
Delicious in Dungeon Can Teach You a Lot About Importance of Food

Delicious in Dungeon Can Teach You a Lot About Importance of Food

The series has a couple of important messages.


  • Food and cooking are a big part of Delicious in Dungeon.
  • The series teaches viewers about the importance of food.
  • This concept has resonated with many viewers.

A big part of the story in Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) revolves around food. It was pretty clear right from the first trailers for the series, and each new episode keeps proving it: there has to be at least one meal cooked in it.

And while you might think that it’s just there to make the anime hilarious and force you to take a snack break at least once while watching the series, there’s also a very important message in Delicious in Dungeon.

Food Is Important in the Series

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Not only do the characters in the series keep cooking delicious-looking meals, but they also constantly mention the importance of food. The main conflict of the first half of Season 1 started because of the lack of energy and strength caused by insufficient nutrition.

Laios’ party was so weak because of their hunger that they couldn’t fight the dragon. This is how they lost Falin to the creature, and this is where their quest started.

This topic has been mentioned on various occasions ever since. The party decided to cook monsters because they didn’t have enough money to buy food, but they all understood that they would need great strength to fight the dragon. That is, if they were to have any chance of defeating it and saving their friend.

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After her fight with Undine, Marille was really weakened, and it was proper food that saved her and gave her mana and energy back. Cooking and food aren’t in the story just for the sake of being there, the theme of proper nutrition permeates each chapter and episode of Delicious in Dungeon.

This topic is especially relevant now when so many people and teenagers in particular suffer from various eating disorders. Body image has become a significant part of our society, and it’s closely related to the food we’re eating.

That’s why it’s so important to talk about it, and it’s surprising that a comedy anime is the one to do so.

It Resonates With Viewers

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Moreover, a number of fans mention that a lot of their family traditions and happy moments are one way or another connected with food, too. They recall various family gatherings and meals they had together with their loved ones, and it brings them joy to think of such things while watching the anime.

For many, the concept of cooking for their family and loved ones is almost sacred and they were very happy to see it represented in Delicious in Dungeon. That’s why the series resonated with so many viewers and that’s why it keeps impressing us the more we think about it.

The series has a couple of important messages.


  • Food and cooking are a big part of Delicious in Dungeon.
  • The series teaches viewers about the importance of food.
  • This concept has resonated with many viewers.

A big part of the story in Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) revolves around food. It was pretty clear right from the first trailers for the series, and each new episode keeps proving it: there has to be at least one meal cooked in it.

And while you might think that it’s just there to make the anime hilarious and force you to take a snack break at least once while watching the series, there’s also a very important message in Delicious in Dungeon.

Food Is Important in the Series

Delicious in Dungeon Can Teach You a Lot About Importance of Food - image 1

Not only do the characters in the series keep cooking delicious-looking meals, but they also constantly mention the importance of food. The main conflict of the first half of Season 1 started because of the lack of energy and strength caused by insufficient nutrition.

Laios’ party was so weak because of their hunger that they couldn’t fight the dragon. This is how they lost Falin to the creature, and this is where their quest started.

This topic has been mentioned on various occasions ever since. The party decided to cook monsters because they didn’t have enough money to buy food, but they all understood that they would need great strength to fight the dragon. That is, if they were to have any chance of defeating it and saving their friend.

Delicious in Dungeon Can Teach You a Lot About Importance of Food - image 2

After her fight with Undine, Marille was really weakened, and it was proper food that saved her and gave her mana and energy back. Cooking and food aren’t in the story just for the sake of being there, the theme of proper nutrition permeates each chapter and episode of Delicious in Dungeon.

This topic is especially relevant now when so many people and teenagers in particular suffer from various eating disorders. Body image has become a significant part of our society, and it’s closely related to the food we’re eating.

That’s why it’s so important to talk about it, and it’s surprising that a comedy anime is the one to do so.

It Resonates With Viewers

Delicious in Dungeon Can Teach You a Lot About Importance of Food - image 3

Moreover, a number of fans mention that a lot of their family traditions and happy moments are one way or another connected with food, too. They recall various family gatherings and meals they had together with their loved ones, and it brings them joy to think of such things while watching the anime.

For many, the concept of cooking for their family and loved ones is almost sacred and they were very happy to see it represented in Delicious in Dungeon. That’s why the series resonated with so many viewers and that’s why it keeps impressing us the more we think about it.