
Attack on Titan’s Mikasa and Eren Never Had a Chance as a Couple

Attack on Titan’s Mikasa and Eren Never Had a Chance as a Couple

Eremika fans, look away.


  • Despite having feelings for each other, Mikasa and Eren don’t work as a couple.
  • Eren always had great aspirations and didn’t care about romance much.
  • Mikasa could never understand him.

The topic of Eren and Mikasa has become a sore spot for the Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fandom. The finale made some fans call it peak tragic romance, and turned others against the series completely.

Yes, They Love Each Other, But…

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There’s no denying that Mikasa and Eren have feelings for each other. Mikasa’s love was obvious from the early manga chapters, and the more we saw of her interactions with the boy, the more we understood how deeply and irrevocably in love she was with him.

Eren’s affections became clear only closer to the finale of the series, but it was obvious that Mikasa always meant a lot to him. Attack on Titan was never about romance, and yet you could feel the chemistry between various characters.

Still, even though the feelings were there, and it turned out that they had been mutual, the Mikasa/Eren ship never had any chances of sailing.

They Are Incompatible

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It’s truly challenging to find someone who would fit Eren as a romantic partner due to his goals and personality. He’s too uncontrollable, too hot-headed, it’s a difficult person to be in a relationship with. And we say it lovingly.

Eren never craved romantic love and never looked for a relationship. The world he lived in had much bigger issues, and he decided to focus on them. Freedom was his priority, and there was no way he could think about anything else. Some fans love joking that their favorite Attack on Titan ship is Eren/Freedom, and not him with any girl.

And Mikasa could never understand that. For her, Eren was the entire world, and she kept saying that all she wanted was just to be by his side. Eren was enough for her, her most important goal.

It was challenging for Mikasa to truly get Eren. There was a scene pretty early in the series, where Eren was struggling with using the ODM gear. When he finally succeeded, he was over the moon. Mikasa thought his reaction had something to do with her; he was happy because they didn’t have to get separated.

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But it was never about her. Eren dreamed of joining the Survey Corps, killing all the titans and setting himself and his friends free. That’s why it was so important for him to learn how to use the ODM gear.

Ending up with Mikasa wouldn’t have magically turned Eren into another person. Even if all the titans were dead, he would find another greater goal for himself. Eren loves dreaming big and proving his worth.

But Mikasa just wants to have a quiet life with her beloved, which would’ve never been possible with a man like Eren. So not ending up together may even be considered a happy ending for these two.

Do you think Eren and Mikasa had a future?

Eremika fans, look away.


  • Despite having feelings for each other, Mikasa and Eren don’t work as a couple.
  • Eren always had great aspirations and didn’t care about romance much.
  • Mikasa could never understand him.

The topic of Eren and Mikasa has become a sore spot for the Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fandom. The finale made some fans call it peak tragic romance, and turned others against the series completely.

Yes, They Love Each Other, But…

Attack on Titan’s Mikasa and Eren Never Had a Chance as a Couple - image 1

There’s no denying that Mikasa and Eren have feelings for each other. Mikasa’s love was obvious from the early manga chapters, and the more we saw of her interactions with the boy, the more we understood how deeply and irrevocably in love she was with him.

Eren’s affections became clear only closer to the finale of the series, but it was obvious that Mikasa always meant a lot to him. Attack on Titan was never about romance, and yet you could feel the chemistry between various characters.

Still, even though the feelings were there, and it turned out that they had been mutual, the Mikasa/Eren ship never had any chances of sailing.

They Are Incompatible

Attack on Titan’s Mikasa and Eren Never Had a Chance as a Couple - image 2

It’s truly challenging to find someone who would fit Eren as a romantic partner due to his goals and personality. He’s too uncontrollable, too hot-headed, it’s a difficult person to be in a relationship with. And we say it lovingly.

Eren never craved romantic love and never looked for a relationship. The world he lived in had much bigger issues, and he decided to focus on them. Freedom was his priority, and there was no way he could think about anything else. Some fans love joking that their favorite Attack on Titan ship is Eren/Freedom, and not him with any girl.

And Mikasa could never understand that. For her, Eren was the entire world, and she kept saying that all she wanted was just to be by his side. Eren was enough for her, her most important goal.

It was challenging for Mikasa to truly get Eren. There was a scene pretty early in the series, where Eren was struggling with using the ODM gear. When he finally succeeded, he was over the moon. Mikasa thought his reaction had something to do with her; he was happy because they didn’t have to get separated.

Attack on Titan’s Mikasa and Eren Never Had a Chance as a Couple - image 3

But it was never about her. Eren dreamed of joining the Survey Corps, killing all the titans and setting himself and his friends free. That’s why it was so important for him to learn how to use the ODM gear.

Ending up with Mikasa wouldn’t have magically turned Eren into another person. Even if all the titans were dead, he would find another greater goal for himself. Eren loves dreaming big and proving his worth.

But Mikasa just wants to have a quiet life with her beloved, which would’ve never been possible with a man like Eren. So not ending up together may even be considered a happy ending for these two.

Do you think Eren and Mikasa had a future?