
Ashaf and Guideau or Johan and Phanora: Which Is the Best Duo in The Witch and the Beast?

Ashaf and Guideau or Johan and Phanora: Which Is the Best Duo in The Witch and the Beast?

Both are incredible, though.


  • The Witch and the Beast have two interesting duos.
  • Ashaf and Guideau have been here since Episode 1, and Phanora and Johan got introduced later.
  • They both have a lot of fans, though.

We’re all upset by the delay of Episode 7 of The Witch and the Beast (Majo to Yajuu) this week, but it’s not a good enough reason to stop talking about the series. And the characters of the anime are definitely something to discuss.

Ashaf and Guideau are the heart of the series. Both of them were introduced straight away, and even a couple of episodes were enough to make fans fall in love with their dynamic.

But then Episode 4 came, and we learned who Phanora and Johan were, and it looks like Ashaf and Guideau have competition now. So which duo is your choice?

Which duo do you like more?

Ashaf and Guideau

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Of course, a lot of fans’ loyalty lies with Ashaf and Guideau. They were the first ones to get introduced, they were with the viewers straight from the beginning, and, as we’ve said, their dynamic is very interesting.

These two work extremely well together due to their differences: Ashaf is always calm and reasonable, and Guideau is a menace, ready to attack any time there’s a witch or basically anything else.

Guideau is often hostile towards Ashaf, always threatening to kill or hit him. That’s why it’s so engaging to follow their relationship development. We don’t know how close these two will get, but we have a feeling that there’s already some sort of twisted care between them.

Phanora and Johan

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Despite them being around for only two episodes, there are fans who think this is enough. They managed to fall in love with Phanora and Johan’s dynamic and they admit to enjoying this duo even more than the main one.

Even though Phanora and Johan resemble Ashaf and Guideau a bit with one of them being calm and mysterious and the other one doing most of the work when it comes to a battle, they feel different from the main protagonists.

It hasn’t been officially announced in the anime whether these two are just partners or something more, but there are hints that there might be even something romantic going on between them.

We know that Phanora was the one who turned Johan into an undead, so he had to mean something to her. Although she tries hard to keep her emotions under control, her care for the man is obvious.

And when a detective tells Johan that he shouldn’t count on anything with Phanora, since she doesn’t treat him well, he says that he’s not complaining and he is okay with everything that’s happening between them.

That’s why if you’re a shipper, Phanora and Johan might be the best choice of duo for you, but if you prefer your characters to have more screen time and you’re a loyal person who stays devoted to their first choice, Ashaf and Guideau will be in your heart.

Both are incredible, though.


  • The Witch and the Beast have two interesting duos.
  • Ashaf and Guideau have been here since Episode 1, and Phanora and Johan got introduced later.
  • They both have a lot of fans, though.

We’re all upset by the delay of Episode 7 of The Witch and the Beast (Majo to Yajuu) this week, but it’s not a good enough reason to stop talking about the series. And the characters of the anime are definitely something to discuss.

Ashaf and Guideau are the heart of the series. Both of them were introduced straight away, and even a couple of episodes were enough to make fans fall in love with their dynamic.

But then Episode 4 came, and we learned who Phanora and Johan were, and it looks like Ashaf and Guideau have competition now. So which duo is your choice?

Which duo do you like more?

Ashaf and Guideau

Ashaf and Guideau or Johan and Phanora: Which Is the Best Duo in The Witch and the Beast? - image 1

Of course, a lot of fans’ loyalty lies with Ashaf and Guideau. They were the first ones to get introduced, they were with the viewers straight from the beginning, and, as we’ve said, their dynamic is very interesting.

These two work extremely well together due to their differences: Ashaf is always calm and reasonable, and Guideau is a menace, ready to attack any time there’s a witch or basically anything else.

Guideau is often hostile towards Ashaf, always threatening to kill or hit him. That’s why it’s so engaging to follow their relationship development. We don’t know how close these two will get, but we have a feeling that there’s already some sort of twisted care between them.

Phanora and Johan

Ashaf and Guideau or Johan and Phanora: Which Is the Best Duo in The Witch and the Beast? - image 2

Despite them being around for only two episodes, there are fans who think this is enough. They managed to fall in love with Phanora and Johan’s dynamic and they admit to enjoying this duo even more than the main one.

Even though Phanora and Johan resemble Ashaf and Guideau a bit with one of them being calm and mysterious and the other one doing most of the work when it comes to a battle, they feel different from the main protagonists.

It hasn’t been officially announced in the anime whether these two are just partners or something more, but there are hints that there might be even something romantic going on between them.

We know that Phanora was the one who turned Johan into an undead, so he had to mean something to her. Although she tries hard to keep her emotions under control, her care for the man is obvious.

And when a detective tells Johan that he shouldn’t count on anything with Phanora, since she doesn’t treat him well, he says that he’s not complaining and he is okay with everything that’s happening between them.

That’s why if you’re a shipper, Phanora and Johan might be the best choice of duo for you, but if you prefer your characters to have more screen time and you’re a loyal person who stays devoted to their first choice, Ashaf and Guideau will be in your heart.