
Hot Take: Studio Ghibli Movies Are Better for Kids Than Modern Disney

Hot Take: Studio Ghibli Movies Are Better for Kids Than Modern Disney

“Modern” is the most crucial word here, though.


  • Modern Disney movies raise concerns among certain audiences.
  • The company used to produce the greatest animated films.
  • There are too many Disney remakes and sequels now.
  • Studio Ghibli projects remain educational and of high quality.

If you’re a parent or an older sibling, there always comes a moment when you want to watch something with a kid. And with this moment comes a big question: what is the best thing to watch?

When people think of movies for kids, it’s natural to think of cartoons, and for some reason, anime is rarely the first choice. We can partially understand that, as anime is notorious for being weird and gory at times, but we all know that there are exceptions, and Studio Ghibli movies are one of those exceptions.

Disney used to be much greater

Of course, Disney is this big and famous for a reason, the company has dozens of world-beloved franchises, their cartoons have made so many kids fall in love with them, they’re beautiful, endearing and educational. So it’s obvious that they would be the first choice for so many parents.

However, Disney has undergone some significant changes in recent years, and a lot of people, especially the more conservative ones, agree that there’s nothing worth paying attention to anymore.

Disney’s projects have become similar to each other, they keep promoting the same messages, they are getting more and more politicized. On top of that, the company has lost its creativity: it’s stuck in the world of sequels and remakes, trying to play on the sense of nostalgia.

It feels like this once-great company that brought us such masterpieces as Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Frozen cannot offer anything exciting anymore, so it’s time to move on to something else. And Studio Ghibli movies are one of the best choices out there.

Studio Ghibli retains its magic

Studio Ghibli stays consistent with the quality and the messages they’re trying to promote. Their movies are always educational, they make children think and show them how to be strong, brave and independent. And best of all, they never lose their magic.

Moreover, fans think that Studio Ghibli’s films feel more real while still being entertaining for kids. They are not afraid to explore serious themes such as trauma, loss and death, the meaning of life, while not overwhelming the young audience.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preferences. As we’ve said, Disney gave us a lot of masterpieces and some of the best animated movies out there. Fans are just unsure about the future of the company, as its projects are becoming more and more lifeless.

“Modern” is the most crucial word here, though.


  • Modern Disney movies raise concerns among certain audiences.
  • The company used to produce the greatest animated films.
  • There are too many Disney remakes and sequels now.
  • Studio Ghibli projects remain educational and of high quality.

If you’re a parent or an older sibling, there always comes a moment when you want to watch something with a kid. And with this moment comes a big question: what is the best thing to watch?

When people think of movies for kids, it’s natural to think of cartoons, and for some reason, anime is rarely the first choice. We can partially understand that, as anime is notorious for being weird and gory at times, but we all know that there are exceptions, and Studio Ghibli movies are one of those exceptions.

Disney used to be much greater

Of course, Disney is this big and famous for a reason, the company has dozens of world-beloved franchises, their cartoons have made so many kids fall in love with them, they’re beautiful, endearing and educational. So it’s obvious that they would be the first choice for so many parents.

However, Disney has undergone some significant changes in recent years, and a lot of people, especially the more conservative ones, agree that there’s nothing worth paying attention to anymore.

Disney’s projects have become similar to each other, they keep promoting the same messages, they are getting more and more politicized. On top of that, the company has lost its creativity: it’s stuck in the world of sequels and remakes, trying to play on the sense of nostalgia.

It feels like this once-great company that brought us such masterpieces as Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Frozen cannot offer anything exciting anymore, so it’s time to move on to something else. And Studio Ghibli movies are one of the best choices out there.

Studio Ghibli retains its magic

Studio Ghibli stays consistent with the quality and the messages they’re trying to promote. Their movies are always educational, they make children think and show them how to be strong, brave and independent. And best of all, they never lose their magic.

Moreover, fans think that Studio Ghibli’s films feel more real while still being entertaining for kids. They are not afraid to explore serious themes such as trauma, loss and death, the meaning of life, while not overwhelming the young audience.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preferences. As we’ve said, Disney gave us a lot of masterpieces and some of the best animated movies out there. Fans are just unsure about the future of the company, as its projects are becoming more and more lifeless.