
Fans Fed Up With Jujutsu Kaisen Manga, And The Reason is Obvious

Fans Fed Up With Jujutsu Kaisen Manga, And The Reason is Obvious

Jumping off the Jujutsu Kaisen train.

Major Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!

It feels like most of the popular manga series nowadays get fans upset by one thing or another. Some dissatisfy the readers with their endings (yes, Attack on Titan, we're looking at you), some are suggested to be read only to a certain point due to the decrease in their quality (Tokyo Revengers fans say hi), and some go on for so long that no one can even remember how it all started (Black Butler fans, raise your hands). And now it seems like Jujutsu Kaisen might join the list of manga that upset the fans, but why is it so?

Jujutsu Kaisen is a type of series that are not afraid to kill important characters, and this fact alone has sparked a lot of debate among the fans. It doesn't matter if a character is an absolute fan favorite: no one is safe. Remember the times when you just started watching the anime and fell in love with Nanami only to google some more info on him and see that his status was "deceased"? Heartbreaking, isn't it?

Gojo is another fan favorite Jujutsu Kaisen character. With this much power and this much hype surrounding him, it looked like he is a type of character who's meant to live until the very end of the series, right?

Turns out it's wrong.

Gojo's death was another one of the turning points for the manga readers. When such an iconic character dies, the fandom just cannot be left indifferent. It's always nice when the stakes are high and fans feel anxious about the fate of their faves, but there's got to be a line.

Hajime Kashimo's desire to battle Sukuna has been a pretty great deal in the manga, and fans were excited when it looked like they were finally getting it after almost a year of it being hyped. And now that the fight is here at last, Kashimo is just dead, and moreover, he gets killed offscreen. The fans are filled with disappointment and frustration.

On top of that, it feels like fans are getting really tired of Jujutsu Kaisen's philosophy and numerous explanations of love. The readers were just hyped to see an epic battle between two great sorcerers, and Kashimo delving into the meaning of love in the flashback after his defeat just didn't do it for them. Was he really saving all of his powers and cursed energy just to end up like that and make Sukuna look even more mighty?

Jumping off the Jujutsu Kaisen train.

Major Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!

It feels like most of the popular manga series nowadays get fans upset by one thing or another. Some dissatisfy the readers with their endings (yes, Attack on Titan, we're looking at you), some are suggested to be read only to a certain point due to the decrease in their quality (Tokyo Revengers fans say hi), and some go on for so long that no one can even remember how it all started (Black Butler fans, raise your hands). And now it seems like Jujutsu Kaisen might join the list of manga that upset the fans, but why is it so?

Jujutsu Kaisen is a type of series that are not afraid to kill important characters, and this fact alone has sparked a lot of debate among the fans. It doesn't matter if a character is an absolute fan favorite: no one is safe. Remember the times when you just started watching the anime and fell in love with Nanami only to google some more info on him and see that his status was "deceased"? Heartbreaking, isn't it?

Gojo is another fan favorite Jujutsu Kaisen character. With this much power and this much hype surrounding him, it looked like he is a type of character who's meant to live until the very end of the series, right?

Turns out it's wrong.

Gojo's death was another one of the turning points for the manga readers. When such an iconic character dies, the fandom just cannot be left indifferent. It's always nice when the stakes are high and fans feel anxious about the fate of their faves, but there's got to be a line.

Hajime Kashimo's desire to battle Sukuna has been a pretty great deal in the manga, and fans were excited when it looked like they were finally getting it after almost a year of it being hyped. And now that the fight is here at last, Kashimo is just dead, and moreover, he gets killed offscreen. The fans are filled with disappointment and frustration.

On top of that, it feels like fans are getting really tired of Jujutsu Kaisen's philosophy and numerous explanations of love. The readers were just hyped to see an epic battle between two great sorcerers, and Kashimo delving into the meaning of love in the flashback after his defeat just didn't do it for them. Was he really saving all of his powers and cursed energy just to end up like that and make Sukuna look even more mighty?