
Jujutsu Kaisen Should Just Allow Fans to Breathe Sometimes

Jujutsu Kaisen Should Just Allow Fans to Breathe Sometimes

Fights are cool, but what about character development?


  • Jujutsu Kaisen is a very action focused series.
  • The number of fights in the series is getting exhausting.
  • Jujutsu Kaisen needs to start giving its fans time to breathe and think.

If you’re one of those who truly enjoy a great anime battle sequence, we’re sure that Jujutsu Kaisen is your cup of tea. You can hardly find an episode of the anime where there isn’t even a teeny-tiny fight, and while they do look incredible, there comes a time when it starts to get a bit exhausting.

Pacing is one of the most important things in anime. Fights bring a lot of excitement and a feeling of danger, but character development and meaningful conversations are also crucial to form viewers’ attachments. And this is not Jujutsu Kaisen’s strongest suit.

A fight is always followed by another fight

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The Shibuya Incident Arc, along with the rest of Season 2, is a great example of that. After the Gojo and Geto flashbacks are over (which, by the way, are also packed with action) the first fights start in Episode 6 when Mechamaru battles Mahito.

The amount of action only keeps increasing. It doesn’t stop until the very end of the season, Episode 23.

Not to give away many spoilers, but if you start reading the manga after the Season 2 events, you’ll see that the series is not ready to give you a break just yet, and more action is coming your way almost instantly.

Just give us more time

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Fans feel like Jujutsu Kaisen lacks depth and character development because of that. The Shibuya Incident Arc was a rough one, and it would’ve been better to give the readers and viewers some time to breathe before and after it.

You cannot just kill off half of the cast and keep going like nothing has happened. At least give us some time to say goodbye and grieve!

Readers also crave more exploration of the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Fans have been complaining about the cursed techniques and worldbuilding for some time now. They are ready to sacrifice some fights for the sake of their questions being answered and getting more explanation.

Jujutsu Kaisen has a lot going on, and fans just need a moment to think about that. But they keep getting denied that moment and thrown into the next battle after the previous one is over. It’s exhausting. Moreover, we’re sure that it’s exhausting both for the mangaka and the fans.

Besides, our favorite characters have suffered so much that sometimes we just want to see them vibe and relax. It would provide space for character development as well as give us a couple of wholesome moments with our faves.

Fights are cool, but what about character development?


  • Jujutsu Kaisen is a very action focused series.
  • The number of fights in the series is getting exhausting.
  • Jujutsu Kaisen needs to start giving its fans time to breathe and think.

If you’re one of those who truly enjoy a great anime battle sequence, we’re sure that Jujutsu Kaisen is your cup of tea. You can hardly find an episode of the anime where there isn’t even a teeny-tiny fight, and while they do look incredible, there comes a time when it starts to get a bit exhausting.

Pacing is one of the most important things in anime. Fights bring a lot of excitement and a feeling of danger, but character development and meaningful conversations are also crucial to form viewers’ attachments. And this is not Jujutsu Kaisen’s strongest suit.

A fight is always followed by another fight

Jujutsu Kaisen Should Just Allow Fans to Breathe Sometimes - image 1

The Shibuya Incident Arc, along with the rest of Season 2, is a great example of that. After the Gojo and Geto flashbacks are over (which, by the way, are also packed with action) the first fights start in Episode 6 when Mechamaru battles Mahito.

The amount of action only keeps increasing. It doesn’t stop until the very end of the season, Episode 23.

Not to give away many spoilers, but if you start reading the manga after the Season 2 events, you’ll see that the series is not ready to give you a break just yet, and more action is coming your way almost instantly.

Just give us more time

Jujutsu Kaisen Should Just Allow Fans to Breathe Sometimes - image 2

Fans feel like Jujutsu Kaisen lacks depth and character development because of that. The Shibuya Incident Arc was a rough one, and it would’ve been better to give the readers and viewers some time to breathe before and after it.

You cannot just kill off half of the cast and keep going like nothing has happened. At least give us some time to say goodbye and grieve!

Readers also crave more exploration of the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Fans have been complaining about the cursed techniques and worldbuilding for some time now. They are ready to sacrifice some fights for the sake of their questions being answered and getting more explanation.

Jujutsu Kaisen has a lot going on, and fans just need a moment to think about that. But they keep getting denied that moment and thrown into the next battle after the previous one is over. It’s exhausting. Moreover, we’re sure that it’s exhausting both for the mangaka and the fans.

Besides, our favorite characters have suffered so much that sometimes we just want to see them vibe and relax. It would provide space for character development as well as give us a couple of wholesome moments with our faves.