
Jujutsu Kaisen's Current Manga Arc Would Be Terrible to Watch as Anime

Jujutsu Kaisen's Current Manga Arc Would Be Terrible to Watch as Anime

It’s already hard to read as a manga.

Spoilers ahead!


  • The current arc of Jujutsu Kaisen is already not liked by many fans.
  • It will be even worse to watch as an anime.
  • Many will probably drop it there.

The current span of chapters in Jujutsu Kaisen manga is controversial at best. Fans are incredibly unhappy — not only because most of the fan favorite characters are dead at this point, but also because the plot is going nowhere.

The last 15 or so chapters have just been people losing to Sukuna. Not only is this aggravating to read as a manga, but it’s also going to be just as terrible in anime form — and here’s why.

Imagine watching the same thing over and over for weeks

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Fans seem to believe that the manga will be fully adapted into anime at some point. As such, the adaptation will get to the current chapters and the fights against Sukuna at some point.

It’s already hard to read the manga when week after week it’s the same thing over and over again. But at least, the manga chapters can be read quickly. Now imagine the same thing in anime form.

Yes, it will probably not take three months for the anime to actually cover all of these fights. Still, at the pace the Jujutsu Kaisen manga was adapted so far, the fights will take 4 to 5 weeks to complete unless the adaptation rushes through them.

Spending 20+ minutes weekly for a month to see yet another character being pummeled by Sukuna is probably going to be infuriating for both the manga readers and the anime-only viewers.

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Anime-onlys were already unhappy with how many characters died in the Shibuya Incident Arc in the second season. The manga continues to kill off more and more characters past the anime, and at the current point, it’s simply hard to care — anime watchers will probably be mad about the current arc once they get there.

A similar thing has happened before

It also will be a chore to watch because it will essentially be watching the same thing every week. Back in 2009, many fans dropped The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) S2 because it showed eight episodes of the same time loop back to back.

Yes, they were animated from scratch entirely, but the point still stands. One might argue that the current arc of JJK is not that repetitive, but fans have less patience for these things nowadays as well.

It’s a problem of the entire genre

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Repetitiveness has been a huge problem in battle shounen in general. Series like Fairy Tail often get criticized for it, and Naruto suffers from it a lot in filler arcs, which largely follow one template. For something as fast-paced as Jujutsu Kaisen, it might be a critical turning point where fans will just stop caring.

It’s already hard to read as a manga.

Spoilers ahead!


  • The current arc of Jujutsu Kaisen is already not liked by many fans.
  • It will be even worse to watch as an anime.
  • Many will probably drop it there.

The current span of chapters in Jujutsu Kaisen manga is controversial at best. Fans are incredibly unhappy — not only because most of the fan favorite characters are dead at this point, but also because the plot is going nowhere.

The last 15 or so chapters have just been people losing to Sukuna. Not only is this aggravating to read as a manga, but it’s also going to be just as terrible in anime form — and here’s why.

Imagine watching the same thing over and over for weeks

Jujutsu Kaisen's Current Manga Arc Would Be Terrible to Watch as Anime - image 1

Fans seem to believe that the manga will be fully adapted into anime at some point. As such, the adaptation will get to the current chapters and the fights against Sukuna at some point.

It’s already hard to read the manga when week after week it’s the same thing over and over again. But at least, the manga chapters can be read quickly. Now imagine the same thing in anime form.

Yes, it will probably not take three months for the anime to actually cover all of these fights. Still, at the pace the Jujutsu Kaisen manga was adapted so far, the fights will take 4 to 5 weeks to complete unless the adaptation rushes through them.

Spending 20+ minutes weekly for a month to see yet another character being pummeled by Sukuna is probably going to be infuriating for both the manga readers and the anime-only viewers.

Jujutsu Kaisen's Current Manga Arc Would Be Terrible to Watch as Anime - image 2

Anime-onlys were already unhappy with how many characters died in the Shibuya Incident Arc in the second season. The manga continues to kill off more and more characters past the anime, and at the current point, it’s simply hard to care — anime watchers will probably be mad about the current arc once they get there.

A similar thing has happened before

It also will be a chore to watch because it will essentially be watching the same thing every week. Back in 2009, many fans dropped The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) S2 because it showed eight episodes of the same time loop back to back.

Yes, they were animated from scratch entirely, but the point still stands. One might argue that the current arc of JJK is not that repetitive, but fans have less patience for these things nowadays as well.

It’s a problem of the entire genre

Jujutsu Kaisen's Current Manga Arc Would Be Terrible to Watch as Anime - image 3

Repetitiveness has been a huge problem in battle shounen in general. Series like Fairy Tail often get criticized for it, and Naruto suffers from it a lot in filler arcs, which largely follow one template. For something as fast-paced as Jujutsu Kaisen, it might be a critical turning point where fans will just stop caring.