
How Attack on Titan’s Ending Expectations Made Anime-Onlys Enjoy It More

How Attack on Titan’s Ending Expectations Made Anime-Onlys Enjoy It More

Did you manage to avoid spoilers?

Attack on Titan spoilers ahead!


  • The Attack on Titan manga finale caused a lot of controversy.
  • Ending haters lowered the expectations about the finale for anime-onlys.
  • This led to them enjoying the finale more.

The Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale was one of the most talked-about things in the animanga world back in 2021 when it was first released. As expected from something as huge as Attack on Titan, it attracted a lot of attention and the expectations were high. Unfortunately, the finale didn’t manage to meet all of them, which is not surprising since it’s never that simple. But how did the manga controversy affect the experience of anime only viewers? Let’s discuss!

The fandom was unhappy with the manga finale

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When the manga ending was revealed, it felt like no one truly enjoyed it. Okay, that’s a hyperbole, of course, but the outrage was strong, and there were countless debates and Twitter threads pointing out every tiny detail that wasn’t perfect.

The famous Eren panel where he’s breaking down over Mikasa finding another man has been named one of the worst manga panels ever so many times, that you can’t even look at it anymore. The memes have been good, though, we can’t deny it.

Anime-onlys couldn’t fully understand the outrage, of course, but it doesn’t mean that they didn’t notice it. Some couldn’t avoid a couple of spoilers, some got only the “emotional spoilers” and knew that the ending was bad. But everyone understood that there was something wrong with the finale and they started getting ready for the worst.

Low expectations are good sometimes

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And, ironically, this is what made their experience only better. When you hear about the ending being absolutely horrible and Eren crying pathetically in it, you have a particular picture in your head. But then you actually watch the series, and… everything is not that bad? You realize that Eren just had to show his emotions one last time. And you’ve heard about Eremika so many times already that they don’t bother you that much anymore. Something that would make you completely annoyed if you were a manga reader lost its surprise factor and with it, half of the “annoyability”.

The animation, production and music are also very powerful elements of the anime. Even the most devoted ending haters had to admit that all of that made the finale much better. And it’s even pointless to say that it had a bigger impact on the anime-onlys.

And we can’t forget the ones who just… actually liked the ending. They would’ve enjoyed it even if they hadn’t watched the entire fandom fight over the finale. But these fights might have lowered their expectations a bit, which only made them love the ending more.

Did you manage to avoid spoilers?

Attack on Titan spoilers ahead!


  • The Attack on Titan manga finale caused a lot of controversy.
  • Ending haters lowered the expectations about the finale for anime-onlys.
  • This led to them enjoying the finale more.

The Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale was one of the most talked-about things in the animanga world back in 2021 when it was first released. As expected from something as huge as Attack on Titan, it attracted a lot of attention and the expectations were high. Unfortunately, the finale didn’t manage to meet all of them, which is not surprising since it’s never that simple. But how did the manga controversy affect the experience of anime only viewers? Let’s discuss!

The fandom was unhappy with the manga finale

How Attack on Titan’s Ending Expectations Made Anime-Onlys Enjoy It More - image 1

When the manga ending was revealed, it felt like no one truly enjoyed it. Okay, that’s a hyperbole, of course, but the outrage was strong, and there were countless debates and Twitter threads pointing out every tiny detail that wasn’t perfect.

The famous Eren panel where he’s breaking down over Mikasa finding another man has been named one of the worst manga panels ever so many times, that you can’t even look at it anymore. The memes have been good, though, we can’t deny it.

Anime-onlys couldn’t fully understand the outrage, of course, but it doesn’t mean that they didn’t notice it. Some couldn’t avoid a couple of spoilers, some got only the “emotional spoilers” and knew that the ending was bad. But everyone understood that there was something wrong with the finale and they started getting ready for the worst.

Low expectations are good sometimes

How Attack on Titan’s Ending Expectations Made Anime-Onlys Enjoy It More - image 2

And, ironically, this is what made their experience only better. When you hear about the ending being absolutely horrible and Eren crying pathetically in it, you have a particular picture in your head. But then you actually watch the series, and… everything is not that bad? You realize that Eren just had to show his emotions one last time. And you’ve heard about Eremika so many times already that they don’t bother you that much anymore. Something that would make you completely annoyed if you were a manga reader lost its surprise factor and with it, half of the “annoyability”.

The animation, production and music are also very powerful elements of the anime. Even the most devoted ending haters had to admit that all of that made the finale much better. And it’s even pointless to say that it had a bigger impact on the anime-onlys.

And we can’t forget the ones who just… actually liked the ending. They would’ve enjoyed it even if they hadn’t watched the entire fandom fight over the finale. But these fights might have lowered their expectations a bit, which only made them love the ending more.