
Erwin Or Armin: Was It The Right Choice?

Erwin Or Armin: Was It The Right Choice?

Did Levi make a mistake?

Attack on Titan spoilers ahead!

Season 3 Episode 18 of Attack on Titan is probably one of the most intense episodes of the show. It doesn't even include the opening, so that nothing would distract the viewer from the depressing atmosphere of the moment.

The battle of Shiganshina district is over and a lot of soldiers have met their demise. Two of the most crucial characters, Erwin and Armin, are on the verge of death. Levi has got only one injection that can save a person by turning them into a titan shifter, and now he's got to make a choice. He chooses to save Armin in the anime, but was it the correct decision?

Attack on Titan fans have been arguing about this forever. The speculations of what might've been follow us wherever we go, so let's discuss some of them.

It would be fair to start with an obvious point made in favor of Erwin surviving: character attachment.

Some fans just like Erwin more than Armin, so no wonder they want to see him alive, it's as simple as that. They think Erwin is a much better strategist, and he's a strong figure that would have led the Survey Corps to their victory.

Moreover, the Commander is a bigger authority than Armin, which increases his chances of influencing Eren in the future and preventing some of the horrible deeds that the boy will do.

Erwin's fans are also upset with the unfulfillment of the commander's dream. He wanted to learn the truth about the outside world so much, and it was cruel to kill him right before the moment the truth was revealed.

Other fans approach this matter from another point of view. They discuss the possible influence of Armin's death, rather than Erwin's survival. His best friend's demise would have increased the tension between Eren and the Survey Corps, which would have provided more basis for Eren going rogue and ignoring everyone else's opinion.

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Besides, Eren is not the only one who is deeply attached to Armin. The boy is dear to all of the teenage scouts and his death would have given them the emotional choice of avenging his friend or stopping the rumbling because it's what Armin would have wanted.

However, not everyone agrees with that. There are some fans who point out that Armin's death would leave Eren with one less person that he cares for in the world, which would only kindle his desire to destroy it and get his revenge.

No matter what we think the right choice should have been, we have what we have. We can't know for sure how the story would have gone if Levi had made another choice. We just have to deal with his decisions and see where it leads us.

Source: Reddit

Did Levi make a mistake?

Attack on Titan spoilers ahead!

Season 3 Episode 18 of Attack on Titan is probably one of the most intense episodes of the show. It doesn't even include the opening, so that nothing would distract the viewer from the depressing atmosphere of the moment.

The battle of Shiganshina district is over and a lot of soldiers have met their demise. Two of the most crucial characters, Erwin and Armin, are on the verge of death. Levi has got only one injection that can save a person by turning them into a titan shifter, and now he's got to make a choice. He chooses to save Armin in the anime, but was it the correct decision?

Attack on Titan fans have been arguing about this forever. The speculations of what might've been follow us wherever we go, so let's discuss some of them.

It would be fair to start with an obvious point made in favor of Erwin surviving: character attachment.

Some fans just like Erwin more than Armin, so no wonder they want to see him alive, it's as simple as that. They think Erwin is a much better strategist, and he's a strong figure that would have led the Survey Corps to their victory.

Moreover, the Commander is a bigger authority than Armin, which increases his chances of influencing Eren in the future and preventing some of the horrible deeds that the boy will do.

Erwin's fans are also upset with the unfulfillment of the commander's dream. He wanted to learn the truth about the outside world so much, and it was cruel to kill him right before the moment the truth was revealed.

Other fans approach this matter from another point of view. They discuss the possible influence of Armin's death, rather than Erwin's survival. His best friend's demise would have increased the tension between Eren and the Survey Corps, which would have provided more basis for Eren going rogue and ignoring everyone else's opinion.

Erwin Or Armin: Was It The Right Choice? - image 1

Besides, Eren is not the only one who is deeply attached to Armin. The boy is dear to all of the teenage scouts and his death would have given them the emotional choice of avenging his friend or stopping the rumbling because it's what Armin would have wanted.

However, not everyone agrees with that. There are some fans who point out that Armin's death would leave Eren with one less person that he cares for in the world, which would only kindle his desire to destroy it and get his revenge.

No matter what we think the right choice should have been, we have what we have. We can't know for sure how the story would have gone if Levi had made another choice. We just have to deal with his decisions and see where it leads us.

Source: Reddit