
Happy Ending Is Not the Only Option for Jujutsu Kaisen Finale

Happy Ending Is Not the Only Option for Jujutsu Kaisen Finale

What if the good guys aren’t meant to win?

Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!


  • The finale of Jujutsu Kaisen has two major options: Sukuna wins and Sukuna loses.
  • Everyone thinks a happy ending is coming, but it might not be true.
  • Sukuna is so overpowered for a reason.

Jujutsu Kaisen is said to be finished this year, so we’re extremely close to the series finale. We’re in the final battle with Sukuna, and there seem to be only two possible options for the ending: sorcerers win and stop Sukuna or Sukuna wins and annihilates the “good guys.”

We’re used to seeing villains defeated in shounen series, and Sukuna was right there from the beginning, introduced as the main villain of the manga. So it’s natural to assume that he will lose in the finale and sorcerers will become victorious. But what if it’s not true?

There’s a chance Sukuna will win

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The last dozen chapters show us how strong Sukuna really is. There’s no one who can even get close to his level of power. Gojo was our only hope, since he’s the strongest sorcerer out there, but even he fell at the hands of Sukuna. If Gojo couldn’t do it, can anyone really?

Even now, after the Chapter 255 leaks, that say Sukuna is significantly weakened, he seems the most powerful character in the series. And fans are already making bets on how long it will be until we see Miguel and Larue defeated and dead.

There doesn’t seem to be a way out for the sorcerers in this battle, and manga readers keep waiting for some magic to happen and give the good guys the upper hand. But what if it’s not meant to be?

Jujutsu Kaisen finale

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Gege Akutami once mentioned that he knew the ending for Yuji and Megumi long ago, but he didn’t say he knew Sukuna’s ending as well. It’s natural to suggest that he might have wanted Yuji and Megumi to survive and become great sorcerers, but there’s also a chance that their fates were supposed to be death.

That’s why he allowed Sukuna to take over Megumi’s body and that’s why Sukuna is so powerful that no one seems to be capable of defeating him. Because no one is supposed to, Sukuna will win.

Moreover, if the story doesn’t end with sorcerers winning, it will be possible to write a sequel. Jujutsu Kaisen 2 might show us the horrors of Sukuna’s reign and new characters trying to defeat him this time.

Fans don’t believe that

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Although a bad ending is always an option, a large number of fans stand by it: Jujutsu Kaisen will have a happy ending, or a bittersweet one at least. They expect something like JJK 0, where Yuta and Rika managed to defeat evil with the power of love.

If Jujutsu Kaisen ends with Sukuna’s victory, the series will lose a big part of its meaning. It’s a story about never giving up and about personal journeys and tragedies. And a bad ending will render all of that meaningless.

Which ending do you prefer?

What if the good guys aren’t meant to win?

Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers ahead!


  • The finale of Jujutsu Kaisen has two major options: Sukuna wins and Sukuna loses.
  • Everyone thinks a happy ending is coming, but it might not be true.
  • Sukuna is so overpowered for a reason.

Jujutsu Kaisen is said to be finished this year, so we’re extremely close to the series finale. We’re in the final battle with Sukuna, and there seem to be only two possible options for the ending: sorcerers win and stop Sukuna or Sukuna wins and annihilates the “good guys.”

We’re used to seeing villains defeated in shounen series, and Sukuna was right there from the beginning, introduced as the main villain of the manga. So it’s natural to assume that he will lose in the finale and sorcerers will become victorious. But what if it’s not true?

There’s a chance Sukuna will win

Happy Ending Is Not the Only Option for Jujutsu Kaisen Finale - image 1

The last dozen chapters show us how strong Sukuna really is. There’s no one who can even get close to his level of power. Gojo was our only hope, since he’s the strongest sorcerer out there, but even he fell at the hands of Sukuna. If Gojo couldn’t do it, can anyone really?

Even now, after the Chapter 255 leaks, that say Sukuna is significantly weakened, he seems the most powerful character in the series. And fans are already making bets on how long it will be until we see Miguel and Larue defeated and dead.

There doesn’t seem to be a way out for the sorcerers in this battle, and manga readers keep waiting for some magic to happen and give the good guys the upper hand. But what if it’s not meant to be?

Jujutsu Kaisen finale

Happy Ending Is Not the Only Option for Jujutsu Kaisen Finale - image 2

Gege Akutami once mentioned that he knew the ending for Yuji and Megumi long ago, but he didn’t say he knew Sukuna’s ending as well. It’s natural to suggest that he might have wanted Yuji and Megumi to survive and become great sorcerers, but there’s also a chance that their fates were supposed to be death.

That’s why he allowed Sukuna to take over Megumi’s body and that’s why Sukuna is so powerful that no one seems to be capable of defeating him. Because no one is supposed to, Sukuna will win.

Moreover, if the story doesn’t end with sorcerers winning, it will be possible to write a sequel. Jujutsu Kaisen 2 might show us the horrors of Sukuna’s reign and new characters trying to defeat him this time.

Fans don’t believe that

Happy Ending Is Not the Only Option for Jujutsu Kaisen Finale - image 3

Although a bad ending is always an option, a large number of fans stand by it: Jujutsu Kaisen will have a happy ending, or a bittersweet one at least. They expect something like JJK 0, where Yuta and Rika managed to defeat evil with the power of love.

If Jujutsu Kaisen ends with Sukuna’s victory, the series will lose a big part of its meaning. It’s a story about never giving up and about personal journeys and tragedies. And a bad ending will render all of that meaningless.

Which ending do you prefer?