
After All That Buildup, AoT’s Historia Seems to Be Forgotten

After All That Buildup, AoT’s Historia Seems to Be Forgotten

We had so many expectations for her!


  • Historia became one of the most important characters in the story at some point.
  • She was the only person who knew Eren’s true plan.
  • Attack on Titan didn’t give her story a satisfying conclusion.

Historia wasn't a major character in Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), and Season 1 barely gave her any screen time at all. However, as the time went by, this girl was getting more and more attention, and by the middle of Season 3 she had become one of the key characters in the series. That’s why the slivers of her that we got in the Final Season seemed quite weird.

Why is Historia crucial for the story?

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Historia’s origin was made a big deal back in Season 2 when we were given hints at her not being the one she claimed to be. There was a mystery behind her name and her family, and even though there weren’t more details back then, the audience could guess that she was no ordinary dumb blonde girl.

Season 3 left no room for doubts: Historia is crucial to the story of Attack on Titan and plays a big role in the overall plot. The girl turned out to be of a royal descendant and an heir to the Founding titan, since it had been in her family for ages. This season also did a lot for her personal character development, and introduced the viewers to another side of her. She isn’t just a common people pleaser, she’s a fighter with her own thoughts and desires. A woman worthy of becoming the queen.

Her friendship with Eren was also important for both of these characters. Historia became the one Eren could be real with, he shared a lot of ideas with the girl, and it’s impossible to forget that Historia was the only one who knew about Eren’s true plan, and supported him no matter what.

Where is she, then?

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The final season pretends that Historia has never been that important. We barely even see her. A couple of flashbacks and her sitting on the front porch while being pregnant is all we get.

Historia’s pregnancy twist was also very controversial. Fans were expecting it to lead somewhere for ages, but in reality it was just… a pregnancy. Yes, it was a clever plan for her to avoid turning into a Titan shifter, but fans couldn’t help feeling disappointed about this entire twist not leading anywhere.

It doesn’t matter if you shipped her with Eren and secretly wanted the child to be his, or if you stand by Eremika until the day you die. Historia’s storyline was lacking the conclusion it deserved, and we can’t help but feel sorry about that.

We had so many expectations for her!


  • Historia became one of the most important characters in the story at some point.
  • She was the only person who knew Eren’s true plan.
  • Attack on Titan didn’t give her story a satisfying conclusion.

Historia wasn't a major character in Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), and Season 1 barely gave her any screen time at all. However, as the time went by, this girl was getting more and more attention, and by the middle of Season 3 she had become one of the key characters in the series. That’s why the slivers of her that we got in the Final Season seemed quite weird.

Why is Historia crucial for the story?

After All That Buildup, AoT’s Historia Seems to Be Forgotten - image 1

Historia’s origin was made a big deal back in Season 2 when we were given hints at her not being the one she claimed to be. There was a mystery behind her name and her family, and even though there weren’t more details back then, the audience could guess that she was no ordinary dumb blonde girl.

Season 3 left no room for doubts: Historia is crucial to the story of Attack on Titan and plays a big role in the overall plot. The girl turned out to be of a royal descendant and an heir to the Founding titan, since it had been in her family for ages. This season also did a lot for her personal character development, and introduced the viewers to another side of her. She isn’t just a common people pleaser, she’s a fighter with her own thoughts and desires. A woman worthy of becoming the queen.

Her friendship with Eren was also important for both of these characters. Historia became the one Eren could be real with, he shared a lot of ideas with the girl, and it’s impossible to forget that Historia was the only one who knew about Eren’s true plan, and supported him no matter what.

Where is she, then?

After All That Buildup, AoT’s Historia Seems to Be Forgotten - image 2

The final season pretends that Historia has never been that important. We barely even see her. A couple of flashbacks and her sitting on the front porch while being pregnant is all we get.

Historia’s pregnancy twist was also very controversial. Fans were expecting it to lead somewhere for ages, but in reality it was just… a pregnancy. Yes, it was a clever plan for her to avoid turning into a Titan shifter, but fans couldn’t help feeling disappointed about this entire twist not leading anywhere.

It doesn’t matter if you shipped her with Eren and secretly wanted the child to be his, or if you stand by Eremika until the day you die. Historia’s storyline was lacking the conclusion it deserved, and we can’t help but feel sorry about that.