
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction New Trailer Preserves Inio Asano’s Peculiar Art Style

Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction New Trailer Preserves Inio Asano’s Peculiar Art Style

Less than a month until the premiere!


  • The first DDDDD movie will premiere on March 22, 2024.
  • New short trailer is out.
  • Fans love the way the art style looks.

Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction is an upcoming post-apocalyptic science-fiction anime that will come in two parts. The first Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction movie is scheduled for March 22, 2024, which means there’s less than a month before the premiere.

The movies will follow Kadode Koyama and Ouran Nakagawa, who live in Tokyo. But one day everything changed for the city, when mysterious alien invaders appeared.

Despite the fact that a large spaceship is looming over the citizens, Kadode and Ouran keep living their simple everyday lives: they attend classes, play with their friends and just do normal school-girl stuff.

As they grow up, a bigger understanding comes to the girls: the frightening Invaders aren’t the greatest danger, it is people who are the real monsters.

New trailer is out

A new short DDDDD trailer has been released, and just like the ones before it, this video provides an interesting contrast between the main protagonists’ simple lives and alien invaders.

The spaceship over Tokyo looks dangerous and frightening. There are androids and terrifying aliens. There’s also a touch of weirdness as you may see a scene of something that looks like baby mannequins falling from the sky.

The new trailer makes one thing clear: these movies will be strange and somewhat alarming, but extremely curious. Don’t know about you, but we’re looking forward to experiencing the lives of two girls in the alien-invaded Tokyo.

Art style stays true to the manga

Back when the first promotional videos were revealed, fans were unsure about the art style of the DDDDD movies, since there wasn’t enough content. But with each new trailer, they’re getting more confident: the style will be true to the manga.

The series has a peculiar art style, but fans love it for it, so they’re more than content that the anime won’t change it much. It doesn’t look like something that you would call “conventionally beautiful,” but this is exactly what makes it stand out.

Fans are naturally very excited about the upcoming premiere, and a number of them say that DDDDD is their favorite manga by Inio Asano. They hope that the movies will become successful, and more people will learn about this wonderful manga artist and his astonishing works.

There are worries, though, that if DDDDD does indeed become successful, Asano’s other works might get anime adaptations, too. Which is not inherently a bad thing, but they feel like some of his works (especially Goodnight Punpun) are better enjoyed in the manga format.

Are you going to go see the DDDDD movie?

Less than a month until the premiere!


  • The first DDDDD movie will premiere on March 22, 2024.
  • New short trailer is out.
  • Fans love the way the art style looks.

Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction is an upcoming post-apocalyptic science-fiction anime that will come in two parts. The first Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction movie is scheduled for March 22, 2024, which means there’s less than a month before the premiere.

The movies will follow Kadode Koyama and Ouran Nakagawa, who live in Tokyo. But one day everything changed for the city, when mysterious alien invaders appeared.

Despite the fact that a large spaceship is looming over the citizens, Kadode and Ouran keep living their simple everyday lives: they attend classes, play with their friends and just do normal school-girl stuff.

As they grow up, a bigger understanding comes to the girls: the frightening Invaders aren’t the greatest danger, it is people who are the real monsters.

New trailer is out

A new short DDDDD trailer has been released, and just like the ones before it, this video provides an interesting contrast between the main protagonists’ simple lives and alien invaders.

The spaceship over Tokyo looks dangerous and frightening. There are androids and terrifying aliens. There’s also a touch of weirdness as you may see a scene of something that looks like baby mannequins falling from the sky.

The new trailer makes one thing clear: these movies will be strange and somewhat alarming, but extremely curious. Don’t know about you, but we’re looking forward to experiencing the lives of two girls in the alien-invaded Tokyo.

Art style stays true to the manga

Back when the first promotional videos were revealed, fans were unsure about the art style of the DDDDD movies, since there wasn’t enough content. But with each new trailer, they’re getting more confident: the style will be true to the manga.

The series has a peculiar art style, but fans love it for it, so they’re more than content that the anime won’t change it much. It doesn’t look like something that you would call “conventionally beautiful,” but this is exactly what makes it stand out.

Fans are naturally very excited about the upcoming premiere, and a number of them say that DDDDD is their favorite manga by Inio Asano. They hope that the movies will become successful, and more people will learn about this wonderful manga artist and his astonishing works.

There are worries, though, that if DDDDD does indeed become successful, Asano’s other works might get anime adaptations, too. Which is not inherently a bad thing, but they feel like some of his works (especially Goodnight Punpun) are better enjoyed in the manga format.

Are you going to go see the DDDDD movie?