
It’s Probably Time to Stop Sexualizing Demon Slayer’s Nezuko

It’s Probably Time to Stop Sexualizing Demon Slayer’s Nezuko

A little girl or just a fictional character?


  • Demon Slayer’s Nezuko gets sexualized in the fandom a lot.
  • A number of fans find it gross and inappropriate.
  • There’s a line between fiction and reality, but fans still find it weird.

Sexualized female characters are frequently discussed in all of social media. While some see nothing wrong with that and say that a little fanservice has never hurt anyone, others are furious. And their outrage grows even bigger when the sexualization involves little girls. And this is exactly the case with Nezuko from the Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) series.

The author of the series is not the main problem

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We have to admit that the main target of all the rage is not the anime itself, although it doesn’t shy away from sexualizing Nezuko, either. Fans take issue with the way the fandom treats this character. Hundreds of fanarts and questionable takes that lead to the girl being fetishized are called outright nasty by the fans.

This all comes back to the infinite battle between proshippers and antis. One team suggests that fiction and reality must have a proper distinction, while others think that problematic is problematic, no matter where you encounter it. But it’s not just about calling people names for drawing a horny picture, it’s about the reasons behind them drawing these arts.

Redditors have discussed this issue many times. The rules of shipping and treating characters are truly vague. And, to be honest, why do there have to be any rules for fan content? If the main problem is that Nezuko is underage, why can’t an underage boy find her hot, then?

A number of fans mention that the author herself sexualizes Nezuko, but others don’t think that it’s an appropriate reason for the fandom going to these lengths when creating their content. On top of that, they suggest that having a cleavage does not equal being sexualized, and people should stop treating all parts of the female body as sexual objects.

Grown-up men shouldn’t think of Nezuko this way

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Even a number of proshippers that don’t see anything wrong with sexualizing and treating fictional characters like, well, fictional, suggest that doing this to Nezuko is a bit too much. Her young age is something that draws the line for them, so they find it weird to perceive her as a sexual object. Especially if it’s done by grown-up men.

Reddit users are getting so tired of seeing Nezuko this way that they’ve created a special “wholesome Nezuko” subreddit, where one of the rules specifically states that no sexualization is allowed. So if you’re among the ones who’re infuriated and grossed out by the state of the fandom right now, you might want to check it out.

A little girl or just a fictional character?


  • Demon Slayer’s Nezuko gets sexualized in the fandom a lot.
  • A number of fans find it gross and inappropriate.
  • There’s a line between fiction and reality, but fans still find it weird.

Sexualized female characters are frequently discussed in all of social media. While some see nothing wrong with that and say that a little fanservice has never hurt anyone, others are furious. And their outrage grows even bigger when the sexualization involves little girls. And this is exactly the case with Nezuko from the Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) series.

The author of the series is not the main problem

It’s Probably Time to Stop Sexualizing Demon Slayer’s Nezuko - image 1

We have to admit that the main target of all the rage is not the anime itself, although it doesn’t shy away from sexualizing Nezuko, either. Fans take issue with the way the fandom treats this character. Hundreds of fanarts and questionable takes that lead to the girl being fetishized are called outright nasty by the fans.

This all comes back to the infinite battle between proshippers and antis. One team suggests that fiction and reality must have a proper distinction, while others think that problematic is problematic, no matter where you encounter it. But it’s not just about calling people names for drawing a horny picture, it’s about the reasons behind them drawing these arts.

Redditors have discussed this issue many times. The rules of shipping and treating characters are truly vague. And, to be honest, why do there have to be any rules for fan content? If the main problem is that Nezuko is underage, why can’t an underage boy find her hot, then?

A number of fans mention that the author herself sexualizes Nezuko, but others don’t think that it’s an appropriate reason for the fandom going to these lengths when creating their content. On top of that, they suggest that having a cleavage does not equal being sexualized, and people should stop treating all parts of the female body as sexual objects.

Grown-up men shouldn’t think of Nezuko this way

It’s Probably Time to Stop Sexualizing Demon Slayer’s Nezuko - image 2

Even a number of proshippers that don’t see anything wrong with sexualizing and treating fictional characters like, well, fictional, suggest that doing this to Nezuko is a bit too much. Her young age is something that draws the line for them, so they find it weird to perceive her as a sexual object. Especially if it’s done by grown-up men.

Reddit users are getting so tired of seeing Nezuko this way that they’ve created a special “wholesome Nezuko” subreddit, where one of the rules specifically states that no sexualization is allowed. So if you’re among the ones who’re infuriated and grossed out by the state of the fandom right now, you might want to check it out.