
Attack on Titan Finale Premiere Literally Broke the Internet

Attack on Titan Finale Premiere Literally Broke the Internet

When the hype is a little too much.


  • The Attack on Titan finale was released on Crunchyroll.
  • The site crashed soon after the finale.
  • Fans used it as another reason for their jokes.

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale was released on Crunchyroll on November 4th (or 5th, depending on your region). Fans have been waiting for it forever, and the premiere was meant to be extremely successful, but the streaming service underestimated the number of people wishing to experience the ending as fast as they could.

Crunchyroll couldn’t handle the excitement

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The happy messages “Attack on Titan Finale is now available on Crunchyroll” were soon followed by “Our site is experiencing intermittent issues”, and fans were hysterical. We can’t know for sure what was the reason for the technical issues exactly, but no one feels like it’s just a coincidence that the said issues emerged within an hour after the new AOT episode was released.

Fans accepted this outcome with a good sense of humor and even a bizarre feeling of nostalgia, since it wasn’t the first time an Attack on Titan episode crashed the site. “If I can count on something it’s Crunchyroll crashing one last time because of AOT”, a fan says. Good thing viewers could put all of the energy they were saving for the finale into making jokes. Crunchyroll's Twitter page is filled with stand-up comedy worthy replies, comparing fans coming for the streaming service to colossal titans ready to destroy the entire world.

Humor was not the only way of reacting, though. A number of fans were genuinely upset, which is quite obvious. “They literally had one job”, “They should’ve known about the power that the AOT community holds” are just some of the remarks made by the fans. Some also suggested Crunchyroll hiring better engineers if they can’t take the hype that comes with such huge projects.

Crunchyroll was not the only one

Other streaming services such as Funimation were said to be holding steady at first, which only increased the dissatisfaction with Crunchyroll. Not being able to watch the episode while others were enjoying it already made some fans feel left out. Viewers mention reloading Crunchyroll every minute just to see if the website has fixed the issues. As users mention, Funimation soon followed suit and was down for some time as well.

Fans were not meant to be angry for long, though, since Crunchyroll resolved its issues within an hour and thanked the viewers for their patience. However, even after that a number of people were still experiencing issues logging in or watching the final episode.

Crunchyroll is now back to fully functioning, and has the finale of Attack on Titan available for you to watch.

When the hype is a little too much.


  • The Attack on Titan finale was released on Crunchyroll.
  • The site crashed soon after the finale.
  • Fans used it as another reason for their jokes.

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale was released on Crunchyroll on November 4th (or 5th, depending on your region). Fans have been waiting for it forever, and the premiere was meant to be extremely successful, but the streaming service underestimated the number of people wishing to experience the ending as fast as they could.

Crunchyroll couldn’t handle the excitement

Attack on Titan Finale Premiere Literally Broke the Internet - image 1

The happy messages “Attack on Titan Finale is now available on Crunchyroll” were soon followed by “Our site is experiencing intermittent issues”, and fans were hysterical. We can’t know for sure what was the reason for the technical issues exactly, but no one feels like it’s just a coincidence that the said issues emerged within an hour after the new AOT episode was released.

Fans accepted this outcome with a good sense of humor and even a bizarre feeling of nostalgia, since it wasn’t the first time an Attack on Titan episode crashed the site. “If I can count on something it’s Crunchyroll crashing one last time because of AOT”, a fan says. Good thing viewers could put all of the energy they were saving for the finale into making jokes. Crunchyroll's Twitter page is filled with stand-up comedy worthy replies, comparing fans coming for the streaming service to colossal titans ready to destroy the entire world.

Humor was not the only way of reacting, though. A number of fans were genuinely upset, which is quite obvious. “They literally had one job”, “They should’ve known about the power that the AOT community holds” are just some of the remarks made by the fans. Some also suggested Crunchyroll hiring better engineers if they can’t take the hype that comes with such huge projects.

Crunchyroll was not the only one

Other streaming services such as Funimation were said to be holding steady at first, which only increased the dissatisfaction with Crunchyroll. Not being able to watch the episode while others were enjoying it already made some fans feel left out. Viewers mention reloading Crunchyroll every minute just to see if the website has fixed the issues. As users mention, Funimation soon followed suit and was down for some time as well.

Fans were not meant to be angry for long, though, since Crunchyroll resolved its issues within an hour and thanked the viewers for their patience. However, even after that a number of people were still experiencing issues logging in or watching the final episode.

Crunchyroll is now back to fully functioning, and has the finale of Attack on Titan available for you to watch.