
Fujimoto Is Really Good At Writing Female Characters, And Here’s Why

Fujimoto Is Really Good At Writing Female Characters, And Here’s Why

Let’s look at some female characters written by the author of Chainsaw Man.

Female characters are the subject of countless heated discussions in all types of media, and anime is no exception. Anime and video games portrayal of female characters has received a lot of criticism for sexualization and lack of depth since these types of media used to be male-dominated and therefore had content created mostly for boys. Nowadays, more and more girls are getting into anime, and if you find out more information about your favorite anime content creator, there’s a high chance that it will turn out to be a girl. Since girls are now an inseparable part of all anime fandoms, the demand for well-written female characters in anime is increasing. And it looks like Fujimoto has got your back when it comes to this.

Makima and Power are two most noticeable female characters in Season 1 of Chainsaw Man. We will not talk about any further events in the series so as not to give away any manga spoilers, so let’s just focus on the anime.

First of all, we should start with the main reasons for so many female characters being shallow and uninteresting: sexualization and lack of personality. A large number of girls in anime take on the role of being the main protagonist’s love interest, and they’re in the story just to support him and look pretty while doing so.

Makima and Power might be sexualized, but it’s impossible to say that they’re just some shallow dolls unable to impress when there’s no male figure next to them. Moreover, they are perfectly aware of their sexuality and they use it to get what they want, they both manipulate Denji with it and use it to their advantage. Makima’s calm demeanor, her power and intelligence make her stand out from other characters in the series. She’s also the leader of the Devil Hunters.

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Power can be described as a vivid and crazy hurricane. While being childish and self-motivated, she possesses great power and self-confidence. She enjoys the adrenaline she gets from a fight and she’s always eager to show her superiority. She’s nothing like Makima, which shows that Fujimoto is capable of showing completely different, yet outstanding female characters instead of providing only one typical hero-like warrior.

Himeno is another good example of a well-written female character. Caring nature and stern side are combined in her personality. She is a true professional: she can stay calm and logical no matter what, and she fights until the very end.

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Speaking of good female characters written by Fujimoto, fans also mention Judah from the Fire Punch manga ( ), who was the leader of the Behemdolg Army. A cold and cynical woman being the leader of an army sounds like something you don't see very often, doesn’t it?

And all of these are just some of the impressive female characters written by Fujimoto. As we can see, they all are not only interesting, but also different, which shows us that the author can offer us a wide variety of fascinating girls.

Let’s look at some female characters written by the author of Chainsaw Man.

Female characters are the subject of countless heated discussions in all types of media, and anime is no exception. Anime and video games portrayal of female characters has received a lot of criticism for sexualization and lack of depth since these types of media used to be male-dominated and therefore had content created mostly for boys. Nowadays, more and more girls are getting into anime, and if you find out more information about your favorite anime content creator, there’s a high chance that it will turn out to be a girl. Since girls are now an inseparable part of all anime fandoms, the demand for well-written female characters in anime is increasing. And it looks like Fujimoto has got your back when it comes to this.

Makima and Power are two most noticeable female characters in Season 1 of Chainsaw Man. We will not talk about any further events in the series so as not to give away any manga spoilers, so let’s just focus on the anime.

First of all, we should start with the main reasons for so many female characters being shallow and uninteresting: sexualization and lack of personality. A large number of girls in anime take on the role of being the main protagonist’s love interest, and they’re in the story just to support him and look pretty while doing so.

Makima and Power might be sexualized, but it’s impossible to say that they’re just some shallow dolls unable to impress when there’s no male figure next to them. Moreover, they are perfectly aware of their sexuality and they use it to get what they want, they both manipulate Denji with it and use it to their advantage. Makima’s calm demeanor, her power and intelligence make her stand out from other characters in the series. She’s also the leader of the Devil Hunters.

Fujimoto Is Really Good At Writing Female Characters, And Here’s Why - image 1

Power can be described as a vivid and crazy hurricane. While being childish and self-motivated, she possesses great power and self-confidence. She enjoys the adrenaline she gets from a fight and she’s always eager to show her superiority. She’s nothing like Makima, which shows that Fujimoto is capable of showing completely different, yet outstanding female characters instead of providing only one typical hero-like warrior.

Himeno is another good example of a well-written female character. Caring nature and stern side are combined in her personality. She is a true professional: she can stay calm and logical no matter what, and she fights until the very end.

Fujimoto Is Really Good At Writing Female Characters, And Here’s Why - image 2

Speaking of good female characters written by Fujimoto, fans also mention Judah from the Fire Punch manga ( ), who was the leader of the Behemdolg Army. A cold and cynical woman being the leader of an army sounds like something you don't see very often, doesn’t it?

And all of these are just some of the impressive female characters written by Fujimoto. As we can see, they all are not only interesting, but also different, which shows us that the author can offer us a wide variety of fascinating girls.