
Interesting Detail in Kaiju No. 8 You Might Have Missed

Interesting Detail in Kaiju No. 8 You Might Have Missed

Anime loves playing with numbers.


  • In Episode 2, Kikoru mentioned that 5 was her lucky number.
  • Number 5 appears multiple times throughout Episode 3.
  • Fans absolutely loved this tiny detail.

Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijuu 8-gou) keeps airing and surprising viewers with its incredible quality. Episode 3 was released on April 27 and showed Kafka's training to become a member of the Defense Force.

Kikoru's Lucky Number

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In the previous episode that aired on April 20, Kafka and Reno went to the Defense Force facility to start their training. Kafka parked the car at the spot #55, which led to a hilarious situation with Kikoru.

The girl asked the man to move his car because she couldn't park hers. The parking lot was almost empty, but she explained that 5 was her lucky number, that's why she wanted that exact spot. They got into a small fight, which resulted in Kikoru grabbing Kafka's car and throwing it off the parking spot.

Fans have noticed a very interesting detail in Episode 3 of the series: number 5 was following Kikoru throughout the entire episode.

Number 5 Is Everywhere

All the trainees had to take a physical training test, and Kikoru's result was 5th. Fans wonder if she did that on purpose because she's definitely the best soldier we saw in the episode. Which means she had to be number one, but she wasn't.

Kikoru does look like a superhuman, so it's fair to suggest that she could've taken any place she wanted. It couldn't have been just a coincidence that she came 5th. Imagine what would have happened if her lucky number was, say, 30.

Moreover, all the trainees had numbers on their T-shirts, and Kikoru's one was 23, which has nothing to do with 5 at first sight. But if you add 2+3, you get 5, and fans think it was also done intentionally. But wait, there's more.

When the Vice-Commander of the Defense Force, Soushirou, was opening the arena for the trainees, he entered a number on a keypad. And fans have also noticed that the number started and ended with 5.

We don't know if it was also a deeper meaning sign, but fans found this detail interesting, too. After all, Kikoru absolutely dominated everyone in the arena by effortlessly killing several kaiju. Could it have been that her luck had something to do with the arena passcode?

Fans really loved such attention to detail in Kaiju No. 8. It's always nice when series leave tiny clues or Easter eggs for viewers, and they truly appreciate it.

Anime loves playing with numbers.


  • In Episode 2, Kikoru mentioned that 5 was her lucky number.
  • Number 5 appears multiple times throughout Episode 3.
  • Fans absolutely loved this tiny detail.

Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijuu 8-gou) keeps airing and surprising viewers with its incredible quality. Episode 3 was released on April 27 and showed Kafka's training to become a member of the Defense Force.

Kikoru's Lucky Number

Interesting Detail in Kaiju No. 8 You Might Have Missed - image 1

In the previous episode that aired on April 20, Kafka and Reno went to the Defense Force facility to start their training. Kafka parked the car at the spot #55, which led to a hilarious situation with Kikoru.

The girl asked the man to move his car because she couldn't park hers. The parking lot was almost empty, but she explained that 5 was her lucky number, that's why she wanted that exact spot. They got into a small fight, which resulted in Kikoru grabbing Kafka's car and throwing it off the parking spot.

Fans have noticed a very interesting detail in Episode 3 of the series: number 5 was following Kikoru throughout the entire episode.

Number 5 Is Everywhere

All the trainees had to take a physical training test, and Kikoru's result was 5th. Fans wonder if she did that on purpose because she's definitely the best soldier we saw in the episode. Which means she had to be number one, but she wasn't.

Kikoru does look like a superhuman, so it's fair to suggest that she could've taken any place she wanted. It couldn't have been just a coincidence that she came 5th. Imagine what would have happened if her lucky number was, say, 30.

Moreover, all the trainees had numbers on their T-shirts, and Kikoru's one was 23, which has nothing to do with 5 at first sight. But if you add 2+3, you get 5, and fans think it was also done intentionally. But wait, there's more.

When the Vice-Commander of the Defense Force, Soushirou, was opening the arena for the trainees, he entered a number on a keypad. And fans have also noticed that the number started and ended with 5.

We don't know if it was also a deeper meaning sign, but fans found this detail interesting, too. After all, Kikoru absolutely dominated everyone in the arena by effortlessly killing several kaiju. Could it have been that her luck had something to do with the arena passcode?

Fans really loved such attention to detail in Kaiju No. 8. It's always nice when series leave tiny clues or Easter eggs for viewers, and they truly appreciate it.