
Early Reactions to Netflix’s One Piece Series Just Came Out… And Fans Aren’t Happy

Early Reactions to Netflix’s One Piece Series Just Came Out… And Fans Aren’t Happy

The new One Piece live-action show was met with positive first reactions. Fans remain skeptical.

The bar for live-action anime adaptations is low. History shows that bringing an anime series to life is a difficult feat, especially one as iconic as One Piece. But Netflix took on the challenge of adapting the pirate manga for Western audiences to seemingly successful results, at least according to the first reviews.

Of course, all early online reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. We all know how the live-action adaptations of Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Death Note, and many other popular series have worked out, and they too had initial positive reactions. If the show plays around with the source material too much, we’re in for yet another disappointment. And, judging by the episode descriptions that we have, it does sound like some major changes were made to the plot.

Some fans also believe that the original manga’s unapologetic, over-the-top goofiness would not lend itself well to on-screen action. According to them, One Piece’s cartoonish designs, quirky characters, and campy one-liners are meant to be two-dimensional. What works well in art might end up looking silly on real actors, even in a fantasy comedy series.

Others choose to remain cautiously optimistic and refuse to let all the negativity rain on their parade and ruin the anticipation that’s been building up ever since the adaptation was announced back in 2020. They do have a point.

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So far, we know that the Netflix show has a terrific cast who have great chemistry with each other and seem to be genuinely enjoying their experience working on and promoting the remake. It also won over Eiichiro Oda, the mangaka himself, who’s been heavily involved in the development of the series from the beginning. If done right, the ridiculousness of One Piece might just play in the creators’ favor, especially when supported by high-quality CGI.

Season 1 of the new series is slated to come out on Netflix on August 31st, so we’ll soon be able to judge it for ourselves. International previews will also be held in a few major cities to give fans their first taste of the new show. One Piece is a legendary franchise beloved by millions worldwide, so we’re sure this new take on Oda’s creation will find its audience.

The new One Piece live-action show was met with positive first reactions. Fans remain skeptical.

The bar for live-action anime adaptations is low. History shows that bringing an anime series to life is a difficult feat, especially one as iconic as One Piece. But Netflix took on the challenge of adapting the pirate manga for Western audiences to seemingly successful results, at least according to the first reviews.

Of course, all early online reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. We all know how the live-action adaptations of Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Death Note, and many other popular series have worked out, and they too had initial positive reactions. If the show plays around with the source material too much, we’re in for yet another disappointment. And, judging by the episode descriptions that we have, it does sound like some major changes were made to the plot.

Some fans also believe that the original manga’s unapologetic, over-the-top goofiness would not lend itself well to on-screen action. According to them, One Piece’s cartoonish designs, quirky characters, and campy one-liners are meant to be two-dimensional. What works well in art might end up looking silly on real actors, even in a fantasy comedy series.

Others choose to remain cautiously optimistic and refuse to let all the negativity rain on their parade and ruin the anticipation that’s been building up ever since the adaptation was announced back in 2020. They do have a point.

Early Reactions to Netflix’s One Piece Series Just Came Out… And Fans Aren’t Happy - image 1

So far, we know that the Netflix show has a terrific cast who have great chemistry with each other and seem to be genuinely enjoying their experience working on and promoting the remake. It also won over Eiichiro Oda, the mangaka himself, who’s been heavily involved in the development of the series from the beginning. If done right, the ridiculousness of One Piece might just play in the creators’ favor, especially when supported by high-quality CGI.

Season 1 of the new series is slated to come out on Netflix on August 31st, so we’ll soon be able to judge it for ourselves. International previews will also be held in a few major cities to give fans their first taste of the new show. One Piece is a legendary franchise beloved by millions worldwide, so we’re sure this new take on Oda’s creation will find its audience.