness.

It’s not just an Itsuomi issue, it’s the manga issue, too. It feels like characters, and especially Yuki, don’t have many interests outside of romance, and this is upsetting because there’s a lot of space for exploring their personality and hobbies. But instead of that, Yuki is trying to align her life with Itsuomi’s.

It’s not necessarily his fault, though, but fans don’t really care. They blame the man for that. And they start liking him less and less with each chapter for his selfishness and sometimes childish and possessive behavior.

Was it the right choice for him to start a relationship with Yuki?


  • Yuki and Itsuomi are still together in the manga.
  • Itsuomi has to leave for a couple of years.
  • He’s treating Yuki unfairly.

Now that A Sign of Affection (Yubisaki to Renren) adaptation finished airing, and anime-onlys resolved their issues with Itsuomi, it’s time for the manga readers to talk about him and the current events of the series.

Itsuomi has to leave

A Sign of Affection: Current Manga Events Make You Like Itsuomi Less - image 1

Right now Yuki and Itsuomi are still a couple, but it wouldn’t be fun if they didn’t have any problems, would it? Itsuomi has to leave the country for a couple of years, and Yuki cannot come with him. It’s a big deal for their relationship, and fans aren’t even sure that the two can overcome this.

The readers are angry with Itsuomi for that. Why would he even start a relationship with someone if he knew he had to move for this much time later?

It’s unfair and even cruel to Yuki, and it makes her choose between staying home and having her normal life, but losing her love, or risking anything and attempting to follow Itsuomi.

What’s even worse is that the two moved in together, which gave Yuki even more confidence that Itsuomi really loves her and wants to be with her. This is the worst possible time for him to go away for this long. It will absolutely destroy Yuki.

Yuki needs to exist outside of the relationship, too

A Sign of Affection: Current Manga Events Make You Like Itsuomi Less - image 2

Many fans don’t really want Yuki to follow Itsuomi. Going away to help people is his dream and it’s nice that he’s ready to do anything to fulfill it. However, Yuki needs to have a dream, too. And if she goes with him, she’ll just disappear into his life and his goals.

And Itsuomi should have thought about it, too. Of course, there’s no proof that he wanted her to come with him and share his journey, but he’s probably thinking about it. It was selfish of him to start the relationship with Yuki now because it would lead to either heartbreak and Yuki’s unhappiness.

It’s not just an Itsuomi issue, it’s the manga issue, too. It feels like characters, and especially Yuki, don’t have many interests outside of romance, and this is upsetting because there’s a lot of space for exploring their personality and hobbies. But instead of that, Yuki is trying to align her life with Itsuomi’s.

It’s not necessarily his fault, though, but fans don’t really care. They blame the man for that. And they start liking him less and less with each chapter for his selfishness and sometimes childish and possessive behavior.