
Attack on Titan’s Beast Titan Used to Be More Frightening, and Here’s Why

Attack on Titan’s Beast Titan Used to Be More Frightening, and Here’s Why

Missing the old times.


  • The Beast Titan seemed like something different back in Season 2.
  • There were theories that he wasn’t even a shifter, but a titan creator.
  • He became significantly less intimidating over time.

Do you remember when Season 2 of Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) just started airing and we were extremely puzzled and horrified by the weird Beast Titan? He seemed like a big titan boss due to his frightening vibe and ability to speak even in the titan form. It was also obvious that he could control the mindless titans, which only led to the idea that he was an evil mastermind behind the secret of the titans even more. However, he turned out to be our pal Zeke, and this reveal changed the perception of the Beast Titan entirely.

Some might argue that Zeke became less scary only after Levi dealt with him after the Shiganshina District battle in Season 3, but we disagree. Yes, after this moment the Beast Titan never seemed frightening at all, but the change started even before that.

Season 1 gave you a completely different idea of the Beast Titan

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Back in Season 1, we didn’t really know how many Titan shifters there were. We knew that Eren and Annie were among them, and we understood that the Armored Titan and Colossus Titan were probably also like them, even though we didn’t know they were Reiner and Bertolt. So when the Beast Titan made an appearance, it was a big deal.

He looked nothing like other Titan shifters; he had fur and, as we mentioned before, he could speak in his titan form. He didn’t even look like a shifter, and there were theories that he wasn’t one. His titan-controlling powers also hinted that he was something different. Was he the one creating titans? Was he the original one? The Beast Titan was covered in mystery, and this is what made him so intimidating.

The art style is also important

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Fans also mention the art style and say that Wit’s titans were always scarier, while MAPPA added a strange comic animation look to them. However, the art style is not to blame for this entirely. The Zeke reveal did more for that, as we learned that the Beast Titan was also a shifter, and he was defeatable, as Levi showed us in Season 3.

Of course, all of those reveals had to happen for the story, and a mystery can’t stay a mystery forever. There’s just this weird upsetting feeling about the Beast Titan and how he turned from one of the most intimidating figures in Attack on Titan into a regular character in the series, where every other person is a Titan shifter.

Missing the old times.


  • The Beast Titan seemed like something different back in Season 2.
  • There were theories that he wasn’t even a shifter, but a titan creator.
  • He became significantly less intimidating over time.

Do you remember when Season 2 of Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) just started airing and we were extremely puzzled and horrified by the weird Beast Titan? He seemed like a big titan boss due to his frightening vibe and ability to speak even in the titan form. It was also obvious that he could control the mindless titans, which only led to the idea that he was an evil mastermind behind the secret of the titans even more. However, he turned out to be our pal Zeke, and this reveal changed the perception of the Beast Titan entirely.

Some might argue that Zeke became less scary only after Levi dealt with him after the Shiganshina District battle in Season 3, but we disagree. Yes, after this moment the Beast Titan never seemed frightening at all, but the change started even before that.

Season 1 gave you a completely different idea of the Beast Titan

Attack on Titan’s Beast Titan Used to Be More Frightening, and Here’s Why - image 1

Back in Season 1, we didn’t really know how many Titan shifters there were. We knew that Eren and Annie were among them, and we understood that the Armored Titan and Colossus Titan were probably also like them, even though we didn’t know they were Reiner and Bertolt. So when the Beast Titan made an appearance, it was a big deal.

He looked nothing like other Titan shifters; he had fur and, as we mentioned before, he could speak in his titan form. He didn’t even look like a shifter, and there were theories that he wasn’t one. His titan-controlling powers also hinted that he was something different. Was he the one creating titans? Was he the original one? The Beast Titan was covered in mystery, and this is what made him so intimidating.

The art style is also important

Attack on Titan’s Beast Titan Used to Be More Frightening, and Here’s Why - image 2

Fans also mention the art style and say that Wit’s titans were always scarier, while MAPPA added a strange comic animation look to them. However, the art style is not to blame for this entirely. The Zeke reveal did more for that, as we learned that the Beast Titan was also a shifter, and he was defeatable, as Levi showed us in Season 3.

Of course, all of those reveals had to happen for the story, and a mystery can’t stay a mystery forever. There’s just this weird upsetting feeling about the Beast Titan and how he turned from one of the most intimidating figures in Attack on Titan into a regular character in the series, where every other person is a Titan shifter.