
How 7th Time Loop Offers a Unique Look at Reincarnation

How 7th Time Loop Offers a Unique Look at Reincarnation

The series deserves more recognition.


  • 7th Time Loop is a series about being reborn.
  • Rishe is different from other reincarnation series protagonists.
  • Rishe still struggles with new things and always chooses a different route.

Although the main theme of 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy is not reincarnation itself, but romance, the series doesn’t let us forget that Rishe is not living her life for the first time.

Viewers can see and feel Rishe’s experience in everything she does, even in the way she talks. Rishe has already shown us her maid and gardening experience, and we can’t wait to see what else she has to offer. She keeps surprising both the viewers and her fiance, Arnold.

Most of the time, when you see a character in a similar situation, they’re also trying to fix certain aspects of their lives, might it be death (their own or someone else’s), an accident or other unfortunate events.

Rishe is also like that in a way, since her main goal is to stop the war from happening and thus save her life. But still, 7th Time Loop gives another perspective on the reincarnation trope.

She still struggles and learns

Despite being incredibly skilled due to her past lives, Rishe still struggles a lot with various situations. She can’t get Tully to accept her deal right away, she has to come up with a plan to earn his trust and loyalty. She seems to lack cooking skills and knowledge about the city she’s currently living in and its politics.

Rishe keeps learning new things all the time. And they might be both connected to her main goal (like politics) or mostly irrelevant to it (like the aforementioned cooking skills, for example).

So Rishe is not just trying to achieve her final goal and live happily ever after. She is trying to use this new time that she’s given to also become a better person. Even though a lot of fans agree that she doesn’t even need that, since she’s already extremely close to perfection.

Rishe’s lives are never the same

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Another interesting thing is that all of her lives differ, they don’t follow the same script. It’s not like most reincarnation series where the protagonist is trying to alter minor details that might have led to the unfortunate conclusion in their previous lives.

Rishe tries a completely different route each time, and she seems to be enjoying leading all these contrasting lives. She’s not afraid of new struggles, that’s why she can improvise. And this is what makes her different from other reincarnation series characters.

The series deserves more recognition.


  • 7th Time Loop is a series about being reborn.
  • Rishe is different from other reincarnation series protagonists.
  • Rishe still struggles with new things and always chooses a different route.

Although the main theme of 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy is not reincarnation itself, but romance, the series doesn’t let us forget that Rishe is not living her life for the first time.

Viewers can see and feel Rishe’s experience in everything she does, even in the way she talks. Rishe has already shown us her maid and gardening experience, and we can’t wait to see what else she has to offer. She keeps surprising both the viewers and her fiance, Arnold.

Most of the time, when you see a character in a similar situation, they’re also trying to fix certain aspects of their lives, might it be death (their own or someone else’s), an accident or other unfortunate events.

Rishe is also like that in a way, since her main goal is to stop the war from happening and thus save her life. But still, 7th Time Loop gives another perspective on the reincarnation trope.

She still struggles and learns

Despite being incredibly skilled due to her past lives, Rishe still struggles a lot with various situations. She can’t get Tully to accept her deal right away, she has to come up with a plan to earn his trust and loyalty. She seems to lack cooking skills and knowledge about the city she’s currently living in and its politics.

Rishe keeps learning new things all the time. And they might be both connected to her main goal (like politics) or mostly irrelevant to it (like the aforementioned cooking skills, for example).

So Rishe is not just trying to achieve her final goal and live happily ever after. She is trying to use this new time that she’s given to also become a better person. Even though a lot of fans agree that she doesn’t even need that, since she’s already extremely close to perfection.

Rishe’s lives are never the same

How 7th Time Loop Offers a Unique Look at Reincarnation - image 1

Another interesting thing is that all of her lives differ, they don’t follow the same script. It’s not like most reincarnation series where the protagonist is trying to alter minor details that might have led to the unfortunate conclusion in their previous lives.

Rishe tries a completely different route each time, and she seems to be enjoying leading all these contrasting lives. She’s not afraid of new struggles, that’s why she can improvise. And this is what makes her different from other reincarnation series characters.