
Is Frieren’s Life Too Long to Realize Himmel’s Feelings?

Is Frieren’s Life Too Long to Realize Himmel’s Feelings?

She still needs more time.


  • Episode 14 drops huge hints at the fact that Himmel loved Frieren.
  • She couldn’t reciprocate because she doesn’t perceive time and bonds the same way.
  • This is the point of the story, and the reason why she decides to reevaluate her existence.

The hints at something going on between Frieren and Himmel have been in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) all along, but Episode 14 left no room for doubts: they were definitely something more to each other than just a couple of party members. Although we don’t really know the true depth of Frieren’s feelings, the series drops huge hints that Himmel loved the elven mage a lot.

Himmel loved Frieren

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After their party’s success Himmel buys Frieren a ring, and if you were to see this scene out of context without watching the episode, you’d definitely think that he’s proposing to the girl. He drops down on one knee and puts the ring on her finger. But the reality is not so cheerful. It’s just a present, not a proposal. At least this is how Frieren perceives it.

We’ve previously discussed their love story or whatever we can call the relationship between them, but we’d like to expand on that. Frieren’s life is incredibly long. The time that she spent with Himmel and other members of her party felt like a mere moment to her. What are 10 years for somebody who can live for thousands of them, after all? It’s not enough to form true bonds, it’s not enough to fall in love. Not for a creature like Frieren.

Do you think Frieren loved Himmel back?

Himmel is the core of Frieren’s journey to understand humans

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And this is the entire point of the series. Frieren has been living for so long that she stopped feeling attachments and seeing people’s feelings. This doesn’t mean that she’s become an emotionless doll not capable of caring for someone, but it means that her feelings are not the same as humans’.

So the ten years she spent with Himmel didn’t affect Frieren much until she saw him die. This is when she decides that she has to reevaluate human bonds and her relationships with other people. We don’t think that she truly loved Himmel in a romantic way, but we have a feeling that she cared about him a lot. She couldn’t possibly realize that he was in love since the idea that it was possible didn’t even cross her mind.

That’s why it’s so important that she’s learning to experience human emotions after all this time now. This is how she will get the chance to understand what Himmel felt for her. In some way, this is a Violet Evergarden situation, when a girl has to understand what real love means only after the death of the man who loved her. And this journey is still going for Frieren, she just needs more time.

She still needs more time.


  • Episode 14 drops huge hints at the fact that Himmel loved Frieren.
  • She couldn’t reciprocate because she doesn’t perceive time and bonds the same way.
  • This is the point of the story, and the reason why she decides to reevaluate her existence.

The hints at something going on between Frieren and Himmel have been in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) all along, but Episode 14 left no room for doubts: they were definitely something more to each other than just a couple of party members. Although we don’t really know the true depth of Frieren’s feelings, the series drops huge hints that Himmel loved the elven mage a lot.

Himmel loved Frieren

Is Frieren’s Life Too Long to Realize Himmel’s Feelings? - image 1

After their party’s success Himmel buys Frieren a ring, and if you were to see this scene out of context without watching the episode, you’d definitely think that he’s proposing to the girl. He drops down on one knee and puts the ring on her finger. But the reality is not so cheerful. It’s just a present, not a proposal. At least this is how Frieren perceives it.

We’ve previously discussed their love story or whatever we can call the relationship between them, but we’d like to expand on that. Frieren’s life is incredibly long. The time that she spent with Himmel and other members of her party felt like a mere moment to her. What are 10 years for somebody who can live for thousands of them, after all? It’s not enough to form true bonds, it’s not enough to fall in love. Not for a creature like Frieren.

Do you think Frieren loved Himmel back?

Himmel is the core of Frieren’s journey to understand humans

Is Frieren’s Life Too Long to Realize Himmel’s Feelings? - image 2

And this is the entire point of the series. Frieren has been living for so long that she stopped feeling attachments and seeing people’s feelings. This doesn’t mean that she’s become an emotionless doll not capable of caring for someone, but it means that her feelings are not the same as humans’.

So the ten years she spent with Himmel didn’t affect Frieren much until she saw him die. This is when she decides that she has to reevaluate human bonds and her relationships with other people. We don’t think that she truly loved Himmel in a romantic way, but we have a feeling that she cared about him a lot. She couldn’t possibly realize that he was in love since the idea that it was possible didn’t even cross her mind.

That’s why it’s so important that she’s learning to experience human emotions after all this time now. This is how she will get the chance to understand what Himmel felt for her. In some way, this is a Violet Evergarden situation, when a girl has to understand what real love means only after the death of the man who loved her. And this journey is still going for Frieren, she just needs more time.