
Frieren Handles Theme of Love in a Unique Way You Wouldn't Think of

Frieren Handles Theme of Love in a Unique Way You Wouldn't Think of

And does it in a beautiful way.


  • Himmel never confessed his feelings to Frieren.
  • It’s not because he was afraid or wanted to give up on loving her.
  • Himmel was incredibly selfless in doing so.

It seems that Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) has something to offer to anyone no matter what it is they’re looking for in a series. It has an incredible world, engaging story, calm slice-of-life moments, great action, likable characters, and much more.

But one of the things we love it so much for is how the series explores the topic of love.

Himmel and Frieren never had any future

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Himmel and Frieren were never meant to have their happily ever after romance-wise. Such love was doomed straight from the beginning because Frieren can live for thousands of years, and Himmel is a regular human being.

But people can’t always control what they’re feeling, and Himmel fell for Frieren anyway. However, the way he handled these feelings is incredibly unique and so selfless that you would rarely find it anywhere else.

Himmel loved Frieren, and this doesn’t need any proof, the series made it more than obvious. Still, he never openly admits it and doesn’t tell Frieren about his affections.

The fact that he never confessed his love for Frieren is not a sign of him giving up, it’s a sign of his great respect. Himmel was well aware that trying to pursue Frieren and make her love him back was out of the question.

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He knew that if they were to form a bond and become a couple, Frieren would have to outlive him and experience his death. He didn’t want her to suffer that way.

Frieren is practically immortal, and she’s never actually felt anything close to love before she met Himmel. He didn’t see the point of confessing his feelings to her. So he decided to do something else with his love: show it to Frieren instead of talking about it.

He didn’t want to make her life more difficult

Himmel understood that Frieren didn’t need a confession, she needed to learn how to feel love and be loved. That’s why he decided to sacrifice any chance of them being together for the sake of Frieren’s happiness.

The best thing Himmel could do was to give Frieren all his love and affection without asking for anything in return. It must have been painful for him in one way or another, but he couldn’t afford to be selfish, he wanted the best for her.

Himmel knew that the only thing he could give Frieren was his care and a couple of good memories to remember him by after his death. And the fact that it was enough for him, as long as Frieren was comfortable, is incredible.

And does it in a beautiful way.


  • Himmel never confessed his feelings to Frieren.
  • It’s not because he was afraid or wanted to give up on loving her.
  • Himmel was incredibly selfless in doing so.

It seems that Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) has something to offer to anyone no matter what it is they’re looking for in a series. It has an incredible world, engaging story, calm slice-of-life moments, great action, likable characters, and much more.

But one of the things we love it so much for is how the series explores the topic of love.

Himmel and Frieren never had any future

Frieren Handles Theme of Love in a Unique Way You Wouldn't Think of - image 1

Himmel and Frieren were never meant to have their happily ever after romance-wise. Such love was doomed straight from the beginning because Frieren can live for thousands of years, and Himmel is a regular human being.

But people can’t always control what they’re feeling, and Himmel fell for Frieren anyway. However, the way he handled these feelings is incredibly unique and so selfless that you would rarely find it anywhere else.

Himmel loved Frieren, and this doesn’t need any proof, the series made it more than obvious. Still, he never openly admits it and doesn’t tell Frieren about his affections.

The fact that he never confessed his love for Frieren is not a sign of him giving up, it’s a sign of his great respect. Himmel was well aware that trying to pursue Frieren and make her love him back was out of the question.

Frieren Handles Theme of Love in a Unique Way You Wouldn't Think of - image 2

He knew that if they were to form a bond and become a couple, Frieren would have to outlive him and experience his death. He didn’t want her to suffer that way.

Frieren is practically immortal, and she’s never actually felt anything close to love before she met Himmel. He didn’t see the point of confessing his feelings to her. So he decided to do something else with his love: show it to Frieren instead of talking about it.

He didn’t want to make her life more difficult

Himmel understood that Frieren didn’t need a confession, she needed to learn how to feel love and be loved. That’s why he decided to sacrifice any chance of them being together for the sake of Frieren’s happiness.

The best thing Himmel could do was to give Frieren all his love and affection without asking for anything in return. It must have been painful for him in one way or another, but he couldn’t afford to be selfish, he wanted the best for her.

Himmel knew that the only thing he could give Frieren was his care and a couple of good memories to remember him by after his death. And the fact that it was enough for him, as long as Frieren was comfortable, is incredible.